Confused? Wading through the murky waters of Life Coach training options?
Are you confused? I am not surprised!
Have you been told National Recognition is not important in an unregulated industry?
Have you been told Qualifications dont matter?
Have you been promised clients, a website and even a book, all written, designed and handed to you?
Have you been promised fame, fortune and the spotlight on stage?
Have you been told all levels of ICF International Accreditation are the same?
Have you been told Professional Indemnity Insurance is not important?
We have heard it all!!!
Countless phone calls and emails asking these questions. Heartbroken students that have paid money for sub-standard courses to learn they are not recognised, accredited, insurable and have not only money but most valuable….time! Wasted!!!
Do your homework….Please
What does the International Coach Federation (ICF) Accreditation mean for you?
- ACTP – ICF’s highest level of accreditation: requires a minimum of 125 Coach Specific Training Hours to be completed. We have 189 Coach Specific Training Hours in our program
- It provides a direct pathway to becoming a credentialed ICF Coach at the ACC or PCC level
- It offers the highest coaching industry credibility globally
As this industry is being regulated there are a few things you need to ensure when selecting a training provider:
- Training Organization registered with the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) Simply ask them for their RTO number. Ours is 31275.
- Ensure the program is Nationally Recognized
- use training.gov.au to investigate the program you are interested in.
- use coachfederation.org to investigate the accreditation of the program you are interested in.
Ask the prickly questions:
What is your RTO number?
Are you nationally recognised?
Do you have ICF Accreditation and at what level?
What sets you apart?
Does your course include pro-bono coaching and mentoring in the fee?
Are there hidden costs? Do I need to do more training on completion to grain ICF credentialing?
If you would like to ask us these questions or ask us what you need to know before committing to a course please call us on our Free Call Number 1800 032 151 or,
email us on info@lifecoachingacademy.edu.au or,
visit us on www.lifecoachingacademy.edu.au and request a Free Info pack