What I do
Empowering women with the tools needed to deal with every day challenges brought on by stress, anxiety, lack of confidence, relationships and work life balance.
Services: Career, Goal Setting & Self Development, Health & Lifestyle, Motivation & Time Management, Relationships & Personal Issues, Spiritual, Stress Management, Team Management
My passion is to make sustainable and lasting changes in my clients lives as they deal with the challenges of stress, anxiety, relationships, confidence and work life balance.
Seeing them transform and emopwered to take control of their lives is what drives me each and every time.
Over the course of my professional career I have worked in the recrutiment Industry, financial sector and in the health industry. This, in addition to personal life changes has providing me with the experience to become the coach I am today.
Is your stress and anxiety so debilitating that it’s taking over your life? Doesn’t it feel like you’re on a hamster wheel each time you have an anxiety attack but you don’t know how to get off it or to prevent it in the first place?
What better way to get coached then by someone that has gone through the journey and has come out the other end.
Professional Coach ICF LVL 2 Accredited
NLP Coach Practitioner
Certificate IV Life Coaching 10864 NAT
Jo Dimoska
0421 716 074
Ready to take the next step with our transformational life coach training? Get the life you desire and deserve with new qualifications and a new career in coaching for business, NLP, trauma, ADHD, mindset or wellness. Enquire today.
*The info pack includes prices, payment plans, additional information and our amazing course offers.
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