Can Coaching Help Reduce Stress?
Some stress can be helpful. Too much stress may make you ill and many will be affected differently. April is Stress Awareness Month and due to the anxiety and uncertainty of 2020, it’s arguable one the most important ones since its inception 20 years ago. We all have different ways of managing it but the big question is – can coaching help reduce stress? Read on to find out.
Although we would probably be hard-pressed to find a person who doesn’t get stressed out from time to time, each of us likely has something (or someone!) that pushes our buttons and puts us into tension overload. Additionally, the restrictions put in place to tackle the pandemic have had a significant impact on our daily lives
A study conducted by The Stress Management Society and Huawei AppGalley identified that 65% of people in the UK have felt more stressed since the Covid-19 restrictions began in March 2020. Three key causes for concern are feelings of disconnection, uncertainty, and a worrying loss of control.
The survey results show that many of the stressors are examples of ‘what if…?’ thinking; things that are worst-case scenarios, are out of our control or have not happened yet. The main conclusion of this survey was that the COVD-19 restrictions left many feeling disempowered.
Most coaches will say that their mission is to empower others so it seems that there is an important overlap here. Coaching helps individuals find the answer within themselves, it helps to bridge the gap between where they currently are to where they would like to be.
A coach achieves this by, supporting and encouraging you to fulfil your potential, achieve your goals and make the most of your life, so you can see where the link is here.
So how can a coach help you reduce stress?
1. Working with a coach can help you take back control
The coaching relationship creates an environment, that allows you to take stock of what’s happening to you and allows you, to come up with ways to reclaim your sense of calm.
2. Coaching is a safe space for you to explore your thoughts – from triggers to options
Effective stress management begins with finding out exactly what the source of our stress is and find ways to diminish the source or better ways to cope.
Coaching is a safe space where you’re encouraged to explore different the reasons behind your stress and focus on how you wish to feel instead. By increasing your self-awareness and practicing some new techniques, (for example, goal setting, addressing limiting beliefs etc.) you can forge new neurological pathways in your brain, that will lead to new responses when those stress triggers arrive.
3. Find the best way forward for you
Coaching is a tailor-made approach because we are all different. We all have our own way of recognising and dealing with stress. A coach will help you figure out the right approach for you.
4. Create long-term change
Although you will see fast changes within 2-3 coaching sessions, the magic of coaching lies in its long-term effects. As the saying goes, once seen cannot be unseen, and the same applies to self-awareness.
Once you become fully aware of a behaviour or habit, you will start creating new habits and healthy behavioural patterns and will not want to go back to the old ways. Not to say this is an easy journey – there will be setbacks and your old habits will resurface again. But this time you will be aware of them. Slowly but surely, this will lead to healthy coping habits.
If you are experiencing chronic stress or your stress is accompanied by other mental health challenges, coaching might not be the best path for you.
And if you have experienced coaching, let us know – has coaching helped reduce stress in your life?
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