Its time to make a decision

Firstly, we want to thank you for for enquiring in our organisation and courses as we know you have done your due diligence to investigate your future coaching pathway.

As you would know to date, the waters are rather murky when it comes to Life Coaching Training options.

Free Websites, Lists of clients, free book publishing, fame & fortune, hidden assessment fees, inflated fees compared to others, internal international guilds created with no affiliation to the actual ICF, reasons why organisations have chosen not to be an RTO – RED FLAG – RED FLAG ALERT!!!!

If you are not a registered RTO, there is a very good reason for that and its not what you want hear!!!

If you are not accredited by the only global body that oversees coaching worldwide and have to create your own, there is a very good reason for that and its not what you want to hear!!!!

RTO and ICF ACTP (LVL2) providers spend enormous amounts of money and auditing time to achieve their status to hold those recognitions and accreditations.  That is what you want to hear!!!!

You immediately need to  tick 3 very important boxes.


·        The Coaching Industry in Australia is being regulated and you need to have studied a Govt approved qualification to obtain  Professional Indemnity Insurance enabling you to charge for your services as a Coach.

·        The ACTP Accreditation (LVL 2) provides you with a direct entry into the PCC Credentialing Pathway should you wish to have the option of continuous Professional

·        ICF ACTP (LVL 2) Coaches earn more and have a higher ranking with the public and business sector.

We, The Life Coaching Academy have been around for 21 years in Australia and do the hard work to ensure you get the absolute best qualification possible without false promises or worse lack of transparency.  We are global leaders in Coach training and we will guarantee that you will be transformed as an individual and better still you will transform the lives of others with a sound methodology that is endorsed and you will never be told your studies or qualification is not recognised!

If you are no longer interested in Life Coach training options or have moved onto another provider, please unsubscribe yourself as we do not want to inundate you with correspondence if you are no longer interested.  Nothing worse than pesky emails about something you are no longer interested in or have already made a decision not involving us.


We dont take it personally but we do wish you all the best on your future endeavours as we know and believe future effective, empathic and passionate coaches deserve the best training and nurturing themselves.


Look forward to hearing from you either way.

Free Call number Aus (1800 032 151)


The LCA Team