Showing 89 - 96 of 177 Coaches

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Michael Koren


Professional Life Coach

Michael’s objective is to promote and motivate people to find purpose, freedom and fulfilment in their lives using his intuition, compassion and communication skills.

“I believe that each of us already has the knowledge and inner resources to accomplish anything desired that is in harmony with our destiny or purpose in life. My unique contribution is in enabling people to unlock this from within and then have unprecedented results awaiting their discovery.”


Martha Lee


Relationships & Personal Issues , Health & Lifestyle , Spiritual


Hok Lun LI


Cert IV Life Coaching, Cert IV Training & Assessment Diploma of Management MBA Chartered Secretary

For full details of my public profile, simply search Hok Lun Li on either Linkedin or Google.


Adele Lim


Professional (LCA) Life Coach, Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Laws Master in Business Administration

Adele has had 20 years of professional work experience in private sector companies across several industries including legal, real estate, education and in the public sector for the Australian government. After working as a lawyer for several years, Adele completed her MBA in Melbourne, pursuing her interests in business and marketing. She then worked in managerial positions for companies in China, US and Australia.


Gavin Lind


Ph.D., Certificate IV in Life Coaching

As a personal success coach, I facilitate and enable people to reach their unlimited potential in any aspect they desire and want to change for the better. My collaborative coaching approach is a learning process that results in sustainable and permanent transformation about how individuals see themselves and how to access their true and unlimited potential.


Cate Lobley



When we find ourselves facing the same scenario only with different players, a variety of responses such as anger, frustration, disillusionment, confusion & resentment can be triggered.
The realization that although we’ve changed partner, job etc, the same unwelcome issues remain can cause us to wonder if there is any way to create our desired reality. My solution is working from the inside out.


Cate Lobley


LCA EFT NLP Tapping into Wealth (current)

Many people who work hard and show the outward signs of success often feel totally confused & bewildered when what they consider to be a basic part of their lives – their savings, debt or income level becomes a dirty little secret they hide form the rest of the world. While unconscious paradigms keep them repeating patterns that sabotage their most diligent efforts, they continue to strive forward only to stumble yet again as the cycle repeats itself.


Kathryn Macfarlane


M. Ling., B. Ed (Prim & Sec), Cert IV in Life Coaching

In sailing, there are different types of wind changes; oscillating breezes and persistent shifts. An oscillating breeze is one which moves backwards and forwards, while a persistent shift occurs when the wind moves progressively and constantly towards a new direction.


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