January 2016

Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Your Pres


Presentations needn’t be painful if you avoid these traps.© iStockphoto/silberkorn

Most of us have experienced dull, irrelevant, or confusing presentations. But think back to the last really great presentation you saw – one that was informative, motivating, and inspiring. Wouldn’t you love to be able to present like that?

This article looks at 10 of the most common mistakes that speakers make when giving presentations. By avoiding these, you’ll make your presentations stand out – for all of the right reasons, and none of the wrong ones.

Mistake 1: Not Preparing Enough
Steve Jobs was a famously inspiring speaker. His speeches may have looked effortless, but, in reality, each one took days or weeks of preparation.

Careful preparation is essential. The amount of time you spend on planning depends on your situation, but it’s a good idea to start early – you can never be too well-prepared.

Proper preparation also helps you manage presentation nerves . When you know your material inside and out, you’re far less likely to feel nervous. Our presentation planning checklist and Bite-Sized Training session on “Giving Better Presentations” can help you plan your next event properly.

Mistake 2: Not Familiarizing Yourself With the Venue and Equipment

Imagine that your presentation starts in an hour. You arrive at the venue and, to your horror, the projector won’t work with your laptop. The slides you spent hours preparing are useless. This is a disaster!

You can avoid a situation like this by taking time to familiarize yourself with the venue and available equipment at least once before your presentation.

Often, the sort of problems that can jeopardize your presentation will be situations beyond your control, but this doesn’t mean that you are helpless. Conduct a risk analysis to identify potential issues, and come up with a good “Plan B” for each one.

Mistake 3: Ignoring Your Audience

Sometimes, speakers can get so wrapped up in delivering their presentations that they forget about the needs of their audience.

Start your presentation by telling your audience what to expect. Let them know what you will cover first, whether and when you’ll stop for a break, if you’ll be taking questions during the presentation, and so on.

Providing these “signposts” up front will give your audience a clear idea of what to expect, so that they can relax and concentrate on your presentation.

Mistake 4: Using Inappropriate Content

The primary purpose of any presentation is to share information with others, so it’s important to consider the level you will pitch it at.

Do some research on your audience. Why are they here? How much do they already know about your topic, and what do they most want to learn from you? It’s no use giving a presentation that is so full of jargon that no one understands you. But you wouldn’t want to patronize people, either.

Try to put yourself in people’s shoes, to get a clearer idea about their needs and motivations. You can also greet individuals as they arrive on the day, and ask questions to get a feel for their level of knowledge. This will also help you to personalize your presentation and make a connection with each person in your audience, so that they’ll be more attentive to what you say.

Mistake 5: Being Too Verbose

Short, concise presentations are often more powerful than verbose ones. Try to limit yourself to a few main points. If you take too long getting to your point, you risk losing your audience’s attention.

The average adult has a 15- to 20-minute attention span, so, if you want to keep your audience engaged, stick to the point! During the planning phase, make a note of the themes you want to cover and how you want to get them across. Then, when you start filling out the details, ask yourself: “Does my audience really need to know this?”

Our articles on the 7 Cs of Communication and Communications Planning have more tips for communicating in a clear, concise way.

Mistake 6: Using Ineffective Visuals Poor slides can spoil a good presentation, so it’s worth spending time getting yours right. We’ve all seen slides with garish colors, unnecessary animation, or fonts that are too small to read. The most effective presentation visuals aren’t flashy – they’re concise and consistent.

When choosing colors, think about where the presentation will take place. A dark background with light or white text works best in dark rooms, while a white background with dark text is easier to see in a brightly lit room.

Choose your pictures carefully, too. High-quality graphics can clarify complex information and lift an otherwise plain screen, but low quality images can make your presentation appear unprofessional. Unless an image is contributing something, embrace the negative space – less clutter means greater understanding. Use animation sparingly, too – a dancing logo or emoticon will only distract your audience.

Mistake 7: Overcrowding Text
The best rule of thumb for text is to keep it simple . Don’t try to cram too much information into your slides. Aim for a maximum of three to four words within each bullet point, and no more than three bullets per slide.

This doesn’t mean that you should spread your content over dozens of slides. Limit yourself to 10 slides or fewer for a 30-minute presentation. Look at each slide, story, or graph carefully. Ask yourself what it adds to the presentation, and remove it if it isn’t important.

Mistake 8: Speaking Incoherently
Even though we spend a significant part of the day talking to one another, speaking to an audience is a surprisingly difficult skill, and it’s one that we need to practice.

If nerves make you rush through a presentation, your audience could miss your most important points. Use centering or deep breathing techniques to suppress the urge to rush. If you do begin to babble, take a moment to collect yourself. Breathe deeply, and enunciate each word clearly, while you focus on speaking more slowly.

Our article on better public speaking has strategies and tips that you can use to become a more engaging speaker. One useful technique is storytelling – stories can be powerful tools for inspiring and engaging others. Our Expert Interviews with Annette Simmons and Paul Smith have tips that you can use to tell great stories.

Mistake 9: Showing a Lack of Dynamism
Another common mistake is to freeze in one spot for the duration of your presentation.
Some presenters feel most comfortable behind the podium. Try to emulate great speakers like Steve Jobs, who moved purposefully around the stage during his presentations.

As well as working the stage, he used gestures and body language to communicate his excitement and passion for his subject. Pay attention to what your hands are doing – they’re important for communicating emotion. But only use gestures if they feel natural, and avoid being too flamboyant with your arms, unless you want to make your audience laugh!

See our Expert Interview, “Winning Body Language,” to learn more about body language and what it says to your audience.

Mistake 10: Avoiding Eye Contact
Have you ever been to a presentation where the speaker spent all of his time looking at his notes, the screen, the floor, or even at the ceiling? How did this make you feel?

Meeting a person’s gaze establishes a personal connection, and even a quick glance can keep people engaged. If your audience is small enough, try to make eye contact with each individual at least once.

If the audience is too large for this, try looking at people’s foreheads. The individual may not interpret it as eye contact, but those sitting around them will.

Key Points

It takes practice and effort to deliver a good presentation. But, if you know how to avoid the pitfalls, your presentations will be great.

Common presentation mistakes include not preparing properly, delivering inappropriate content, and speaking poorly.

Time spent on careful planning always pays dividends. Check the venue out, and familiarize yourself with equipment in advance to avoid possible problems.

Keep your content clear and concise, with visual aids to match. And make sure that you pitch it at the right level for your audience’s understanding, so that your presentation doesn’t patronize or bewilder.

Remember, public speaking is a performance. Practice speaking clearly with a slower pace than your normal speech to avoid “rapid-fire” delivery. Use eye contact, body language, and gestures that complement your message to keep your audience engaged.

Next time you speak, avoid the mistakes outlined in this article – you’ll find you can present with confidence and a clear sense of purpose.


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Australian and New Zealand Institute of Coaching (ANZI) is the leading professional coaching association and provides support, supervision and professional development to members of the Australian and New Zealand Coaching Community.

At the end of the annual ANZI conference in Melbourne, the ANZI Coach of the Year 2010 was Awarded to Benowa mother of two, Debbie Hogg.

Debbie a successful and respected Life Coaching Academy graduate, Mentor, Trainer/ Facilitator and NLP Master Practitioner is currently writing a program to help children build and develop Life Skills such as Confidence, Responsibility, Respect and Love.

Debbie says “The award is very exciting – I am blown away! The competition was of the highest caliber of coaches in Australia and New Zealand and to be judged at the pinnacle of my profession is just fantastic!”

Speakers at the conference included Jeff Kennett, former premier of Victoria and Chairman of Beyond Blue, a not for profit initiative providing a national focus and leadership that will increase the capacity of the broader Australian community to prevent depression and respond effectively to it.

Debbie will shortly be publishing a series of initiatives she has co-written to help parents combat Bullying as part of a broader series of lesson plans and activities published by LifeSkillsPrograms.com.au.

Hi all,
Thought I would share this fantastic article by Peter Drucker with you.It makes fascinating reading. Enjoy.

Kind regards, Peter

The Life Coaching Academy in South Africa.
The Life Coaching Academy (LCA) is offering all three of our Australian and internationally recognised programs in South Africa from November 2011. These courses will supplement our excising footprint in international markets of New Zealand, Singapore and Hong Kong. The residential weekends will be held in Johannesburg over the weekend 18th November 2011 and in Cape Town on the 11th November 2011.

This is the first Australian and ICF accredited Life Coach training course to be offered in South Africa and has attracted plenty of interest thus far. The group size is limited to 20 students per programme. Click on the link below for any further information on these or any Neuro – Linguistic Programming (NLP) courses offered by the LCA. www.lifecoachingacademy.edu.au

Exciting News!
We have now launched our Online program with great success. The uptake and feed back on this new and exciting study option has been truly amazing Congratulations to all our new online students!!!

Online Training!

It’s mobile, it’s easy…and only requires a commitment of 6 hours per week!!!
Make simple technology work for you, Skype, Audio’s, Webinars, and Online Tutorials add an exciting third dimension to conventional training. You will be assigned your own personal coach and mentor who will assist and tutor you.

Join an ever increasing number of students who are able to commence their Nationally recognised training immediately and achieve meaningful results, for themselves and others. Affordable with flexi–payment options.
Who is this course for?

Unable to commit to face to face training but want to gain a Nationally recognized qualification? Our Online course might be just what you need. A very popular course that offers students a formal qualification that opens the door to an emotionally & financially rewarding career in Coaching.Certificate IV in Life Coaching Online Program

Coaching Units covered during the program:

1. QLD224COA01A Establish coaching agreements
2. QLD224COM01A Co-actively communicates
3. QLD224ENV01A Create a safe and supportive coaching environment
4. QLD224COA02A Coach Clients using the GROW model
5. QLD224REC01A Establish and maintain client records
6. QLD224PER01A Manage professional performance of self
7. QLD224NLP01A Apply NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) within a coaching context

The Knowledge and Skills required by a Coach will be gained by participating in the following activities:

Attend an Xcelerator Learning Online Seminar Work with your Personal Coach & Mentor for 6 sessions, via phone or skype Attend 15 Online Training webinars – 12 Coaching webinars and 3 NLP webinars, via web link up Participate in 36 practical Coaching sessions via phone or skype Read a Coaching book of your choice and complete a Book Critique Develop and complete a Coaching related Research Project within an area of interest to you Complete a Knowledge Assessment Paper Apply NLP techniques in 9 practical Coaching sessions, via phone or skype

Business Units covered:

8. BSBSBM401A Establish Legal and Risk Requirements of Small Business
9. BSBSBM403A Promote the Small Business
10. BSBSBM404A Undertake Small Business Planning

To gain competence in establishing, marketing and maintaining your Coaching business you will attend 3 Online Training webinars and complete 3 practical assignments.

Certification is granted to you upon successful completion of a practical “live “Coaching session with one of the LCA’S senior Mentor Coaches.

Qualification: Certificate IV in Life Coaching 30877QLD Nationally Accredited
Start TODAY with a deposit of $290 and $65 per week or Pay in full and receive a discount !!!!


The Life Coaching Academy offers Nationally and Internationally (International Coach Federation) accredited training is proud to launch their long awaited Online Training Program.

Students are able to speed up their study time by attending the Online Xcelerator webinar. The content of the program which is a Nationally recognized Certificate IV in Life Coaching also includes Nationally recognized NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) content.

Online training is portable, mobile, quick and fun.

Students are assigned their own personal coach and mentor who is able to guide and support them in their journey of becoming an accredited life coach. Students attend online webinars such as Prosperity Coaching, Clearing the Clutter, Planning and goal Setting, 7 Steps to Mental Fitness, You The Coach, 4 Major Personality Types, Rapport . Students are also able to attend NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) webinars, which include: Rapport, Pre-suppositions of NLP, Well Formed Outcomes, NLP Listening Skills, Predicates – Representational Systems and Sub-Modalities.

The Certificate IV in Life Coaching Online also has a practical business component which includes the following webinars: Establish Legal & Risk Requirements, Market the Small Business, Undertake Small Business Planning. The Online students have the option of upgrading to the ICF International Coach Federation Certificate IV in Life Coaching qualification should they wish to by attending the Weekend Workshop which includes the face-to face component of program. Students experience live coaching practicals and observe the GROW model on the weekend. Once students have completed the Certificate IV in Life Coaching they then have the option of upgrading their qualification to:

The Diploma of Life Coaching , this includes a more advanced level of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), students are able to attend the following NLP webinars: Chunking, Anchoring, Eliciting States, Pre-suppositions of NLP, Rapport, Well Formed Outcomes, NLP Listening Skills, Reframing, Predicates – Representational Systems, Metaphor, Meta Model.

The Diploma of Life Coaching Students also have the option of attending an additional NLP Weekend Workshop which offers students practical NLP demonstrations and live case studies. Students gain extremely valuable NLP skills that enhance their ability to coach their clients. The Diploma students achieve the following qualifications: Certificate IV in Life Coaching (ICF – Optional), Certified NLP Practitioner and The Diploma of Life Coaching. Students have the following optional specialist stream of Small Business Management (Nationally Accredited) should they wish to add this to their list of credible qualifications.

The Life Coaching Academy prides itself in Continuous Learning, which enables students to study without having to commit to huge capital outlay, it is based on modular study and relevant payment thereof. The Life Academy has a Business Mentor available to students 7 days a week during working hours, there is no charge for this service.

A brand new Airline from Singapore is set to bring students to the Gold Coast to study Life Coaching at the Life Coaching Academy. Students from Singapore are excited to be attending Weekend Intensive Mastery Workshops on the Gold Coast at the Life Coaching Academy.

In the past, the Life Coaching Academy has run these workshops in Singapore, however due to the cheap flights that this new Airline is making available, students from Singapore are now able to fly direct to the Gold Coast to attend the Intensive Workshop which is an important component of the Nationally Recognized training program, Certificate IV in Life Coaching or the Diploma of Life Coaching.

Students enjoy the multicultural aspect of attending workshops on the Gold Coast and mixing with fellow students from a variety of professional and corporate backgrounds. Students from Singapore are able to share ideas and experiences with like-minded people. Many life long friendships and bonds are formed.

Students return to Singapore to complete the balance of the program, they are able to access new technology such as Skype and Webinars to attend live, interactive training sessions Technology has made it possible for Life Coaches to consult with clients all over the world, the time difference would be the only consideration.

The Life Coaching Academy runs Weekend Intensive Mastery Workshops every second month on the Gold Coast, 90 % of students fly in from other areas. Students are accommodated in a four star hotel close to the beach and enjoy early morning walks on the beautiful stretch of beach that the Gold Coast has to offer. Many students stay on a bit longer to do some shopping at Marina Mirage which offers designer clothing at fantastic prices. Diploma of Life Coaching students also qualify as NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) practitioners and return to the Gold Coast for a second NLP workshop.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is an incredibly powerful discipline that allows people to unblock the structures of human communication and human excellence. By understanding NLP people can think, communicate and manage themselves and others more effectively and more successfully.

NLP explores the relationships between how we think (neuro), how we communicate (linguistic) and our patterns of behaviour and emotion (programmes). By studying and learning from these relationships people can effectively transform the way they traditionally think and act, adopting new, far more successful models of human excellence. (This activity is called modeling and is a key feature that distinguishes NLP from psychology.

In effect, NLP is a powerful change management tool that transforms the way people think and act to have the greatest impact both professionally and personally. That’s why NLP is one of the most powerful skills used business management, psychology, sales, sports coaching, relationship coaching, life coaching and all forms of personal development.What can NLP do for you?

Be more successful by learning to influence your emotional and psychological states Replace negative behaviours and habits with positive ones Transform the way you go about your everyday tasks Be more aware of your impact on others and how to manage your behaviour for optimal results Better understand your own motivations, needs and behaviours and use these positively to have the greatest impact. Better undertand uour client and customer needs, motivations and behaviours. Improve and enhance your interpersonal communication in the work environment as well as at home.

The Life Coaching Academy has Nationally recognized NLP units which form part of the modular training for coaches. Students studying at the Life Coaching Academy have the option of specialist streaming in either NLP or Business or Both. Students are able to enroll for the Certificate IV in Life Coaching and discover their specialist interest whilst studying – as opposed to having to commit to a program upfront. Students wishing to upgrade to the specialist Diploma programs only pay the difference in the cost.

Mind Your Health By Research Professor Paul Taylor
Course: Mindfulness
Next Intake: 6th August

Life Coaching incorporates many different aspects of achieving goals, success and personal development – Mindfulness allows you to clear the clutter and focus on highlighting important areas in your life.

The article below provides interesting reading:

Around 2400 years ago, the Philosopher Socrates was reported to have said, “You ought not to attempt to cure the body without the soul, for this is the great error of our day, in the treatment of the human body, that physicians separate the soul from the body.”

What the ancient Greeks referred to as the soul, we now call the mind. It is clear that Western Medicine was becoming more focused on the bodily aspect of health back in the time of the ancient Greeks, and this focus was enhanced in the mid 1600’s when the French Philosopher and Mathematician Renee Descartes came up with the concept of Dualism – essentially that mind and body were separate entities. From this point onwards, Western and Eastern approaches to Medicine diverged even more.

However, things are gradually changing in Western Medicine. The power of the mind in healing is demonstrated by the fact that the ‘placebo effect’ can account for 30% or more of the success in controlled clinical trials. In such trials, half of the group believes they are getting a treatment (usually a drug), when in fact they get nothing more than a sugar pill – but at least 30% still have health improvements.

This number increases greatly if the practitioner has developed a good rapport with the patient, which partly explains some of the success of alternative medicine, whose practitioners get to spend much more time talking to clients/patients than Doctors do.

Further evidence of the power of the mind comes from reviews of published trials, which show that placebos are just as effective as antidepressant drugs in the treatment of mild to moderate depression, and only slightly less effective in severe depression1.

There is one traditional Eastern approach to health that is now extremely well recognized by more forward thinking western researchers and practitioners – meditation. There are literally hundreds of research papers on the benefits of meditation to both body and brain health and the best-studied form of meditation is mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness is also very simple to do – it simply involves being consciously aware of your attention and ensuring that your attention stays focused on one thing – this thing may be breathing, walking, eating a raisin or washing dishes. It is purely about spending some time completely engrossed ‘in the moment’ and turning down the ‘noise’ or mental chatter. Some researchers and practitioners are now referring to Mindfulness practice as ‘Attention Training’, which seems to be more palatable to Westerners, particularly in the corporate environment.

Mindfulness practice has been shown to be beneficial in helping people cope with a broad range of clinical and non-clinical problems2. It improves many aspects of mental health, such as in the treatment of depression3, anxiety, stress and addiction. It also creates structural changes in the brain, thickening areas involved with attention and self-regulation, and has recently been shown to increase grey matter density.

So why would Mindfulness practice have such a wide range of benefits? In terms of structural brain changes, this is explained by thinking of the brain as being like a muscle – it will adapt to whatever stimulus you give it. This process is known as neuroplasticity.

In terms of the impact on physical health, it is probably due to the calming effects on the nervous system. Most people are familiar with the ‘fight or flight response’, which is our sympathetic nervous system’s way of reacting to perceived threats. The opposite side of this seesaw is the parasympathetic nervous system, which is sometimes referred to as our ‘rest and digest’ system.

It is known that if the fight or flight response is turned on for too long (very typical in modern life), it creates wear and tear on the body. We now have a way of measuring that, referred to as Allostatic Load. Too much Allostatic Load destroys both the body and the brain, which is why I perform that testing on the executives who I deal with.

One thing that is important to understand is that we can activate our fight or flight response just by our thoughts – this is the route by which negative thoughts and emotions can destroy your health over time. Mindfulness practice, on the other hand, turns off our fight or flight response and activates our rest and digest system – powerful medicine, indeed.

References 1. Fournier, J.C. et al. Antidepressant drug effects and depression severity: a patient-level meta-analysis. JAMA. 2010 Jan 6;303(1):47-53

2. Grossman, P.J. Psychosomatic Research 2004;57(1):35-43
3. Ma, SH, Teasdale JD. J Consult Clini Phychol. 2004;72(1);31-40
4. Pagnoni G, Cekic, M. Neurobiol aging. 2007;28(10);1623-7

“Coaching Beyond Boundaries”

The aspiration of APCC 2012 is to create the space for delegates to connect, inspire, be bold, be invigorated, advocate, transform, have fun, create, interact, participate and share their appreciation of the learning and impact generated.

This year they bring you more interactive sessions for you to connect, discuss and share your thoughts and ideas with your fellow peers around the region.

Programme Highlights:

Monday 3rd September 2012 • Pre-Conference Workshops – choice of six workshops from topics on social media, mindfulness, coaching supervision and outsourcing

Tuesday 4th September 2012 – APCC Day 1 • Keynote by Dr John J Scherer – “You ARE the intervention: Just How Good Could You Be? – The Shadow Knows” • Breakout Tracks • Dinner at the Mansion

Wednesday 5th September 2012 – APCC Day 2 • Keynote by Melissa Kwee – “The Big Picture: Coaching to Transform Society” • Breakout Tracks continue • Open Space Technology
Thursday 6th September 2012 • Post-Conference Workshop – Workshop on Horse-Assisted Leadership Coaching

For more session information, please click here For any other information on the APCC 2012 Conference, please visit www.apcc2012.com


Date: Tues 4th & Wed 5th September, 2012 (Main Conference) Mon 3rd September 2012 (Pre-Conference) Thurs 6th September 2012 (Post-Conference)

Time: 9:00am – 5:30pm

Venue: Resorts World Sentosa Convention Centre 8 Sentosa Gateway Singapore 098269

Investment: SGD$780 for ICF/APAC Members SGD$880 for Non members
For pre- and post-conference workshop fees click here

To Register: to register now Asia Pacific Coaching Conference 2012 4th & 5th September 2012 contct ICF direct

To find our more about ICF accredited programs go to www.lifecoachingacademy.edu.au

Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) was co-developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the 1970s and is now a familiar technique used worldwide. NLP recognises the ways that our thoughts and feelings (neuro), combined with our use of language (linguistic) affect our behaviour (programming).

It encourages positive thinking and action and can be used as a powerful tool for change.


NLP isn’t magic or a bag of clever tricks, though yes, its impact is amazing. But you needn’t get caught up in the NLP ‘movement’. At the end of the day, NLP is just a formula for explaining how humans process information and act in order to achieve results – whether good or bad. I use NLP a lot in my work, but never label it as such – it’s not necessary. After all there are millions of happy, successful people in the world who have never heard of NLP, and their information and processing of the world is already quite effective.


The words we use are so important. For instance when I tell a room of people to “Try to be here by 6am tomorrow” instead of telling them, “You must be here by 6am tomorrow” the number of people turning up early is likely to reduce. When I use the work “Try”, most people won’t process the language and store is away in their brain with enough of a priority to understand they must be there for 6am.


Always make sure you understand exactly what people mean when they use words. For instance, if somebody says a team member is ‘unreliable’, you won’t know exactly what that means unless you know exactly what ‘unreliable’ means to the person who said it, in that context. You may apply very differently criteria for labelling someone as reliable compared to them. The solution is quite simply to ask! For instance: “What causes you to say they are unreliable” Or “In what ways do you find them unreliable?”.


Listen carefully to see whether people are talking about getting ‘away from’ something that isn’t working well for them, or are going ‘towards’ the good outcome they are looking for. If you echo their style of language, you will get much better results. For example: one person may want to book a holiday to ‘get away from’ stress at work; another may want to ‘go to enjoy’ a new experience.


I recently asked two clients independently what was the most important thing to them in life. The first said ‘knowledge’, the second said ‘wealth and making money’. If I wanted to market a seminar that would appeal to both of them, I know that the first person will respond to phrases such as, ‘you will learn’ and how much more you will know, by attending my seminar; the second will respond to ‘how much more money you could make’ by attending. We get much better results if we appeal directly to what is most important to people.


The best solutions come when we focus on how we can do something instead of why we can’t. if we allow our brain the chance to take part in our success, by asking ourselves the right questions, in the right mindset, then amazing ideas can begin to flow.


Be aware that when you or other people say the ‘can’t’ do something, in 99% of cases it’s not that they can’t, it’s that they ‘wont, because…’. This is a major point of realisation. Learning only happens, and progress only occurs, when we become aware that ‘I can’t’ is a decision not to do something. When you say ‘I can’t’ you tell yourself you have never been able to do it or will.


If things aren’t working out, simply adding ‘yet’ to the end of a sentence can transform your mindset. For instance, consider the impact of ‘I’m not getting an customers to say yes to me’, versus ‘I’m not getting any customers to say yes to me yet. The ‘yet’ tells your brain “you will one day”, so it keeps looking for a solution and hole is not lost.


Most of us only consciously notice things we actually have or are relevant to use, and don’t notice consciously the things we say we want. But it is possible to play a trick on the mind and start thinking about the things we want as if we already have them! Why? Well, have you ever had the experience of looking for a particular make of car (or book, or jacket, or breed of do) and not being able to find one anywhere? And then, once you eventually get one, you see them everywhere? What changed? Only the fact that you’ve gone from wanting to having, and your brain is doing a new pattern match. By applying this principle to other things you would like to have in your life, your brain will start to think as if you already have them – and encourage you to alter your behaviour so that you are more likely to achieve those rewards or outcomes.


“Trying’ isn’t doing”. Avoid using the Try word as much as possible. “Trying” holds us back from achieving success because it implies potential failure. Picking up a ball is an action of putting my hand down and picking the ball up in the air. Not picking up a ball is an action of just looking at it sitting on the table. SO what can trying to pick up the ball be? It’s like intention without action. Mark Rhodes

2012 ICF Global Coaching Study Reveals True Size of a Growing Industry Executive Summary now available Lexington, Kentucky, USA – Newly published research on professional coaching shows coaching is growing globally. Information just released from the 2012 ICF Global Coaching Study commissioned by the International Coach Federation (ICF) shows an estimated 47,500 professional coaches worldwide.

The newly released figure–the most accurate estimation of the total number of coaches in the world–is a significant increase over the results of the 2007 ICF Global Coaching Study which estimated 30,000 professional coaches worldwide.

“The study shows that people everywhere are turning to professional coaching for the positive difference it can make in their lives and communities,” said ICF President and Master Certified Coach Janet M. Harvey. “ICF is committed to ensuring that consumers of coaching get the quality of coaching they deserve.”

Corresponding to professional coaching’s growth; study results show that during the last 12 months, coaches have seen a significant rise in the number of clients they service. According to responses, nearly 60 percent of coaches said they had experienced an increase in clients. Data also shows increases in the amount of coaching sessions being given and in the annual income received from coaching services.

In addition, more than three out of four coaches reported that they expect the increases in clients and annual revenue to continue in the coming year. Roughly 62 percent of coaches also expect their number of coaching sessions to increase. “Amidst the current global financial crisis, coaches everywhere are still seeing an increase in clients and coaching generated income,” explained Harvey. “What is also especially encouraging, results show that these current trends are expected to rise even more.”

Over 12,000 coaches representing 117 countries throughout Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America participated in the study commissioned by ICF and conducted independently by the International Survey Unit of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in 2011.

To learn more about the 2012 ICF Global Coaching Study please visit www.coachfederation.org/coachingstudy2012

The 2012 ICF Global Coaching Study complements ICF’s previous industry research efforts, including the ICF Global Coaching Awareness Study (2010) which demonstrated worldwide interest in professional coaching, the ICF Global Coaching Client Study (2009), which studied individuals throughout 64 countries who had experienced professional coaching and the results they achieved from it, and the ICF Global Coaching Study (2007) which created a global baseline picture of the profession.

The International Coach Federation is the leading global organization for coaches, with over 19,000 members in more than 100 countries worldwide. ICF is dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high ethical standards, providing independent certification, and building a worldwide network of credentialed coaches. Coaching is a distinct service and differs greatly from therapy, consulting, mentoring, or training. ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

For more information, please visit our website at www.coachfederation.org.

The Life Coaching Academy is excitied to announce that we have a triple delight ( 3 short courses) that are going to be available to our current Students & Coaches soon!Take a peak….

Most successful people use visualisation to achieve success. Paul Tournier said:“Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can”In some way or another, we all have ways in which we want to “win”.

Do you have a goal that you want to achieve? Do you have an image of the kind of life that you would like to have? Or do you even have an idea about the type of person you want to be, or ways that you could improve your life?

Having a desire to achieve a goal is common. But what makes the difference between dream and success is putting that desire into good use, and turning your dream into a reality.

How do we turn our goals into reality?

There are many factors that determine whether or not we succeed at achieving a goal:

  • how we are programmed to behave
  • our daily habits and decisions
  • our approach to life
  • and many more…

It is clear that although your goals make us think more in the future, and yet, it’s what you do right now that will take you closer to your goal. That means that your actions, behaviour and decisions today will either move you closer to achieving your goal or will hold you back.

How can visualisation help me to change my present reality to the future?
In order to visualise success, there is a famous question that is used by many coaches:

“Imagine yourself having achieved your goal. What does it look like… what does it feel like… who is around you… what are people saying around you?”

Notice that a coach will not speak in the future tense. They won’t ask you what it WILL be like. Instead, you jump into a time machine, and your imagination makes that future end goal much more present in your reality.

For example, if your goal is to become a healthier, more active person, you may visualise this goal by saying:

“I am feeling healthier, I am eating the food that make me feel healthier, and that help me to eat less fat. I am going for a run three times a week, and I make sure that I attend my yoga class every week. My friends and family are noticing that I am looking healthier, slimmer and happier. I feel confident.”

So visualisation shows you the steps, behaviours and habits that you need to make today, in order to achieve your goal. It’s where your future dreams meet your present reality. When you know this, you can start to change your behaviour and make sure that the decisions that you make daily will help you to achieve your goal.

You can clearly see that you need to go to for a jog three times each week, starting this week, and to eat healthy meals, starting today.

By feeling, thinking, and most importantly acting like a winner today, tomorrow and onwards, you won’t be able to help but achieve your goal!
As Muhammad Ali famously said:
“I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was.”
And so, he was.

Over the past few years, mindfulness has increasingly become a hot topic for personal development and well-being.

Adopted and adapted from Buddhism, the aim of mindfulness is to alleviate stress, develop the habit of being more aware and alert, and often, to be more “present” in the here and now.

From its spiritual and religious origins, mindfulness has now been developed as a tool for anyone and everyone to maintain their mental health, their well-being, to improve their work performance and their overall happiness in life.

With such a surge in the importance of mindfulness, we were interested to understand how the practice might help coaching clients- or whether it is really worth the hype.

What are the benefits of mindfulness?

There are many claimed benefits of practicing mindfulness. The most prominent is that it can help to reduce stress, to problem solve and increase cognitive ability.

In fact, the Health Psychology journal published a study in 2013 which showed how practicing mindfulness meditation can not only help us feel less stressed, but can also reduce levels of cortisol, the stress hormone

Research conducted by University of Oregon also found that integrative body-mind training, a form of mindfulness meditation, can actually promote a change in the brain, and so may help to prevent mental illness and help us to subconsciously regulate our emotions and attention. That’s added to an increased self-awareness.

Coaching and Mindfulness?

Mindfulness within coaching can help to encourage ‘flow’ within a coaching session- helping both the coach and the client to “be” in the moment. The other benefit of mindfulness is that it trains the mind to notice distractions and then let them go. This can help the coach to truly focus on the client- to acutely notice what is being said- and not being said.

How much does mindfulness really matter?

Jon Kabat-Zinn, creator of the Stress Reduction Clinic and the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, said:

“It is not that mindfulness is the “answer” to all life’s problems. Rather, it is that all life’s problems can be seen more clearly through the lens of a clear mind”

It’s not possible to touch on the whole debate as a whole in this article. So we are interested to know what you think- does mindfulness help you? Is it less useful focusing on the future, or are goals and action plans still useful?

Certificate IV (Life Coaching) Bachelor of Science (Industrial Chemistry) Master of Science (Industrial Chemistry)

What lights you up? When was the last time you did it?

My coaching and leadership development work is designed to help you reconnect with the things that you are most passionate about, and incorporate them into your career so you can access the energy you get when you do the things that light you up.

Vocation and lifestyle are inseparable. My approach focuses on increasing fulfillment by designing both around your values and passions. I draw heavily on the research and tools of positive psychology to help you achieve a rounded sense of well-being.

Energy, passion and enthusiasm for bringing out the best in people are coupled with over a decade of experience in corporate business to business marketing management and product development. Working with clients from all around the world, my experiences living and working across Asia Pacific and North America allow me to build strong connections with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. I am uniquely positioned to work with expatriates and their families as they work through the challenges of an international relocation.

In addition to coaching packages, I offer workshops and individual development using tools including the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential (MAPP) Career Test, VIA Character Strengths, StrengthsFinder 2.0, DiSC and The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team.

Life Coach General Manager

A good listener and problem solver with in-depth business knowledge and cross-cultural understanding, Jeff has been recognized for his ability to perceive problems quickly. Jeff demonstrates the benefits of understanding and managing people while achieving business results. Jeff communicates well in a multi-cultural environment, and believes that creating a professional, yet fun and relaxed environment is the key to long-term success and growth. His focus today is changing behaviour and improving business results in the areas of leadership, team and business development, and communicating with impact.

Professional Experience

Jeff’s business experience spans sales, marketing, and management across the US, Middle East, and Asia-Pacific. Jeff held a number of management, marketing, and technical roles in several countries with Schlumberger. In Enterprise Accounts at Oracle, Jeff was responsible for large account management, delivering enterprise IT solutions to meet major customers’ needs. With Teradata, his role is developing ‘big data’ solutions for major customers. Since 2005, I have been involved in 2 very successful entrepreneurial start-up companies offering Executive and Organizational Coaching. Having held positions in both small companies and large, multinational corporations, I bring a unique breadth and depth of value to any organization competing on a global level. Most of my executive clients hold international positions in a wide range of industries at Fortune 500 Companies across Asia such as Standard Chartered Bank, ANZ Bank, Westpac Bank, Goldman Sachs, Microsoft, Dell, Aviva Insurance, Fitch Ratings, Johnson & Johnson, and Schlumberger.

Qualifications & Accreditations

Jeff holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering, and earned an MBA (highest honours) from SMU in Dallas, Texas.
He has certifications and accreditations from recognized global executive coaching organizations, including:
? Certified Coach by Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching
? Cert IV Life Coaching by LCA, Australia
? Meyers-Briggs
? GenosEI Emotional Intelligence
? Human Synergistics Leadership Style Index

Author of Pitching to Win: Targeting Your Message at the Heart of the Prospect.
Whether you are making persuasive presentations to million-dollar accounts or inside your company, this book explores common communication problems and offers succinct, practical, and proven advice to solve them.

“Jeff’s ability to teach, inspire, and build confidence is known throughout our industry in Asia. I have personally worked with Jeff in building more powerful board and investor presentations, and used him to build a higher performing sales organization. He carries a wealth of experience and a wide range of proven techniques that are delivered in a concise distinctive manner and will provide you with both personal and professional growth.”
Tom McCabe, Managing Director, DBS Bank Singapore


Accredited Life Coach

My name is Dianne Wilson and I have worked in educational environments for more than twenty years, enthusiastically encouraging Australian youth and other educators working with young people, to reach their true potential. I am a ‘people person’ and an active communicator, whether interacting with groups or in one-on-one situations.

Life coaching is a natural extension of my passion to see people on their road to success.

Motivating people to improve important aspects of their lives is immensely rewarding. Aspects responsive to coaching include time management skills, relationships, careers, lowering of stress levels and lifestyle changes.

Through my training with the Life Coaching Academy and other extensive experience, I offer you a positive and caring approach. I am committed to working with you toward the attainment of your goals.

On a professional level, I hold a Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training (BSZ 40198), a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry, and a Diploma of Education. I am also an active attendee of short courses, including courses related to self development, stained glass, calligraphy, financial planning, gardening and dancing.

On a personal level, I am happily married with two adult daughters. I love life and live it to the fullest extent and I encourage you to love life and live it to the fullest also

Please call or email me, as soon as you want to take those important steps toward your new fulfilling life. Remember that your first thirty minute coaching session is complimentary.

Bachelor of Social Sciences

Wendy is a qualified Life Coach with over a decade of counselling, coaching and training experience in both the corporate and private sector. Wendy’s qualifications as a Master Practitioner in NLP define her underlying transformational skills and expertise in the Coaching arena. Wendy’s client base is Australia-wide and international.

Bachelor of Applied Psychology, Graduate Diploma in Psychology and a Certificate IV in Life Coaching

Young people are provided with a trusted and genuine professional who believes in their unique personal strengths and are inspired to pursue meaningful future aspirations.
Firsthand experience as a young person laid a strong foundation for Emma’s longstanding passion to provide invaluable professional assistance and encouragement for young people as they cope with often challenging phases of their lives. Emma’s dream and vision is to assist young people to find meaning, believe in their unique strengths and be happy.

Emma’s passion was further strengthened by deciding to do a GAP year post year 12, in 2001 at ‘Victoria Education Centre’ in Poole, England. This Centre provides specialised residential and day services for young people with physical disabilities and medical conditions with additional needs such as learning difficulties.

On returning from England, Emma was motivated by her experiences to complete in 2006 a ‘Bachelor of Applied Psychology’ and in 2008 a ‘Graduate Diploma in Psychology’ at the University of Canberra. In 2012, Emma completed a ‘Certificate IV in Life Coaching’ through the Life Coaching Academy on the Gold Coast.

During Emma’s ‘Certificate IV in Life Coaching’ she conducted a research project with voluntary Secondary students at St. Peter’s Anglican College, Broulee, New South Wales, evaluating ‘The Effectiveness of Professional Coaching on Teenagers Goal Setting, Self-Esteem and Personal Control’ and made several important findings.

• There is a fundamental need for young people to have the approval and acceptance of others, feeling valued and without feeling judged.

• Most young people do not want to voluntarily participate in counselling, such as seeing the School Counsellor or Psychologist as they have often found this experience negative, such as experiencing social stigma, being told what is wrong with them, what they should do before the next session and left feeling not genuinely listened to.

• It appears young people would prefer seeking professional assistance by being unseen, such as via Skype (without the camera), email or via the telephone rather than solely face to face.

• If young people were to gain professional assistance in this way rather than solely face to face they would feel more comfortable to express themselves and actually discuss personal concerns.

• When young people feel valued and accepted unconditionally, through professional coaching or mentoring whilst having some level of anonymity their self-esteem and overall optimism improves, with an increased level of personal control and this comes from knowing they will be supported through their decision making process in achieving their personal goals and dealing with challenges.

• All participants agreed to future professional coaching sessions, suggesting professional coaching for young people may be further enhanced when conducted over a period of time.

• There is a fundamental need for professional coaching to be offered as an additional means of support for young people to enhance goal setting, self-esteem and personal control and other aspects of their lives such as coping with daily challenges and improving overall well-being.

• When young people have access to this form of support they will effectively take greater responsibility and accountability for their decisions and choices, living more optimistically, whilst also continuing to reach their full potential.

Emma’s longstanding passion has lead to her founding ‘ME – Motivational Empowerment Youth Life Coaching’ in 2014. She is determined to be a genuine and trusted role model and have a positive influence on the lives of young people.


RAreas of Life Coaching specialty include: Creative Development, Performance Development, Performance Anxiety, Career Development, Career Transition, Personal Development, Motivation and Mentoring.

I will closely work with you helping you to identify key areas of your life where dramatic positive change can occur and in doing so, will work with you in the process of designing an effective action plan to help you reach those goals.

Cert IV Life Coaching 2010

Rachel has traveled extensively across Australia and throughout Asia Pacific as a leading platform educator. She has an ability to connect with any size audience when coaching and educating, yet has the easy approachability to work with teams and individuals on a private basis. Rachel has over 10 years experience in management and over 15 years in staff training and development. Rachel is currently furthering her coaching training, completing her Diploma of Life Coaching and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) accreditation. Rachel is also a member of the ICF (International Coaching Federation). Never losing her passion, Rachel has the ability to connect, communicate and inspire any individual, team or business in every industry.

Tailor coaching to suit your business
There are many options for you and your business, depending on the size of your business, your staff and how committed you are as a business owner to achieving your business goals.

Managerial coaching.
A great way to start developing your business; experience the coaching process and gain an understanding of how efficient coaching is at growing you as an individual and a manager. Learn how to communicate effectively with staff, develop and refine your management skills and discover not only how to get the job done, but more importantly, how to develop your staff.

Staff Coaching
Designed to work one on one with individual staff members who desire to grow their careers within your business and grow to their utmost potential. Suitable for all staff from those who are already reaching their perceived potential; to push them to new heights and achievement, to staff that are yet to have the confidence to press themselves towards their potential, to helping and guiding new staff members to work within an existing team. The benefits of individual coaching are limitless!

Team development
The ultimate foresight in growing your business, give your team the tools and passion to work together in ways they never imagined! Coach them to new levels of responsibility, communication, passion and growth within your business. Create company reliability and loyalty by allowing your team to grow together in a safe and confidential environment.

Kate Vertsonis

It’s all about U – Coaching Services’ specialises in practical support for Mums starting their business or looking to get back into the workforce while trying to achieve a life balance that works around their family commitments. Kate partners with mums ready to take that next step.

Kate was recently involved as an industry professional participating as a Guest Speaker / Facilitator in the Westfield initiative, We Are Family; which included a series of interactive workshops nationally for Mums.

She has a passion for coaching and motivating people and draws from her experience in a diverse range of roles, including the challenge of setting up her own coaching business while working part time and managing a small family. Trying to retain her identity during this time was one of the reason’s she was drawn to study Personal and Business coaching.

Kate run’s workshops for the time conscious mum and is available for personal & group coaching sessions. For more details call Kate on 0409 395 506.

Certificate IV Life Coaching Bachelor Business (Accounting) Advanced Certificate Business (Accounting)

Melinda is a qualified accountant and business coach with extensive experience in coaching, business, human resource and financial management.

With so much to offer, Melinda created Moxxie Coaching and Business Services to help others find their ‘Pathway to Success’. Life and business can be tough and sometimes you need that extra push and accountability to step outside your comfort zone to achieve the goals you want to.

Melinda helps people who are passionate and committed to their business or personal success, who feel they are struggling to stand out from the crowd, to achieve the success they crave.

It is hard work – you need to be clear on what you want and why! Having someone as your backstop, to hold you accountable, to give you guidance and support makes all the difference to achieving your goals.

Contact Melinda now and design your Pathway to Success!

Accredited Life Coach

I have owned a small business for many years and have a first hand understanding of the challenges of the business environment. I have also worked for many years as a TAFE teacher and in this role provided much career counseling and advice. I am a wonderful motivator.

Accredited Life Coach

Theo is a life/business/education coach which is passionate about helping you climb your “mountain”. In addition to his accreditation as a life coach, he is also a qualified electrical engineer and teacher of information technology and business management.

Theo has a very practical coaching style which will bring out ideas and energy you neven knew you had. His business and teaching background, compliment keen listening and questioning skills which will evoke from you “killer” ideas to move you powerfully towards your goals.

After a coaching session with Theo, you would have:

Attained new clarity about the issue he raised.
Identified and verbalized clearly a worthwhile goal.
Been encouraged and uplifted emotionally.
Seen the issue/goal from different and inspiring perspectives.
Felt affirmed, loved and validated.
Thought bigger, bolder than they could without the coach.
Developed a path to bring you closer to your chosen goal.
Been challenged to think and feel at a higher level.
Shared honestly and openly at a deep level.
Discovered the important and discarded the trivial.
Been committed to take action which moves you towards your goal.
Got some new insights and breakthroughs.
Sensed that you was the center of attention.
Felt comfortable to speak freely knowing that Theo was listening intently and supportively.
Held accountable for previous commitments you made.
Shared victories knowing that the coach will rejoice with them applauding rather than think they are bragging or “blowing their trumpet”.

Certificate IV in Life Coaching Bachelor of Social Work

Ina is a Certified Professional Life Coach specialising in goal achievement. With a background in social work Ina is a skilled and experienced professional. Her knowledge in human behaviour assists in every aspect of life coaching as the coaching looks to facilitate change and growth in the client. Your personal development is Ina’s passion and mission!

As a professional and a married mother of two, Ina can strongly empathise and understand today’s pressures that people may experience in their daily lives. High family and work commitments as well as pressures from the community can easily put someone off the right track. With Ina as your life coach you can get on track and create the life you really want right now!

Bachelor Of Education; Graduate Certificate In Education; Cert IV Life Coaching; Graduate Anthony Robbins Master University

As little girls we are often taught to believe in the magic of fairytales. We create grand dreams of what life will be like in the future but as we grow, we quickly discover that life isn’t always smooth sailing. There may be times when things don’t go to plan, we suffer loss, we stop following our passions and dreams, we live as someone we no longer recognise or we find ourselves overweight, overtired and overworked just because sometimes life as a Mum is busy. Then one day we wake up and wonder how on earth we got to where we are and that it is time to finally make a change. Does this sound familiar?

Fast forward to a time in the future and imagine life as you would like it to be. See, hear and feel all that you have and all that you have become. It feels good doesn’t it but are you wondering how on earth you can get from where you are now to where you want to be?
The Answer? A Life Of Joy Is Achieved Through Holistic Balance Of Mind, Body and Spirit.

There too was a time in my life when I felt the same and over the past ten years I have gathered an abundance of tools, techniques and learnings that made such an impact on my life that I now live life from a place of joy. I would love to share these techniques, tools and learnings with you so that you too can create a life of uncompromised joy and find your own “Utopia”.

Masters of Educational Studies

ane began her career as a professional athlete competing on the world tennis stage before finding her passion – learning (or unlearning may be more accurate) and building relationships. This passion evolved in to a career in education, facilitating national coaching programs for Tennis Australia and co-ordinating national initiatives in education, before starting Habits for Wellbeing. Jane remains a registered teacher in QLD.

Masters Of Business Administration from Australian Graduate School of Management Certificate IV Life Coaching

As a team coach & facilitator, Annette has successfully supported senior teams to create a compelling vision for success and an operating model implementing the disciplines of high performing teams.
As an executive coach she supports senior executives to develop outstanding leadership presence, strengthen their strategic capacity, increase their personal effectiveness, build great teams, proactively manage succession planning and effectively lead others.

In approaching this work she brings to bear her consulting and senior executive experience working extensively with a range of leadership 360-degree feedback and assessment tools. As a coach she is insightful, warm, challenging and solutions focused.

• Team coaching for leadership teams for sustaining peak performance and deliver exceptional results
• Coaching senior executives to achieve peak performance at a personal, team and organisational level
• Coaching individual leaders to understand feedback and translate the content into meaningful and authentic actions that build the trust and respect of others
• Supporting executives to develop ‘mindfulness’ in their approach to leadership and management

• AMP, Director, Strategy
• INGA Australia Life Insurance, Head of Strategy, Finance and Advisor Product Marketing
• Booz Allen Consulting – Australia, United Kingdom and South East Asia
• NAB Europe – Head of Financial Analysis & Strategy Consultant
• Prior to these roles, 10 years in finance, accounting, auditing at ALLTEL, Prudential, Arthur Andersen.


Being always happy is not an easy thing to do. But there are some tips and trick that we think at The Life Coaching Academy can help you create genuine happiness.

1. Separate you from your mind.

This is one of the biggest deterrents for people in their “quest” for happiness. You are not your mind. Have you ever heard the saying “my mind is playing tricks on me?” Your mind is great at playing tricks on you, and for some reason you tend to believe everything the mind tells you. It judges, victimizes, sabotages, and worries, and every story it produces is the truth for you. The belief in these so-called truths and stories results in a lot of pain and suffering and ultimately, unhappiness in your life. It is time to stop allowing the mind to take you for a ride. Every thought that pops in your head is not true. If it was true, you would know it. The mind has been cultivated through the compilation of false beliefs. These false beliefs were created by you, and you have the power to stop them. The mind will continue creating drama and stories. Will you continue interpreting these stories into truths which lead to emotional instability and unhappiness or will choose to not believe them?

Be grateful.

Be grateful for anything and everything. Show gratitude in your life on a daily basis. Write down the things you are grateful for. Tell people thank you. Before you begin wanting more, remember to be grateful for what you already have. Don’t take anything you have in life for granted!

3. View every moment as a gift and enjoy it to the fullest.

Related to being grateful is enjoying every moment of life. It sounds cliché but every moment of your life is a unique gift. You are not guaranteed a certain amount of moments. You don’t know when your last moment will come, so cherish every moment. If you fail to enjoy one moment, then concentrate on enjoying the next and every moment after that. I promise, you will get more out of life if you view each moment in this way. You will have no choice but to exude happiness because who isn’t happy when they are receiving gifts?

4. Smile and laugh more even if it is for no reason at all.

It is amazing what a simple smile and a little laughter can do for your happiness. Some people might argue that faking a smile or faking laughter is silly. I argue that if you open yourself up to smiling and laughter it will become second-nature. Why would anyone fake smiling and laughing when there are so many reasons to smile and laugh? If you are smiling and laughing you are enjoying the moment. You are genuinely experiencing joy. Why not add more joy to your life?

5. Serve others.

This can encompass a wide range of good deeds but no matter how large or small the deed is, take the time to help your fellow man. I guarantee you will feel better about yourself, mankind, and the world. Serve others for the satisfaction of knowing you helped someone, not because you expect something in return. Conditional service to others will not cultivate genuine happiness in your life. Unconditional service with no strings attached is an enormous leap in creating the happiness you desire.

6. Manage your expectations of other people.

This is a tricky one. I don’t mean that you should never have expectations of other people. Parents expect their children to behave in a respectful manner. Bosses expect their employees to work hard for the company. These are very realistic and integral to raising upstanding children or running a successful company. It is the unrealistic expectations you create that cause a lot of unnecessary drama in your life. Not every person you encounter on the street is going to be as polite as you. Not everyone is going to drive cautiously. Not everyone is going to hold the door for you or say excuse me or please and thank you. Is getting upset over situations like this really worth it? Ask yourself this the next time you want to get upset at someone for not doing what you expect. Your agenda of expectations are not always going to manifest themselves. The sooner you learn that, the less emotional instability you will experience in life.

7. Accept what you can and cannot change.

Once you manage your expectations for others, accept other people for who they are. Accept situations that you might not like for what they are. This is especially important because you can’t change other people and you can’t always change circumstances that arise in life. Figure out what you can and can’t change. If you want to change something about yourself, go for it. Accept yourself for who you are but when change is necessary, take action. That is ok. That is how you grow. Realize that you don’t have the power or authority to change others even if you really want to. People have to change because they want to, not because you want them to. Also accept that people don’t have control over your happiness, only you do. If you want to be happy no one should be able to take that away from you.

8. Don’t take what other people say personally.

I wish I would have learned this one earlier in life. It is easy to take what others say to you or about you personally. The next time this happens try to remember it is only their opinion. Just because they say something hurtful or mean doesn’t make it true. So why believe it? Save yourself the pain and suffering by refusing to believe mean-spirited opinions because you know they aren’t true. Some people live with a lot of emotional baggage so they feel the need to spread hate to others. You don’t take this personally because you know these people don’t know any better. You control your happiness not anyone else. Toxic words from someone else directed toward you aren’t going to alter your happy state of being.

9. Choose to love, not hate.

It sounds simple because it is. Learn to live with love. Love not only your family and friends but everyone you encounter. You don’t have to hug and interact with strangers the way you do your loved ones, but you can still be compassionate and loving towards them. If you can’t love people who are mean to you, at least try to accept them for who they are. As I stated previously, many people don’t know any better. Loving others means you are compassionate. You don’t have to be best friends with everyone but at least give people the benefit of the doubt. It cultivates happiness much easier than revenge or other acts of retaliation.

10. Live in the present and just be.

Don’t focus on the past which is already over. Don’t look too far into the future which is yet to come. Live in the present. The happiest people are those who don’t allow their minds to wander with the business of every day. This is because they can focus on the present. They accept where they are right now. They aren’t worried about what is next. They aren’t sulking about past occurrences. Meditate, pray, do whatever you have to do to stay in the present moment because it is the only thing you can control right now. Change the way you look at your life. Plan your day but stay in the present as much as possible. Instead of abdicating your power to the schedule you have to keep, live presently. Perform tasks as they arise but don’t allow your mind to start running through the lists and lists of things you must accomplish. Take a deep breath and realize where you are right now.

1. Forget what everyone else wants you to be, and be who you want you to be instead.
2. Fall in love with you.
3. Get dressed up and go out at least once a week.
. Learn a new language.
5. Travel to places you’ve never been before.
6. Do one thing every day that makes you laugh out loud.
7. Write a list of 100 things you want to do and work your way through the list.
8. Forgive yourself.
9. Forgive others + let go of any grudges you hold.
10. Love, freely.
11. Get close to nature.
12. Learn the art of graciousness.
13. Let go of regrets and what might have been.
14. Keep dreaming new dreams.
15. Take more bubble baths.
16. Learn to be vulnerable; wear your heart on your sleeve.
17. Go exploring and get lost.
18. Stop worrying about tomorrow.
19. Take up a hobby you’ve always wanted to try.
20. Tell people about all the wonderful things in your life, rather than dwelling on the negatives.
21. Show love and affection to those you care for.
22. Give thanks, everyday.
23. Let go of what it means to be perfect.
24. Read more books.
25. Make connections with likeminded people.
26. Spend time exploring your creative side.
27. Do what you love.
28. Make time everyday to do something for you.
29. Smile at strangers.
30. Go salsa dancing.
31. Be present in each and every moment, savouring it and delight in how wonderful it is to be alive.
32. Do one thing every day that scares you; push the boundaries + feel the adrenalin high.
33. Show everyone you meet with the same level of love and kindness that you want people to show to you.
34. Learn to meditate.
35. Get outside and bask in the glorious sunshine.
36. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
37. Look around and soak up the beauty all around you.
38. Write a hand-written letter to someone you love, telling them how much they meant to you.
39. Celebrate how far you have come + how much you’ve achieved.
40. Be playful + embrace your inner child.
41. Write a list of all the things that you like about you.
42. Dance around your living room.
43. Remember always that tomorrow is a new day where you can start over and choose who you want to be.
44. Live each day with intention.
45. Always pay attention to your surroundings, inspiration could strike at any moment.
46. Just be.
47. Learn to view your obstacles as an opportunity for you to see things in a new light.
48. Have the courage to follow your heart.
49. Carry a notebook around with you to jot down ideas. Inspiration could strike at any time.
50. Live your truth.
51. Distance yourself from people who are negative or who try and bring you down.
52. Discover your personal sense of style and wear clothes that make you feel amazing.
53. Let go of any unhealthy attachment to people or things.
54. Do things that make you feel alive.
55. Stop comparing yourself to others.
56. Be unapologetically you.
57. Take one step everyday that will propel you in the direction of your dreams.
58. Love your body + treat it with respect. It’s wholly yours and the only one you will ever have.
59. Gracefully let go of things that are not meant for you.
60. Learn to cook a signature dish really well + invite friends over to share it with you.
61. Make the choice to see the good in people.
62. Move your body everyday; expending energy will give you energy.
63. Find your tribe.
64. Write your goals and intentions down and refer to them often.
65. Be kind to everyone you meet.
66. Believe in yourself.
67. If you don’t like something then change it. Life is too short to spend time doing things that make you unhappy.
68. Don’t be afraid to feel your feelings fully. Life is full of ups and downs but learning to feel your way through the bad times will make you appreciate the good times even more.
69. Surround yourself with positive people.
70. Accept that there will never be a perfect time or a perfect moment. Take the moment and make it perfect.
71. Eat clean. Your body will thank you for this.
72. Don’t take yourself too seriously.
73. Free yourself of hatred, envy + jealously.
74. Accept your flaws, in fact, celebrate them – these makes you uniquely YOU.
75. Work hard to achieve your goals, but balance this with enjoying life.
76. Start before you’re ready.
77. Don’t be afraid of failure, see it as an opportunity for how you can do things differently next time.
78. Stop focusing on things that could go wrong. Focus on things that could go right.
79. Strive for greatness.
80. Don’t let time pass you by.
81. Instead of judging other people, try to understand them first.
82. Be authentic.
83. Never give up hope.
84. Give compliments freely.
85. Don’t dis-count small beginnings – everyone has to start somewhere.
86. Be the heroine in your own life.
87. Ask for what you want. This applies to all areas of your life – love, career, friendship.
88. Stop being the victim.
89. Be independent. Make your own decisions + stand by them.
90. Create healthy habits.
91. Identify any blocks in your life that are holding you back from achieving success + actively work to eliminate them.
92. Don’t run from your problems; face them head on.
93. Be generous.
94. Define your values + live by them.
95. Look for the silver lining.
96. Take responsibility for your life + your actions.
97. Create your own opportunities. Don’t wait for them to find you.
98. Always remember the best things in life don’t cost money – true friendship, laughter, happiness, love and a deep sense of fulfilment – cannot be bought.
99. Be honest. With yourself + others.
100. Know that it’s never too late to start again.

ACC ICF Credentialed Coach

Toni has been coaching and counselling in private practice for the past twelve years, working with individuals and work places supporting their staff well being.

I would also go so far as to say that your blog is the most powerful marketing tool you can have for your business – here’s why:
#1. Your blog is it’s a representation of you and all that your brand stands for.
People these days want to connect with a person, not a brand and the best way you can put a personal spin on you and your business is through your blog.

Your online home is where people can connect with you, learn about what makes you unique and find out more about you.

Think of your blog as the central point of your online universe – by creating a space that oozes your mission, unique style and personal quirks, you’re inviting potential clients and readers an opportunity to get to know you and build a relationship with you.

#2. It plays an important role in organic search.

Not super sexy I know, but organic search still plays a big role in findability on the internet. Just taking a quick look at my organic search results, just last month alone it drove 10% of the overall traffic to my site. Google loves fresh content and when it’s robots are scouring the net searching for content to return, it will automatically favour sites that are regularly updated.

#3. It allows you to position yourself as an expert.
Your blog is the best place to position yourself as an expert in your field by using it as a way to demonstrate your skills and knowledge in a given area.

How can you make yourself stand out amongst the 50 million other people talking about the same subject matter as you? Put your own spin on it, mix it up and create something that no one else has done before.

This is your opportunity to get creative and show potential clients what you are capable of. Chances are if you impress them with your blog content, you’re one step closer to securing them as a paying client.

#4. It’s an opportunity to showcase your work.
To me, this is a no brainer. If you’re a writer, artist, designer, shop owner, copywriter your blog is the place to showcase your latest work and projects.

Taking it one step further than showcasing your work on social media, sharing it on your blog means it has a permanent home on the net (i.e a URL) so other people can find it and reference it if they want to share it. Win/Win!

#5. It is your space: own it.
Arguably the most important reason why your blog your most powerful marketing tool: everything you create on your blog you have full ownership and rights to {assuming you own your domain}.

Any other platform you create content on – Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, guest posting on other blogs – is not owned by you and if one day they decide to change the rules of the game (um, hello Facebook!) then you could wind up in a sticky situation. Don’t give another media owner that much power over your business!

I’m keen to know – is blog part of your business? Have you been inclined to blog more or less given how vastly the blogging landscape has changed in recent years?

Accredited coach with the ICF Cert IV Life Coaching Advanced Diploma in Accounting Advanced Ambulance Care (SJA)

Feeling stuck or confused? Not sure what you should do? Perhaps life is working for you, yet you want to achieve a new level of success.

Would you like to learn how to access your own inner wisdom and find the answers that are there waiting for you?

As a Professional Life Coach I will help you close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. It’s all about assisting you when you want to achieve more in your life.

I introduce the 3 Principles as discovered by Sydney Banks in 1973 which have helped numerous psychologists and therapists bring much more effectiveness in their approach with their clients. It has also helped many people from all walks of life live life more abundantly and with meaning and purpose, effortlessly achieving their ultimate goals.

BSc, PhD, Grad Dip Nut Diet, LCA Accredited Coach, International Coach Federation Member, Professional Life Coach.

  • E nergise your life
  • N ourish your life
  • J ump into life
  • O ne with life
  • Y es to life

Dorothy’s passion is life fulfilment – helping people unleash their potential, fulfil their goals and heart’s desires and create a life to celebrate. She coaches people to shorten the gap between where they are now and where they want to be by helping them:

  • Bring alive their visions and values
  • Expand their awareness and options
  • Enhance their clarity, confidence and resilience
  • Develop successful solutions and strategies
  • Increase motivation and persistence

Dorothy has been a health and wellbeing consultant (coaching and counselling over 5000 people), writer, speaker, business owner, lecturer and research scientist.

Her areas of interest and expertise are communication and expression, health and wellbeing, career development and change, relationships, goal mapping, action learning, innovation, spiritual development and life fulfilment.

When you are coached there is an enormous boost in energy and effectiveness. This is because you

  • Commit to moving strongly forward in your desired direction
  • Develop better goals and ways to achieve them
  • Take more effective and focused action
  • Have someone objective to encourage and challenge you and keep you on track.

Dorothy coaches individuals and groups on professional and personal issues.Individual sessions are by telephone at agreed times, usually weekly.

LCA Accredited Life Coach 2006 Method Study Engineer Registered Building Contractor Engineer by Trade

LCA Coach Noel Spann – founder of the YOUCAN Life Coach Centre – helps people in small Business and Careers “Transform their life” to achieve health, wealth and happiness – turn ambitions and desires into reality – balance work, home and family life –and help them reinvent and turbo charge their life, relationships, career prospects, spirituality, business nonce and entrepreneurship.

Certificate IV in Life Coaching

Andrés founded Build Your Own Way Coaching, Inc. to empower young adults and middle age adults with the urgent need to “Find their Own Track to Success”. He supports to all those who want to discover their own path, designing their ideal lifestyle and build their own success.

Andrés´s credentials include a Bachelor in Sociology and a Master Degree in International Development. He also has passion for inspiring and motivating others, so He became a Certified Life Coach from the Life Coaching Academy – an accredited program by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

The Life Coaching Academy
How many articles, newsletters, TV stories and just general presentations and conversations are focused on how awful things are today? Well I believe it’s too many. Remember the phrase: If you complain about a situation and do not bring a solution, you are only whining?

Let’s change that and talk about what’s good, putting our focus on solutions, not complaints and acting on what we can control instead of worrying about what we can’t.
So what’s next? It’s a simple set of action items starting with your very first breath in the morning and ending with how you go to sleep at night.

Step #1: On a Saturday morning, before you begin your weekend chores find a quite place and a very inexpensive notebook. On page one mark the date and begin to write your true vision for the next 90 days. This does not have to be a life long goal, not a big vision, just what you truly believe needs to happen in the next 90 days to give you a better, happier, more fulfilled life. Write it as if the 90 days has passed and you are celebrating your success.

Example: I am so excited and pleased now that I have created family profit of $2,000 in the last 90 days. My work has been more gratifying, my family more cheerful as we all worked together to control our spending, find ways to bring in more money to our household and fun ways to save. We can now work on the next 90 day goal! I am grateful for this success.

Step #2: Do you feel good when you read that statement? Great, you should, the goal is specific and measurable with a set number to achieve by a set time. Now, how do we get that to happen? Step #2 is all about the path. If this is your goal, you must share it with the family and have a mind storming session. All members looking for ways to make this goal a reality, from knowing your income and spending today, to ideas for fund raising for your family, to where you can control costs by each member of your team! Write them all down so all can see.

Step #3: Every day pick 5 items on the list of “To Dos” that move you toward your goal, work on them and only them that day, check at the end of the day to see how well you did, cross of the DONE and take the rest to the next day’s list of 5, don’t ignore any of them, remember you have 90 days to make this happen, at 5 per day that means you can do 450 things to help you to your goal, that’s a lot! Smile, these are fun ways to get you to the finish line.

Step #4: At the end of each week, meet as a family (remember this is for the sample goal) and review your progress. If you goal is just personal, review it in a quiet place with yourself. Re-energize to move into the next week celebrating your progress and reinforcing your work still to be done.

Step #5: At the 90 day mark – reward the team for its success! If you accomplished only 70% of your goal,great job! Remember, its not about getting 100% on the test, it’s the journey and accomplishment. We all start somewhere and 70% of your goal is 70% better than you were 90 days ago.

OK. Let’s start the process all over again! With this plan you take action, not whine about how bad things are. You are the only one who can help you. Work with others, yes, make them responsible for you,, NO.

It’s your time! Make it happen today.

The Life Coaching Academy says many people in our ever increasingly material world focus their stability solely on a healthy bank balance… but what about our emotional well-being asked Linda Jordaan from The Life Coaching Academy? Perhaps after a divorce or break up with a loved one we may begin to feel and think thoughts we have not experienced before. Often we can hide these newly felt feelings such as anxiety, depression, a lack of self-confidence/ motivation, worthlessness or rejection deep within us. Perhaps along our path we may have also encountered people and ideas alien to our own ideals that have somehow influenced our well being. This negativity can so easily, if not dealt with, build and multiply within our consciousness to harm both our spirit and “joie de vivre.”

The trick is how we monitor these feelings and make sure they do not overwhelm us, and indeed take over our “Personal Driver’s Seat.” Do we get back on track, or do we let this negativity take us deeper into the foreboding deep, dark well of depression? The answer to this can be by simply allowing ourselves to enjoy again the very basic pleasures of life. These could include a walk in your favourite place, sharing tea with your friends or taking time out just for you, helping you to find a new spark within again. To gain equilibrium the help of an Accredited Life Coach is also an invaluable tool. Here you can find the help, love and understanding needed for you to gain control of your “Driving Seat” once more. Without emotional well being our physical health is certainly at risk, as the two have been proven to go hand in hand…

we must balance both to address equilibrium of the trio… mind, body and spirit. As the Cherokee Legend so eloquently tells us, most people at some time in their lives become aware of and fight the opposing “Two Wolves” they are feeling within themselves. One “Wolf” deals in anger, envy, sorrow, grief, regret, arrogance, self pity, inferiority, resentment and total negativity, the other “Wolf” in joy, peace, hope, love, serenity, humility, generosity, compassion and all positivity. When the young Indian Warrior asked the Cherokee Chief which Wolf would win… the Chief replied… “The one you choose to feed”. The moral is, of course that we must endeavour to feed the good “Wolf”, and starve the bad “Wolf” in order to overcome any lack of self confidence or feelings of worthlessness that we could harbour. The Life Coaching Academy offers Nationally & Internationally ICF ACTP Accredited Training. The Life Coaching Academy has a wide selection of programs that are Online, Interactive & Flexible

Certificate IV Life Coaching

Top Achievers have learnt to be their most excellent selves.

They have learnt what they are naturally good at and how to do more of it.

Understanding where their unique talents predominantly lie has equipped them to take ownership of and apply those talents to their professional and personal world.

Research shows that people who use their signature strengths regularly are less stressed, more fulfilled, happier, more energized and report higher levels of well-being.

This results in greater effectiveness, increased productivity and deeper engagement.

I bring over nine years of experience as a workshop facilitator and ‘business of life’ coach facilitating team building, idea generation and educational workshops to a wide range of businesses and individuals.

In 2012 I gained an internationally accredited coaching qualification and have successfully combined this with broader experience from environments such as project management, engineering, teaching institutions and professional theatres by bringing my unique blend of skills and experience to the fore.

As a highly professional facilitator I bring a natural, self-confident approach and insight to my role as facilitator, helping organisations to achieve their desired outcomes, participants to gain better understanding of the material and to create an environment that people feel comfortable to share and engage in.

I achieve all this through robust planning of each workshop, careful consideration of outcomes, careful time management and the preparation of tailored material.

How many articles, newsletters, TV stories and just general presentations and conversations are focused on how awful things are today? Well I believe it’s too many. Remember the phrase: If you complain about a situation and do not bring a solution, you are only whining?

The Life Coaching Academy says, let’s change that and talk about what’s good, putting our focus on solutions, not complaints and acting on what we can control instead of worrying about what we can’t.

So what’s next? It’s a simple set of action items starting with your very first breath in the morning and ending with how you go to sleep at night.

Step #1: On a Saturday morning, before you begin your weekend chores find a quiet place and a very inexpensive notebook. On page one mark the date and begin to write your true vision for the next 90 days. This does not have to be a lifelong goal, not a big vision, just what you truly believe needs to happen in the next 90 days to give you a better, happier, more fulfilled life. Write it as if the 90 days has passed and you are celebrating your success.

Example: I am so excited and pleased now that I have created family profit of £2,000 in the last 90 days. My work has been more gratifying, my family more cheerful as we all worked together to control our spending, find ways to bring in more money to our household and fun ways to save. We can now work on the next 90 day goal! I am grateful for this success.

Step #2: Do you feel good when you read that statement? Great, you should, the goal is specific and measurable with a set number to achieve by a set time. Now, how do we get that to happen? Step #2 is all about the path. If this is your goal, you must share it with the family and have a mind storming session. All members looking for ways to make this goal a reality, from knowing your income and spending today, to ideas for fund raising for your family, to where you can control costs by each member of your team! Write them all down so all can see.

Step #3: Every day pick 5 items on the list of “To Dos” that move you toward your goal, work on them and only them that day, check at the end of the day to see how well you did, cross of the DONE and take the rest to the next day’s list of 5, don’t ignore any of them, remember you have 90 days to make this happen, at 5 per day that means you can do 450 things to help you to your goal, that’s a lot! Smile, these are fun ways to get you to the finish line.

Step #4: At the end of each week, meet as a family (remember this is for the sample goal) and review your progress. If you goal is just personal, review it in a quiet place with yourself. Re-energize to move into the next week celebrating your progress and reinforcing your work still to be done.

Step #5: At the 90 day mark – reward the team for its success! If you accomplished only 70% of your goal,,great job! Remember, its not about getting 100% on the test, it’s the journey and accomplishment. We all start somewhere and 70% of your goal is 70% better than you were 90 days ago

OK. Let’s start the process all over again! With this plan you take action, not whine about how bad things are. You are the only one who can help you. Work with others, yes, make them responsible for you.

It’s your time! Make it happen today. info@lifecoachingacademy.edu.au

Dip Ed in Primary Teaching, Cert 1V in Life Coaching

I completed my Cert 1V in Life Coaching in 2014. I have a strong background in Primary Teaching and a strong interest in teaching children financial literacy skills. I decided to combine my experience with my interest and look for parents of primary aged children who want to build systems into their unique family situation, that take into account their values and financial skills, and that teach specific values, attitudes and skills.

Accredited with the Australian Life Coaching Academy September 2002. Bachelor of Education degree.

My name is Lesley Sewell and I live in a quiet country setting in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland. I am a young 63, fit, healthy and still working full time. Because of my full time employment, I have not had a lot of time to put into coaching in recent years, however the area in which I work is so closely aligned with Life Coaching that I practise these skills and deliver this service on a daily basis. I am friendly, easy going, relaxed and positive in my outlook on life, and find that I naturally attract people and quickly gain their trust.

I am currently working with one of my work sites to develop a program to coach their staff at the commencement of 2011. The administrator in question specifically requested a consultant who was trained in Life Coaching. At this point, I am the only one on our team who is trained in this area.
As I move from full to part time employment with my current employer, I plan to increase the time I am able to devote to the Coaching arena, with a view to developing my own business.

My main goal is to support people to acquire the skills and motivation to change their lives. I am equally confident and experienced in working with a large group of people as I am working one on one.
Give me a try, together I am sure we can help you make a better life for yourself!

MBA from Melbourne Business School

Anna Searle is an accredited Coach, member of the International Coach Federation, and Master Practitioner and Trainer in neurosciences. Anna also has a MBA (Master of Business Administration) from Melbourne Business School and a double degree in Economics and Finance. She is the 2010 Ethics Liaison Officer and past Chairperson for the Institute for Independent Business Queensland Group – an exclusive network with access to over 5,000 Executive Associates throughout the world specialising in the provision of valuable support and practical advice that works for small business. Anna is regularly speaking at business and community events, sharing her tips on taking your business to the next level and inspiring others to join you on your exciting journey. Anna’s current passion is helping businesses double their profits by creating a coaching culture.

The Power of Purpose: Your Secret to Following Through

Anthony Robbins’ Rapid Planning Method is a powerful system for achieving the goals that matter most to your life. R represents theresults we’re after. Clarifying your results (or outcome) helps you focus on your desired target. Once you know the result you’ve committed to, you must know why you want it, and why you’re taking action.

In other words, you should know your P—your purpose. Having a sense of real purpose, like compelling reasons, will provide you with the drive necessary to make your desired result a reality. There is a major difference between simply having a dream, and having enough reasons to push yourself through the inevitable obstacles that will stand between you and your goals.

There are many ways to achieve a result or outcome, but you must know why you are going after it. This way, if your first plan or attempt fails, you will have the necessary drive to follow through and keep moving toward your ultimate vision.

Your purpose gives you the emotional reasons why you want to follow through and do whatever it takes to create the outcome you desire. Whereas an outcome (or result) produces focus, a purpose gives you drive. For example, it’s one thing to say, “I want to become a millionaire.” It’s another thing to say, “I want to become a millionaire because I will be able to help my children; make a difference in the world; develop the pride of knowing that I’ve overcome so many challenges; contribute to the homeless; and create many magical, fun moments for myself and those I love!”

When you fully feel why you are doing something, you will create the emotional excitement and “juice” that will give you the drive and momentum to create the result. The Life Coaching Academy offers Internationally & Nationally Accredited Training.

Relationship Coaching, Business Coaching , Executive Coaching, Mindfulness, Wellness Coaching & Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)


Professional Life CoachBachelor of Behavioural Science NLP Master Practitioner

“Coaching individuals and corporations to sustainable personal and professional excellence and paving a permanent pathway for success”

Melissa Scott is a Professional Life Coach, Speaker and Trainer. Melissa runs a successful Executive Life Coaching practice and is considered to be a leader and visionary within the Australian Coaching Community. Melissa has created innovative coaching and leadership programs that enable individuals and corporations to maximise efficiency whilst enhancing lifestyle and personal fulfillment.

Melissa has extensive experience and knowledge of the behavioural science driving the art of coaching. Melissa has a solid understanding of the psychological foundations with experience in behavioural assessment tools, communication and leadership technology that produce solid, quantifiable, bottom-line results. Renowned for offering a powerful combination of information and coaching which is guaranteed to fast track individuals and corporations to their desired success.

With a background in Coaching, solution focussed therapy, counselling, Dispute mediation, and management Melissa has worked with a variety of clients from large corporations to small businesses. Melissa is committed to making a transformational impact with individuals, corporations and small businesses. Her Groundbreaking style and extraordinary power assists individuals to move beyond limitations and start turning dreams into concrete reality.

Considered by many to have mastered accelerated communication and coaching technology, Melissa is committed to the vision of assisting individuals to embrace and actualise their full potential. Her vision tangibly Unleashes the “Genius within everyone” through her coaching, motivational & communication skills training. When not enjoying business, Melissa walks her talk and has as much FUN as humanly possible!

RN, CMHN, DNE, BA (hons), PhD, Cert IV Workplace Assessment, ACT.

I have forty years experience working in large organisations as a senior administrator, educator, trainer, researcher and clinician. I have developed and implemented new: curriculum, courses and services. My clinical experience has been varied and includes working with clients of mental health and community services. As an academic I taught university undergraduate and post graduate students. My research interests includes policy implementation within large organisations and the experience of professionals seeking to provide quality services to students or clients. I have an interest in groups, how teams work, and coaching educators and clinicians. I am a published author and an experienced presenter and public speaker.

Bachelor of Health Science in Complimentary Medicine, Charles Sturt

Katherine’s innovative Holistic Well being programs are available through-out the world via telephone and the internet. The programs on offer are; one on one, small groups, and work place programs

She is available for private Naturopathic Consultations in her clinic, seminars and speaking engagements.

Katherine began her studies over 25 years ago, though she had a life long interested in nature and healing. Her interest stimulated by the need to find natural treatment for her son’s chronic allergy, asthma and recurring ear infections.

The next big stimulus came with the sudden death of her father, a fit and healthy man, who had just 3 weeks before been told by the cardiac specialist that he was extremely healthy and had the heart of a 23 year old. Her father had not been feeling right for a couple of months, so he increased his training program. Then one day he was out shopping and simply dropped dead of a heart attack he was 47 years old..

Katherine knew, though in the early stages of her studies that Iridology probably would have exposed signs of heart problems and that Natural remedies held many useful treatments.

Two years later her mother developed Breast Cancer. This time, when her mother asked what should I do, as I don’t want chemo-therapy (a choice she made herself), Katherine had answers. Dawn lived despite her physicians doubt, for 18 years Cancer free and passed away due to the affects of another unrelated illness.


My approach is to guide and educate my clients to make choices in their life that will assist the bodies inbuilt natural healing tendencies. I support this with natural remedies such as herbs, along with lifestyle guidance in such things as diet, exercise, and supplements, but my big focus is working with clients to break down the mental/emotional blocks that hinder their healing. Reduce the health destroying effects of stress, and restore a healthy life balance

For many years I jokingly said I was going to change the name of my clinic to “The Last Resort” sadly in those days Natural Therapies where the last resort,…… when all else failed.

For many clients finding “The Last Resort” was a gift of life for them, a life of quality.

There is something wonderful that happens when holistic treatments are correctly assimilated, healing is the natural concequence, healing of the mind, and body which nourishes the soul.

I guide you through this assimilation process so that health and wellbeing are a natural part of your life please contact me via my website which gives email and telephone contact point.
I look forward to hearing from you soon and get your health on track.
Go from sick and tired to fully alive.


As coaches, we have many of the tools of effective facilitation in our toolboxes. Curiosity, openness, and the ability to listen both for what is and is not being explicitly said are all essential for working successfully with groups. Being genuinely empathetic to the issues the team is grappling with and providing direct yet respectful feedback is as useful with a group as it is in our individual coaching work. I have found that working with teams once every quarter or so complements my individual coaching work and allows me to feel temporarily part of a tribe—probably the only aspect of my past corporate life that I sometimes miss.

Recently, I had the opportunity to do exactly that when one of the sales leaders I coach wanted to bring her leadership team together in order to enhance their collaboration and overall effectiveness in a year of dramatic change.

The situation: A strong and charismatic leader who needs to implement deep strategic, executive and organizational changes. A leadership team dispersed across Russia, where ongoing tension between Moscow and the other regions fuels the lack of trust quietly growing within the team. A two-day off-site workshop intended to create a different mindset within the team.

As my client and I explored the key issues preventing the team from operating at its best, the theme of trust—or, rather, the lack of trust—arose again and again. This was exacerbated by the fact that only half the team was based in Moscow. The further a team member worked from the city, the likelier that his or her trust in the team had given way to defiance and frustration. We agreed that she had to bring all of the leaders on her team together to address the situation, and scheduled a two-day off-site workshop in Moscow.

My client recognized that she could be biased in her own assessment and welcomed my offer to interview the 20 participants in advance to get a complete, unbiased picture of the situation. Those interviews revealed critical information that guided the agenda and contributed to the overall success of the workshop. I learned that the regional teams felt the challenges they were faced with were not appreciated by the central team; as a result, they felt less valued. The Moscow team, on the other hand, believed their regional counterparts weren’t sufficiently transparent about the issues they faced. Their constant probing and requests for weekly meetings and reports fueled the regional teams’ belief that they were treated as “less-than.” Every communication glitch, however minor or unintentional, fed into these beliefs and perpetuated the cycle of distrust.

In addition to providing valuable insights, these interviews helped me create a connection with each participant. They also signaled that their leader valued their perspective.

Insight: Pre-workshop efforts played an essential role in the success of the workshop. Never underestimate the power of understanding and connecting.

I began the workshop by asking each participant to share a piece of information that their colleagues did not know about them. It was incredible to watch them become more open to one another as they discovered that the person they talked to on the phone every week was also a flutist, sang in a choir, had founded a professional dancing school or was passionate about baroque music. Suddenly, these colleagues were also people—people who had interests, hobbies and talents that they shared or could relate to.

I also consciously ensured that the breaks during the workshops would promote deeper connections. Because food is the ultimate connector, we all went to a cooking class at the end of day one. I enjoyed watching the participants build trust and enjoy themselves as they prepared salads, whisked eggs and made jokes about their creativity and cooking skills. In addition, each time we broke for lunch, I asked participants to sit with a colleague they did not know well and leverage the opportunity to create or deepen their connection.

Insight: The need for connection is powerful, and it’s anchored in each one of us. We will naturally seize any meaningful opportunity to connect with our fellow humans.

During the pre-workshop interviews, I had uncovered an essential piece of information: Most of the team members were not aware that the frustration they felt with their current dynamic was shared by their peers.

When I projected slides summarizing themes that had emerged from the interviews, the team members realized that in addition to sharing hobbies and interests, they also shared the frustration generated by their common challenges and issues. (I also let attendees know that, for a topic to be included on the slides, I needed to have heard it from at least three interviewees.) This realization was so comforting and relieving that it caused a shift in the room: Suddenly, it felt natural for the attendees to engage in the difficult conversations that they had been avoiding.

I invited attendees to take a quick vote on the top five challenges their team was facing and form self-selected breakout groups to address each challenge. During the morning on day two, each group shared its findings and proposed a course of action. From there, we mapped out a “resolution path” for each challenge with an identified owner, action items and a timeline.

The participants agreed to review the action items in each staff meeting, and I enlisted their human resources business partner, who was invited to the workshop, to be their “conscience” and hold them accountable for the commitments they made during their two days together.

Two key decisions that emerged from the workshop had the potential to address multiple challenges. First, participants agreed that the regional leaders would each make plans to spend several days in Moscow shadowing organizational leaders and participating in customer and staff meetings. They also agreed that, moving forward, the agenda for staff meetings would include a space for each leader to share a top-of-mind subject or concern and ask for support and advice.

At the end of the workshop, I asked all participants to complete a formal survey regarding the experience. They revealed that they had increased their understanding of their peers and their leader and they all said they felt more confident about tackling the business challenges at hand. They reported that they were leaving with an increased level of trust in their collective capabilities. In doing so, they took meaningful steps on their journey to becoming a high-performing team.

Trust is multilayered, and its cultivation requires relentless focus. After the workshop, the team members continued to build on the foundation they had laid. In the five months since the workshop, they have increased their commitment to sharing top-of-mind concerns and expectations on a regular basis, representing a huge shift from how they’d communicated previously.

The leaders are taking their newfound sense of collaboration and team spirit into their own teams, creating a ripple effect that’s changing the organization for the better. They have even created an anonymous mailbox employees can use to voice questions to the leadership teams. The mailbox has evolved into an important tool for collecting feedback and staff suggestions, and the process of managing it and responding to questions and concerns taps into every team member’s wisdom and experience.

As humans, we fear what we do not understand. However, we can overcome this instinctive perceived threat when provided the opportunity to do so in a safe environment. As Marie Curie said so eloquently, “Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.

The Life Coaching Academy is ACTP Accredited by the International Coach Federataion ICF

Cert IV Life Coaching

Cindy has had almost two decades experience in the personal development industry, having used kinesiology to conquer her anxiety as a young lady. Cindy has since been amazed at the benefits she and others have gained from her combined studies in neuro-linguistic kinesiology, touch for heath and life-coaching. Cindy is a member of numerous accrediting bodies and mentors life-coaching students.

As a married, mother of four, Cindy’s passion is helping children carry their fun outlook and positive power into adult life. This helps Cindy work with adults to re-connect with the attitudes and outlooks that can serve them best. Accordingly, Cindy’s skills are used by employers to help participants fuel their work-place passion, purpose, connection and inspiration.

Be it heading out on a holiday, entering another workday, or exploring a relationship, Cindy’s philosophy is that life can be simple, easy and fun. She has spent the majority of her working life helping others discover that too.

Certificate IV ICF accredited,Graduate Certificate in Writing,Bachelor of Education (Language, Literature and Biology) Reiki Master ,Accredited Marriage Celebrant

Starting, building and expanding a business can be a challenging and sometimes daunting task. There are lots of questions to answer, knowledge to gain and actions to take. It is easy to be initially be enthusiastic and positive, but when things just don’t flow you can start to feel tired, frustrated and disappointed. It may be that the results you see just don’t measure up to the amount of energy you are putting in.

Working from a holistic perspective I provide the coaching support and wisdom to help you create a joyful, meaningful and profitable business without so much struggle and fatigue. If you have recognised your calling and now you want to devote time and energy to do what you love most then discovering how to have a happy relationship with your business can make all the difference.

As a Business Wisdom Coach I work with you to create a beautiful business in which you can thrive. If you can embrace a holistic, down-to-earth and intuitive approach, coupled with a healthy dose of accountability and practicality, then I can help you create the path to a business that you will love.

“It is always thrilling to me the power of the synergy between coach and client; that the coaching relationship can create more than either client or coach initially thought possible.”

About me
I have an eclectic business past having worked in education, marketing, coaching, mentoring, healing, the sciences and as a professional writer. I have now developed and am living the day-to-day beauty of a business that fits me just right. I have created strategies and nurtured a mind-set that allows me to find a graceful balance between home and work life. I pursue my business aspirations with calm and confidence and have the time and energy to love and laugh and play with my wonderful family. I cherish time on my own as well, to read, walk, create and garden and also simply relax with a cup of tea on the verandah. I have a passion for helping you achieve a relationship with your business that enables you to thrive and grow and develop.

Professional Coach

Lewis specialises in executive and leadership coaching for people willing to make changes that will lead to them being more effective in their professional and personal life.

The purpose of this coaching practice is to provide people with the opportunity to recognise the range of choices available to them. To assist people develop strategies as individuals enabling them to become the person they potentially are.

Lewis has considerable (25 years) corporate experience; has run several successful businesses including a farm (for 24 years). He is extensively qualified in the areas of communication, coaching and leadership. Lewis has and currently is, coaching executives of several of AustraliaÕs major corporations.

Cert IV Life Coaching

Kay has been coaching for many years both in Australia and the US, supporting and encouraging people to achieve their goals and dreams. Kay’s unique ability to foster an environments of enquiry, fun and challenge helps ensure that the focus is always on the your goals.
Utilising a variety of approaches, including face-face, Skype, phone, online and group work, each sessions is tailored to your needs.

8 Top Tips for Building an Effective Image Wardrobe for a Coach!

You have worked hard to achieve the success you have right now. In today’s highly competitive world, putting attention on cultivating an effective wardrobe will accentuate the professional image that supports your objectives. While you know that you get only one chance to make the all-important first impression, it is equally imperative to make every day a day that you look your very best, even if you have no meetings except for the impromptu get together you have with some fellow coaches at your local coaching circle. You will stand out as someone who has taken the time and trouble to present themselves at their best – someone that other people would be likely to invest in.

Follow these tips to build an effective executive wardrobe that will convey confidence and competence throughout your coaching workday.

1. Know the Environment

As a Corporate Coach I’ve noticed how office climates are continually changing. Knowing what is considered appropriate for your office environment will ensure that you do not make any expensive mistakes when building your wardrobe. For example, in a conservative office a suit is a must; while in some more ‘dress down’ offices, you might wear a pair of trousers with a sweater (works for men or women). Keep this in mind when visiting another office that might have a different business dress style than yours or your previous clients’ environment

2. Consider What Activities You Will Be Doing during each day

If you look uncomfortable doing whatever your coaching role requires you to do because your wardrobe selection is out of place, you will not be taken seriously on the job. Be sure you build outfits into your wardrobe for each activity. Or do what Barack Obama does – he is suited and booted for his Press Call first thing in the morning, then he takes off his jacket and tie, rolls up his shirt sleeves and looks very informally dressed when his next visit is to a school where he is meeting children – they would be intimidated by the man in the suit but not by the more casually dressed. When choosing your clothes – also think about the fabric they are made from. Select suiting made with some stretch in the fabric, or wear less tailored styles that are easy to move around in.

3. Start with a Wardrobe Audit

When starting to build an effective wardrobe, you need to start by being sure of exactly what you have already – before you make a list of what you need. Pull out everything in your wardrobe that could possibly be worn to work. Try everything on. Make sure it fits well, that it looks fantastic on you and that it is in good condition.

4. Build A Baker’s Dozen

Your goal should be to have thirteen outfits in your wardrobe. That does not mean thirteen suits. It means that with mixing and matching, your shirts, blouses, jackets, skirts and trousers make up at least thirteen outfits that will comprise your coach wardrobe. You don’t have to be at thirteen immediately, but it is what you want to work towards.

5. Start With Your Core Colour

Start with at least one great suit that fits you perfectly, and in one of your neutral core colours. Your core colours are colours that are the same as your eyes or hair: black, brown, green, blue etc. However if you have blonde or red hair never wear black – it is very aging (unless you want to look 10 years older of course!). Blondes and red heads can look very professional in charcoal grey which is professional and flattering.

6. Keep Your Budget in Mind

Once you put together your shopping list, do not just grab your wallet or purse and go. Do some Internet research to see what is out there, look for sales and calculate what a realistic wardrobe budget might be. You won’t feel good in your new clothes if you have gone into debt to pay for them. When shopping, remember that quality is important and you are going to spend more for quality. Leave trendy clothes for your weekend activities. Start with clothes that will last for at least a few years as you expand your coaching practice.

7. Essential Pieces

While the task of getting your wardrobe into “executive shape” may seem daunting, this list will help you find the essential pieces to start with to build your executive wardrobe:

  • Two dark suits in one of your core neutral colours
  • One dark skirt in one of your core neutral colours
  • Two pairs of trousers in one of your core neutral colours
  • Two solid shirts or blouses (not prints) in your accent colours
  • A jacket that is tailored, yet loose, in an accent colour

8. When in Doubt, Hire a Professional

Consider hiring an image consultant, a personal branding coach, or an executive coach to work with you to define your professional objectives and help you put together your best possible executive wardrobe. You are now equipped with the knowledge and information to build a wardrobe that can clearly reflect your high level of professionalism. Keep this article with you while shopping or when considering if something is a must have for a wardrobe that will bring many coaching rewards.

Become a Life Coach, Executive Coach, Business, Wellness Coach, NLP Coach . Our programs offer assistance in dealing with Young Adults, New Parents, Relationship Coaching.

Our programs are ICF ACTP Accredited as well as Nationally Recognised by the Australian Department of Education – more info@lifecoachingacademy.edu.au

BSc (Medical Laboratory Science), Certificate IV in Life Coaching, Certificate IV in NLP, Certificate IV in Personal Training

In summary here is a list of health and well being topics I assist clients with :

– Weight loss
– Diet and nutrition
– Detox programs
– Increasing energy levels
– Enhancing self
– Exercise and fitness programs
– Resistance training
– Meditation and relaxation
– Overcoming limiting self beliefs about health
– Sleeping issues
– Enhancing attitudes towards healthy living
– Eliminating toxins from your lifestyle
– Creating a healthy alkaline system
– General motivation and goal setting

If its time to make your health and well being your number one priority then there is no better time to take action than now.

The journey of a million steps starts with one small step.

Make the step to move your health and fitness out from the bottom of your to do list and make it your NUMBER ONE goal right now.

I provide a service for parents who aren’t finding parenthood a ‘walk in the park’! In my former life B.C (before children) I was a high-flying, globe trotting fashion designer earning lots of cash and having a ball! I had freedom, choices, money, and no one to think about but myself….then I had children.

After my second child was born (I was pregnant with the second when the first was only six months old) I suffered Post Natal Depression. I knew something was wrong almost from the day my baby was born, but when I voiced my concerns to my GP he laughed at me and dismissed my feelings as normal. I had been keeping a diary and continued to record my thoughts and feelings. I then went back to my GP and made him read my journal, after reading four lines he said ‘Ok, we need to get you on medication’. I was not offered any other kind of support and I wasn’t monitored by anyone, i was left alone and at times I felt suicidal. My world had fallen apart and i felt i’d plunged into total blackness, where there was no light.

I took anti-depressants for three years; they helped by taking the edge off my mental pain but they didn’t mend me. During that time I had asked my GP to refer me to a counsellor as I knew the incredible benefits of therapy because I am a counsellor myself. Again he laughed and said “What do you need to see a counsellor for? How would that help? You know what your problem is.”

I had to do it on my own. So I found a counsellor and paid for it myself. This was when my healing REALLY began. Just by having someone to talk to who wasn’t judging me and who actually HEARD what I was saying and believed my truth, had an enormous impact on my progress. It was at this point that I decided that I had to do something to help other women who might be suffering in the same way, and to help prevent the length of suffering I had endured needlessly. It was because of how I was treated by my GP, arrogantly and dismissively, that my suffering lasted three years. The feeling of isolation, loneliness, fear, abandonment, failure and guilt, along with the stigma attached to PND was horrific, and as a result of my experience I understand the confusion, terror and the disconnection from the outside world that PND brings.

I enrolled to study The Executive Master Diploma which includes the Diploma ( Nationally Recognised ) with www.lifecoachingacademy.edu.au (I qualified with a Distinction) because I felt I could, along with my counselling skills, offer a service to women that would work with the client in a counselling capacity first, to get them to a point emotionally where they were strong enough to then be able to look to their future, which is when I would coach them.

The biggest challenge I have had personally, apart from overcoming PND, was to discover my new identity, learn how to make my new life work for me, get to know who I have become, and I aim to support others achieve this to.

Although the majority of my clients presenting issues around being a parent are women, this doesn’t mean the dads don’t have concerns and problems adapting to life as a parent. They probably don’t want to burden their wife with their concerns ….so who do they have to talk to? Their issues are often quite different to those of women. They may experience depression too, or witness their wife suffering with PND, which can be very distressing and scary, and they may feel totally alone and helpless. Who have they got to confide in? I coach many men and they find coaching very useful, as men naturally tend to seek a solution to a problem so they feel comfortable with the concept of coaching and can identify with it’s techniques.

Accredited Life Coach

I am a stand for powerful loving relationships in the world;for men and women to connect at a deeper level than ever before.

“Your task is not to seek for love but to find all the barriers within yourself that you have built up against it”

Professional Life Coach

I believe that everyone has a unique and special contribution to make to others lives. In my work as a Life Coach I help people to uncover this and then to feel the JOY of their own uniqueness. Life is for living – so live it to the full. Feel the passion, Take the chance, Have a go!

Through coaching I can help you to take that next step and achieve that goal – feel the JOY that life is meant to be.

My mission statement is:
“Helping people to know, value and understand JOY in all its forms”

My background is somewhat varied, having worked in the corporate world for twelve years and then owing a small business for nine years. I have been married for twenty five years to Greg and we have two wonderful teenage children.

I also specialise in coaching small business owners to achieve and maintain a balance in their work/family/personal lives so that they too can experience JOY. My experience in the small business arena has given me insight into the issues and difficulties that can arise when you own the business. I can help you to achieve that business goal, so freeing you for more and better time with your family or to enjoy a long neglected hobby.

I offer a FREE 30 minute coaching session so you can see, feel and hear the benefits for yourself. Take the first step and call me, I can help you from there.

Life and business coaches have the rare treat of making dreams come true agrees Linda Jordaan from The Life coaching Academy www.lifecoachingacademy.edu.au A key element of coaching is helping clients identify and achieve their goals. Clients often come to coaches confused, torn between a multitude of external influences, and sometimes unable to identify their own desires in the mélange. Coaches step in to bring clarity, helping clients identify their true passion and lay the foundation for achieving their goals. This article brings to light some techniques for helping clients set and keep goals.

Step 1: Goal Setting – Finding Passion

Identifying goals. This step can take several sessions and requires filtering the external from the internal – the wheat from the chaff. Earlier this year, Teresia LaRocque shared several tips to help clients identify their goals and align goals around their values.[1] In her post, LaRocque encourages asking questions, such as “What do you need to accomplish in order to have a life with no regrets” and “In an ideal world, how would you spend your time.” To help break these types of questions into more digestible parts, Tony Robbins divides goals into four types:

(a) Personal development goals;

(b) Career/business/economic goals;

(c) Toys/adventure goals; and

(d) Contribution goals.[2]

Working with this framework, it is the coach’s responsibility to identify the motivation for any responses to understand whether they come from a pure, internal desire or from those external influences. As the real, true self is revealed, it then becomes the responsibility of the coach to help turn those desires into actionable goals. A great framework to guide this exercise is to focus on the oft-cited S.M.A.R.T.framework – setting goals that are Specific; Measurable; Attainable; Relevant; and Time-bound.[3]

Step 2: Write it Down – Creating Accountability

Taking pen to paper is a critical step. Countless studies have shown the importance of writing down goals. For example, a recent Forbes article noted a study in 1979 where researchers asked Harvard MBA students whether they set clear, written goals for their future.[4] In the study, three percent had written goals, 13 percent had unwritten goals, and 84 percent had no set goals. The cohort was interviewed ten years later. The 13 percent of the class who had unwritten goals were earning twice as much as the 84 percent with no goals. The three percent of students who had written goals earned, on average, ten times as much as the other 97 percent of the class combined. Several companion studies have found similar results. More anecdotally, many already know of the famous Jim Carrey story where, as a struggling actor, he wrote a check to his future self for $10 million for ‘acting services rendered.’ Right before the check was set to expire, he found he was going to make $10 million filming Dumb and Dumber.[5] Lesson: WRITE IT DOWN – it makes a difference.

What to write? A list is nice, but I prefer writing the goals down with pen and paper as a ‘Dear Future Me’ letter. I like this for two reasons: (1) it forces the individual to imagine a future self that has achieved those goals and therefore creates a positive association with the process; (2) turning a list into a story/letter requires deep analytical thinking, further engraining the goals into the individual’s mind. Now Send It Off. Have the client mail the hand-written letter to his/her future self. The letter is out of their hands, they cannot destroy it, and they know they will receive it one day. I was not able to find a service that could do this, so I created one: www.dearfutureme.org. This may not be right for everyone, but for many, they become very excited at the prospect of holding and reading that letter and having accomplished those goals. If the S.M.A.R.T. goals have varying completion times, multiple letters set for different times may be more appropriate than a single letter.

Step 3: Open the Letter – Rewarding and Reassessing at Milestones

With the goals set and the letter sent, the focus moves towards achievement and motivation. When the time comes, the client will be sent their first ‘Dear Future Me’ letter. This is a wonderful time to take stock and assess progress. If the client has achieved the goals, ensure there is a sufficient sense of pride. If goals were missed, remain positive and assess what occurred and next steps.

The task of helping clients identify and realize their true passion in life is a tremendous and rewarding undertaking. Goal setting, writing those goals down in a letter, and using milestones to review progress and motivate clients has been shown to be an extremely effective method to help clients achieve their true potential. Try it in your sessions and please, share the results.

The Life Coaching Academy www.lifecoachingacademy.edu.au offers Nationally and ICF ACTP Accredited Training programs.

Professional Life Coach, BaAppldHlthSce(IndigPrmHlthCare), Level 1 Boxing Coach

With a background in health, years of study in personal development and leadership, and a boxing and fitness trainer as well as qualified Life Coach, I love what I do!


Putting into practice the systems I facilitate, I am an example of someone creating the life they want.


A happy, friendly, vibrant and grounded woman, I love working with people one-on-one, really listeing to them and walking side-by-side to achieve what they want from life.


I often feel as inspired as my clients at the end of a session – can’t get better then that!

Cet in Life Coaching

I am a LIfe Coach, whose career began with local UK government, in health management and teaching, who really wanted to see people gain the sucess and happiness they needed in life. And to ensure my standards were kept at their highest, when I returned home to Australia, I went on to gain my Australian qualifications at an internationally respected academy here – The Life Coaching Academy. I believe this shows someone you can rely on not only as a professional, but as someone dedicated to being the best coach they can be. I am also a member of the ICF (International Coaching Federation) whose standards and ethics are professional by word. I now work from Sandringham and further) in Victoria – though my work takes me across all areas of Melbourne and beyond. But, personally, I am a positive, supportive, empathetic and totally non- judgemental coach who loves to see my clients achieve the best our of their lives! I work mainly in Health and Wellbeing, which I love, but also like to engage back into corporate delivery for issues around staff retention, customer

There is an awful lot of nonsense written about whether good sales people are born or made. Anyone, yes, I mean anyone, can be taught how to be a good sales person, or to put it another way, a great self promoter – a vital skill for all coaches. Anyone can be taught to follow a process and learn how to be engaging, charismatic and impactful.

Anyone can be taught to actively listen to clients and to ask appropriate and insightful question.

So what is the key attribute?

Most people will say ‘Attitude’ and I’d agree wholeheartedly, but, is attitude something we are born with? Surely, attitude is something we develop and learn over time. We can change our attitudes and our beliefs if we choose to. I do this on a regular basis with my clients. The most common self-sabotage mistake are limiting beliefs. Our thoughts and words are powerful. They are the number one support tool we have to guide us towards our goals. When we don’t believe we can, we won’t. It’s a universal law that those things we say to ourselves as well as what we think about, manifests in our lives.

Changing your belief system as it relates to your success is the number 1 first step towards achieving success. Believe that you can and you will.

So what is the difference that makes the difference?

Maybe it’s desire. But are we born with a desire to succeed or is this learnt? When we come into the world are some predestined for greatness and others not? Is it purely a genetic lottery? We have all heard of success stories of people rising up from seemingly hopeless and less than ideal situations yet against all the odds become hugely successful. Was this ordained? Was this spirit there at birth or was it learnt? Was it their experiences in their formative years that planted the seed of desire to rise up and be successful?

You can become whatever you desire if you have the right attitude and if your attitudes or beliefs are less than what you want or need then you can learn how to change them.

Banish your limiting beliefs, revive your attitude and you can become more confident and resourceful and ultimately become the person you desire to be. You hold the keys to your success –

– See more at: http://www.the-coaching-academy.com/blog/coaching-articles/become_an_excellent_self-promoter_by_debbie_robinson.html#sthash.sQWdU3Pi.dpuf

ACC (ICF), BASS (Coaching and Positive Psychology)

My name is Annalise Roache and I am a qualified professional coach who works with individuals in both personal and workplace settings.

Coaching provides a space to focus, clarify issues and identify ways to move forward. I will support you to explore new or existing concepts and challenge you to set and work towards the goals you desire.

My practice is evidence based and calls on the abundant research and theories of positive psychology. My clients tell me I am open, creative, a good listener and that I have a great sense of humour which they enjoy in my coaching. I provide a space where they can safely share and explore while being challenged to achieve their goals.

I come to coaching from a background in project and contract management and public sector community development. As a coach I have 7 years’ experience and an array of training and education to support my practice. I have a Bachelor of Applied Social Sciences (BASS) specialising in evidence based coaching and I am a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF) the world’s largest professional coaching body. I am 1 of only 35 ICF credentialed coaches in New Zealand and this training and membership gives my practice a quality standard and ethical backbone.

I would love the opportunity to work with you and encourage you to take up the opportunity of a no obligation 30 minute phone consultation where you can clarify any questions you may have and confirm that my coaching approach is right for you.

Check out my website at www.thecoachingtoolbox.co.nz and get in touch!

Professional Life Coach

Judi is a professional life coach operating a successful coaching practice from her home on the oceanfront on the Coral Coast in Queensland. Living in such a tranquil part of the world enables Judi to focus on the holistic approach to coaching. She understands the importance of creating a balance in all areas of life and can assist you to not only see the light at the end of the tunnel, but to actually get through the tunnel before the train hits you!!

Judi’s background is varied. She has owned and managed a restaurant, designed and created women’s fashion, worked her way up through the corporate jungle and has been Director of her own personal development company for the last three years. Her wealth of experience is invaluable when meeting the needs of her clients.

Judi’s quiet, unassuming and gentle manner allows her clients to readily open up to her, resulting in them moving forward, pushing their own limits, but having the support to know that they are not alone.

Having been a mentor and business assistant, becoming an accredited life coach was a natural progression. Judi is a certified scuba diver and enjoys underwater photography. She is passionate about living the dream lifestyle, and coaching you to your ideal balanced lifestyle.

When it comes to life coaching, each client truly has their own personality – and that personality can come out for better and worse. Self-motivation, perseverance, and tenacity are the traits we all admire and try to find in our clients – but others, like stubbornness can serve as our (and our clients’) nemesis, agrees The Life Coaching Academy

Stubbornness can rear its head in a variety of ways when coaching clients, but one of the most common times to make an appearance tends to happen when our clients are experiencing dissonance.

It’s quite common for people to get a bit defensive when questioned as to the effectiveness of something they are currently doing, or to be challenged to do something differently. It’s always easier to excuse or blame than it is to fix.

For example, that shocked reaction you get when you start working with a client who wants to improve their closeness with their husband. Their startled discovery that we focus the coaching session on not changing the husband, but changing the way that the client communicates and interacts with her husband.

Perhaps in this instance, the coaching client will lay down stubbornness as a way of hiding her own misgivings or as a way of protecting herself from admitting to her personal flaws?

This stubbornness to change habits and admit that, perhaps, our current ways are not perfect holds back the progress of our clients (and ourselves as coaches). So how do you help your client to overcome stubbornness and grow and succeed?

There are several techniques that you might consider.

For starters, have your client write down the scenario, and then write their current response – sometimes putting things on paper helps the client to disassociate enough to see the picture more realistically.

Try to engage your client in scenario-based role play in which you use a trigger word or noise to acknowledge when a point of stubbornness occurs – a buzzer, whistle, or keys jingling often work perfectly. Anything that will break the state and help the coaching client to have more awareness of their stubborn streak. This awareness is the first critical component in overcoming stubbornness.

Another thing you might try is planned responses. Work with your coaching client to identify the scenarios in which their stubbornness might appear and plan ahead to find ways that they could respond differently. By having a planned response, the coaching client is less likely to engage in stubborn behaviors and will instead promote positive progress and relationships.

In extreme situations, try calling it. Ask your coaching client, ‘How is refusing to do this serving you in the long term?’. ‘How does this approach impact on your relationships with others’. ‘What’s the real issue here, why are you resisting?’

We’d love to hear your real life examples of helping clients (or perhaps yourself) to overcome stubbornness. What has and hasn’t worked for you, or what advice would you give other coaches on this topic?

How to become the successful person you dream to be – Debbie Robinson


Successful people know what they want, they know which way they are heading, they now what they need to do and are flexible about overcoming obstacles and barriers to move towards their goal and their dream. The first step is to actually set goals, agrees Linda from The Life Coaching Academy.

Where do you want to be in one or three years from now?
You need to be very clear about this. Really associate with the feeling and the picture of your success. What will you be doing? What will you be saying to yourself? What will others be saying to you? How will you feel? Where do you feel this in your body? Does it have a weight? Does it have a colour? Is it warm or cold? Get in touch with how good it feels! People who have strong focused goals know exactly how achieving their goals feels and sounds. Some even have vivid, multicolored pictures. The important thing is to see and feel the experience through your own eyes not as an observer.

Do you REALLY, REALLY want this?
You must want to achieve your goal. Not because you ought to or because you should do but because you want to! Ask yourself: “What will achieving my goal give me?”Makes you think huh?

Write your goals down!
It has been proven that writing your goals down helps focus your mind on achieving them. It sort of makes them more real, more attainable. If you don’t they remain muddled up with all the other random thoughts you experience every day of your life. Write them down and review them regularly to measure your progress and to give yourself a boost!

Make sure that they are realistic!
Ok, Ok, I know if you put your mind to it you can achieve great things but let’ get real! If the goal is too ‘out there’, too huge you probably won’t maintain your motivation and give up. If it is a BIG goal, break it down into smaller, more manageable chunks! If it is really HUGE, check that you are being realistic!

How will you get there?
So you know what you want to achieve, how are you going to achieve it? Does it seem insurmountable? Too big to tackle? Break it down into bite sized chucks. Plan out what you need to do. You may need new or additional skills, support and assistance from others. Brain storm what it is you might need to do and create a plan. Date each action so that they do not drag on and you maintain your motivation by moving towards your goal.

What will you do if you come across obstacles or barriers?
You invariably will, life happens! How many overnight success stories do you know of? Many of the people we see today as successful have had many falls along their journey to success. It is their attitude to problems and obstacles that make them a success. It is said that the person that has most flexibility will have most success. If you have a clear vision and are flexible in your approach, you can achieve your goals.

How will you know that you have achieved your goal?
Ok, this may seem a bit of a daft question, let me explain. It links back to having a clear vision of your goal. If you have this you should know how you will measure your success. It may not be exactly as you planned. What will your personal KPI’s be? It’s important to think about this. Some people achieve their goal but don’t register it and just keep on driving themselves. It is important to get a balance and remember WHY you wanted your goal in the first place!

Take Action!
Planning, hoping and dreaming won’t make it happen. Action will! Make a personal commitment to act on your goals…and live up to that commitment every day. The Life Coaching Academy www.lifecoachingacademy.edu.au can help you to create an action plan to make your dreams a reality! We offer Nationally Recognised Certificates and Diplomas. Our programs are Internationally Accredited by the International Coach Federation – ACTP ICF

7 Steps To Staying Cool, Calm and Collected

In today’s world, more people are finding it harder to cope with day to day stress. Regardless of occupation, seniority, or salary, we’re spending more of our days feeling drained and out of control, instead of focused and calm.

While some stress is a normal part of the life (which is why resilience is such a great skill to have), high levels of stress can reduce your productivity and have a negative effect on your physical and emotional health.

Signs and symptoms of excessive job and workplace stress

  • Feeling anxious, irritable, or depressed
  • Apathy, loss of interest in work
  • Problems sleeping
  • Fatigue
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Muscle tension or headaches
  • Stomach problems
  • Social withdrawal
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Using alcohol or drugs to cope.

Time to change
Another way of thinking about stress management is “state management”. In NLP the term “state” is used to describe our way of being at any moment. It is made up of our physiology, thoughts and feelings, and is greater than the sum of its parts.

States are the most immediate part of our experience; they vary in intensity, length and familiarity. There is good news, our state changes throughout the day, meaning it is impossible to stay in any stuck state for very long.

States affect our ability to perform to our best, when under stress our performance can drop by 20-30%. Learning how to manage your state will leave you feeling more in control of the external influences that impact on our general well-being and capability to perform, experiencing both the highs and lows, whilst knowing that you have a choice of how you react to any given experience.

1. Change your thinking – think of a time when you felt the way you want to feel. Associate with the experience; be there again, seeing out of your own eyes, feel the positive feelings.

2. Change your Physiology – change your posture, adopting a positive posture will make you feel calmer. Smile, this simple act makes you feel happier, because when you smile you release the body’s natural feel good chemicals in the brain.

3. Move – exercising will release the body’s natural mood enhancing chemicals beta-endorphins, which are powerful mood enhancers.

4. Change your breathing – breathing more deeply and taking twice as long to breath out than breathing in will have a calming effect, breath in for a count of 6 and out for a count of 12.

5. Relax your muscles – relax the shoulders and muscles in the face and neck will help you to feel calm.

6. Eat – food is psychoactive, so eating will change your state. Be careful as this is not a long-term answer and continuous eating will lead to weight gain.

7. Use a resource anchor – these are physical anchors set up on the body and are associated with positive experiences.

“Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions” Dalai Lama

The Life Coaching offers Nationally Recognised training: Certificate IV in Life Coaching, Diploma of Life Coaching as well as a Certificate in NLP (Neuro – Linguistic Programming)


Compassion – Rasheed Ogunlaru

One of the greatest gifts that you can give to yourself – and everyone else – is compassion. During my life journey probably the most magical discovery or re-discovery has been compassion. It has been enriching to me and has helped me to appreciate, respect and help others. If you often find that you are afraid or numbed by life, compassion is likely to be the tonic that you need.

Healer of pain:

Many of us carry around a lot of pain and baggage from the past. We feel hurt by things that have and that haven’t happened to us. Sometimes this links to difficulties, loneliness, abandonment, abuse – often rooted early on in our lives. I want you to gently look at this weight that you are carrying? Is this stuff your fault – if not let it be. If it was your fault – did you do this from fear or ignorance – if so let it be. Much of the baggage we carry in life is from things in our infancy prior to our control. When you recognise that yourself and others have faults and fears you will realise that actions that may have happened to you were not about you. By seeing this and by being compassionate you can move on. Otherwise you will remain stuck. Once you are aware of being stuck the choice to stay stuck or move forward is your choice. If you are compassionate you will be able to move ahead.

An antidote to fear:

Do you sometimes feel afraid? Perhaps afraid of life situations, challenges or change? This is a natural thing. If fear is very much present in your life I want you to look at yourself and the situations you find your self in through the lens of compassion. When you look gently and kindly at yourself, others and situations they change. It’s a bit like being tense and walking past a big dog – the dog senses it and may become tense or bark. When you are relaxed, compassionate and alert you pass the same dog that is at ease with you. They may even bark, but you remain unconcerned. For in your compassion you know that the dog like yourself has fears, doubts and insecurities. But by you being gentle and at peace you help bring about this in your environment. As you become more compassionate to people in your life you will see them become more kind to themselves and to you.

Freedom of wisdom:

Compassion is the birthplace of freedom and of wisdom. It is free of charge. It is available right now without a prescription, without a need to see your GP or doctor. You will be amazed at how many mild forms of ‘depression’ it will alleviate. Compassion is wisdom because for the first time perhaps you will look beyond your own conditioned eyes and mindset into the eyes and mindset of others. You will move from limited assumptions of them to a deeper empathy, connection, dialogue – and dare I say communion. Compassion invites us to find our true nature by discovering our deep connection and relationship with all other people and all else that we discover in our world.

The Life Coaching Academy would like to share this www.lifecoachingacademy.edu.au

Professional Life Coach

With a background in education spanning 40 years, I continue to study and learn in order to live my life to the full. My goal is to live a glorious life, and I would wish this for my clients also.

With faith & commitment we find the courage to move happily towards our goal.

Being happy is a great motivational force. Are you happy with the level that you are living your life NOW?

By focusing on a few simple strategies that can have a great impact on our lives we can create the best opportunities for improvement. We all strive for balance in our lives- that sense of well- being that comes from knowing who we are and what we want from this life. As your coach I will stimulate your amazing potential and teach you how to use your skills to benefit your lifestyle.

sAs a coach I am passionate about the chance to use my training, skill and experience to enhance your life and by creating an easy & confidential partnership of caring and support we can, together, access your strengths and set realistic goals that are right for you.

With the right strategies and time frames and with your focus and commitment and our combined energies and enthusiasm, you will achieve whatever is your passion. All things are possible, it starts with a dream. Commit yourself to the journey of a lifetime-and receive the empowerment and freedom that comes with being the best you can be.

Professional Life Coach

Sybil is professional life coach enthusiastic to help others discover and achieve their greater potential in life. Sybil first became involved with personal development towards the end of a successful career as a TAFE lecturer and administrator. Since retirement, which she prefers to call retyrement, she has travelled widely, read extensively and been fortunate to study informally with some wonderful teachers.

She is interested in Personal Development as an ongoing activity for herself and others. She is constantly expanding her own boundaries and is able to guide others from the base of her own wealth of life experience and knowledge. Her main interests are in health and wellbeing, harmonious and fulfilling activities, happiness and serenity, and helping others to achieve these in whatever ways are most suited to them.

“Sybil is the author of a self-published book, titled “Loving Life” which suggests simple ways to bring greater harmony into your life. As well, she is an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) practitioner, and a seminar facilitator for both DNA and Theta Healing; and The Melchizedek Method.”

As your coach Sybil will help you:

Clarify your vision and set/review yours goals
Explore and design strategies to achieve them
Make optimum use of your skills & resources
Address issues/difficulties to find “a better way”
Identify your own values and ideas
Achieve your personal quality of life

Sybil says “Every person CAN achieve their goals, but not enough of us do so. Sometimes we fail to set goals, or make/achive dissatisfying ones, or maybe we don’t know anyone interested in OUR success to guide us with skill and detachment, and help us along when we are ‘stuck’”.

“As your coach I am one hundred per cent committed to your personal empowerment, to get you where you want to go.”

I’m always really keen to tell clients that coaching sessions are something to look forward to, something to enjoy – that they are an important investment in yourself.

And so it was for me…
I turned to a life coach because I was very unhappy in my job and on the verge of a burn-out. My job wasn’t making any sense any more.
At first I wasn’t sure who to turn to – a coach, a therapist or a counsellor – but as I looked into coaching further, I decided to try out life coaching.
I’ve since discovered this analogy – which sums up why I turned to a coach:

Coaching can be compared to architecture. You are in the place in your life where you are ready to move forward. A coach will draw from your wisdom and insight to begin drafting the “blueprints” for your future. With your coach you process issues, tap into dreams and passions, set goals, gain momentum where you feel stuck and create the framework for the design of your life.

Counselling can be compared to archaeology. A counsellor is helping you look back, “digging” to see how you got here and where you are wounded. The counsellor works with you to bring understanding and healing from your past as you grasp and deal with your present.I love how practical life coaching is and how success is measured by results.As your coach I will help you set goals and actions towards your goals. And I will support and encourage you to go after them in a structured and realistic way.

As your coach I deal with your life in all its dimensions, personal and professional life, health and relationships.
This can be around for example, finding better work-life balance – this often involves getting clear about your priorities and what really matters to you; how you want to spend your time and with who. Dealing with stress and feeling unsettled, career change and bringing meaning into your work and life, overcoming procrastination and making the first step towards doing what you really want to do. The list is endless.

Here are some key benefits of coaching:
Quality 1:1 support and guidance
A safe, confidential and unbiased space to think and talk, grow and develop
A neutral space to work through challenging and difficult issues
The opportunity to make long-term sustainable change in your life to achieve your goals
Quality and enjoyable me-time
Professional expertise and skills from your coach
Uninterrupted listening
Questions that can help you unlock your potential, ignite your best thinking
Practical exercises to support you in seeing multiple perspectives and generating new ideas
Help to draw up an action plan at the end of each session that is manageable and at the same time stretches you to do new and different things
Clients who take up between 4-6 sessions generally get the best results and long-lasting change. Often clients feel much better after the first session, then change can be slower while working through some of the more difficult issues – it can feel as though nothing much is happening but after one or two more sessions the shift and change often happens.
After this turning point, it’s a matter of consolidating the change you’ve made, creating all the right conditions to make the change long-lasting and sustainable, as change never happens in isolation but in relation to our environment and the people in our life.
It is a bit like going to the gym. We only get fit after sustained exercise over a few regular sessions. Although nothing much seems to be happening in the beginning, our bodies are adapting without us noticing. Change takes time but it can happen and does happen.
All it takes is commitment to yourself, a healthy belief that change is possible and patience.
Study a Nationally Recognised Program that is ICF ACTP Accredited www.lifecoachingacademy.edu.au/courses/

Certificate IV Life Coaching Master of Science (Sport Psychology) PhD (Communication in Health)

After being diagnosed with breast cancer, I like many other sufferers did some research to find out how best to cope with the situation. This led me to the belief that we should be treating our whole body as one, and only then can we live a truly healthy life.
I believe Holistic Health is much more than an alternative medical practice. We must embrace all healing methods, as each has something to offer. Holistic Health will give us Wellbeing that is more a prevention rather than a cure.

It took a total change of attitude towards life, and having got my life and health back on track, I qualified as a “Life Coach” so that I could help others achieve the same results. Through Life Coaching On Line, I can help many more people enjoy a rich and fulfilling life.

Certificate IV Life Coaching Master of Science (Sport Psychology) PhD (Communication in Health)

The mission statement for Margaret’s coaching consultancy is 100% commitment to assisting people to optimise their potential in all areas of their lives. This is demonstrated by:

• The conduct of coaching sessions that are tailored to meet the specific individual needs of clients
• The provision of support for individuals to identify as a foundation what is special and unique about them including their hopes, dreams and aspirations
• Building resilience in clients so they are empowered to be proactive in achieving their goals and dealing with adversity along the way
• Working in a collaborative partnership with clients who are encouraged to be creative and resourceful.
• The maintenance of the highest level of integrity and honesty in all client interactions, regardless of gender, ethnicity and social background

Margaret establishes a coaching partnership with her clients that is founded on R•E•S•P•E•C•T:
? Remembering to listen for both what is said and what is unsaid
? Enthusiasm for the role and being fully present with the client
? Supporting the client through verbal and non-verbal behaviour
? Presenting as a good role model by demonstrating appropriate attitudes and behaviours
? Encouraging the client on their journey
? Co-creation and collaboration with the client as the lead
? Talking and listening in a safe space and at the client’s pace

Margaret conducts herself in accordance with the ICF Code of Ethics in all coaching interactions and this is reflected in the agreements established with clients that define their and her rights, roles and responsibilities. In addition, she has policies that cover the terms and conditions of the services to be delivered, including fees, cancellation, confidentiality, problem resolution and dealing with complaints.

Holly Brown, a qualified performance coach, at The Life Coaching Academy. provides you with some hints and tips to get you moving forwards with your goals, whether it is obtaining your qualification or developing your business.

As the year is drawing to a close many of us are contemplating on the changes and New Years resolutions that we would like to make for 2016, kicking that habit, setting up a new business, changing jobs, embarking on new studies such as the Master Executive Program www.lifecoachingacademy.edu.au/courses/. But when is the perfect time to do it?

As a woman who has been in high-powered positions, workinf for Toyota and being part on an international team advising Lakshimi Mittal, who topped the Sunday Times Rich List for six years running, Holly has ample experience helping people raise their game in the business world.

She says the three key points in order to get what you want are:


When you know what you want, you need to set goals say The Life Coaching Academy. But how do you know when you have reached them? Often we tend to move the goal posts and there are always plenty more things to do. When we reach that intial target we dont feel we have already achieved enough, so in order to stay motivated and keep on trach , keep your eyes n the goal.


To get one step closer to your goal dont allow yourself to make excuses – you have to do things one step at a time, break the goal down and ask yourself: is this realistic? Is this really what you want? It helps to sit down with a personal coach and work out a step-by-step progoramme to meet your goals. Many people I meet spend years building careers they dont actually want, so yu need to reconnect with this prurpose of your life and do the right things for the right reasons.

Three searching questions to ask yourself?

What is stopping you from doing what you want to do right now?
What is this costing you on a daily basis?
What will achieving your goal enable you to do?
Where do you want the next year to take you? What goals do you want to fulfil?
The GROW model forms an important part of the foundational programs www.lifecoachingacademy.edu.au/courses/

Holly Brown, a qualified performance coach, at The Life Coaching Academy. provides you with some hints and tips to get you moving forwards with your goals, whether it is obtaining your qualification or developing your business.

As the year is drawing to a close many of us are contemplating on the changes and New Years resolutions that we would like to make for 2016, kicking that habit, setting up a new business, changing jobs, embarking on new studies such as the Master Executive Program www.lifecoachingacademy.edu.au/courses/. But when is the perfect time to do it?

As a woman who has been in high-powered positions, workinf for Toyota and being part on an international team advising Lakshimi Mittal, who topped the Sunday Times Rich List for six years running, Holly has ample experience helping people raise their game in the business world.

She says the three key points in order to get what you want are:
Clarity :
Direction :

Firstly, be really clear about what it is you want. Many of us know what we are not happy about with our current situation, but you need to be very specific and visualise the outcome of your change, so you can work towards it. We are often our biggest obstacles – if we can get out of our own way and not trip ourselves up. we can start making steps towards the desired change.


When you know what you want, you need to set goals say The Life Coaching Academy. But how do you know when you have reached them? Often we tend to move the goal posts and there are always plenty more things to do. When we reach that intial target we dont feel we have already achieved enough, so in order to stay motivated and keep on trach , keep your eyes n the goal.


To get one step closer to your goal dont allow yourself to make excuses – you have to do things one step at a time, break the goal down and ask yourself: is this realistic? Is this really what you want? It helps to sit down with a personal coach and work out a step-by-step progoramme to meet your goals. Many people I meet spend years building careers they dont actually want, so yu need to reconnect with this prurpose of your life and do the right things for the right reasons.

Three searching questions to ask yourself?
What is stopping you from doing what you want to do right now?
What is this costing you on a daily basis?
What will achieving your goal enable you to do?
Where do you want the next year to take you? What goals do you want to fulfil?
The GROW model forms an important part of the foundational programs www.lifecoachingacademy.edu.au/courses/

Certificate IV Life Coaching Diploma in youth Work

Brett Phillips Coaching specialises in helping Adolescents and their Families to become more Inspired and Empowered in everyday life. Using his extensive knowledge and experience working with Young People, Parents, Schools, Youth Justice, Police, Counsellors, Psychologists, Community Groups, Government and Non-Government Agencies, Brett has helped many families with a variety of issues.

I am passionate about empowering and supporting adolescents to re-evaluate their Beliefs and Values, to successfully manage Emotions and Actions, to Effectively and Assertively Communicate with others and to Identify what is truly important to them, how to go after it and how to overcome the Obstacles. Sessions can be in person, over the phone or via Skype. During my sessions I share my personal experiences, use humour and word pictures so the learning can be remembered. I am flexible, dedicated and determined to help my clients reach their full potential.
• Do you see your child missing opportunities?
• Are you or your child feeling overwhelmed?
• Are you struggling to communicate with your child?
• Are you concerned your child is falling behind or not coping?
• Is your child’s behaviour a worry to you?
• Does your child lack direction or focus?
• Is being a single parent becoming too much?
• Is your child in need of a positive male role model?

My coaching philosophy comes from the movie, National Treasure when describing the meaning of the Declaration of Independence; “When something is wrong, those who have the ability to do something about it also have the responsibility.” My own challenging childhood, years in the police force and running youth programs have equipped me with the skills to make a difference in the lives of young people and their families.

Did You Know?

Christmas has been ranked sixth on the scale of most stressful life events, following things like moving and changing jobs.

Here are some tips from The Life Coaching Academy to help you survive:
A sense of humour

Peace on earth (serene disposition is highly recommended)
Goodwill towards all men (particularly family members)

The holidays are near and your prescription meds might not be enough. Spending the next few weeks with your mother-in-law whose favorite activity is counting the calories you consume might push you over the edge.

Set Boundaries
·Let,s face it everyone’s family is a little bit crazy ( some more than others ). Decide on the length of your visit and share this information with everyone immediately so there are no hurt feelings or misunderstandings. If you are staying a shorter time than your family would like you to, (which might well be the case), blame it on your work commitments or expensive travel arrangements. Make travel plans well in advance and consider booking a room in a nearby hotel should you need a quick escape.

Set BoundariesKeep it Real
Don’t kid yourself. The perfect magical holidays sold to us in the commercials are nothing but a peppermint fantasy. Your Grandma might land up on the porch in her underwear screaming at the neighbours, you might even feel like joining her. Sure you will get presents, they are probably things that you really don’t need or want. Grin and bear them graciously. Make sure that you provide gift receipts with all your presents you give – maybe next year your family will get the hint and return the favour.

Be Gracious
.Nothing will make the designated family chef happier than seeing you enjoy your food, so take two or three very small helpings of everything, which will give the impression that you are eating more than you actually are. If you are worried about gaining weight, insist on going for a walk or jog, or walk the dog – it will have the added bonus of getting you out the house!

Keep Your Sense of Humour
· Have a drink to settle your nerves, but watch out – the more you indulge, the more likely you are to overeat, wake up with a hangover, or blurt out what you think of your sisters parenting skills.

·Bite your tongue. Don’t let a thoughtless remark by aunt Mary ruin your day, or decide that Christmas Eve is the perfect time to have it out with your obnoxious cousin Bruce.

·Prepare in advance for irksome questions. For example, if Grandma Edith always asks why ‘a gorgeous young woman like yourself is still single’, plan a reply like I am holding out for Mr Wrong, or I have not yet decided whether girls are my preference. You will be less stressed knowing you can shut the meddlers down and amuse yourself at the same time.


·Create a diversion. If unwanted attention shifts to you or is heading down a familiar path that always leads to a fight, take the opportunity to revel a juicy bit of gossip about a distant relative that you have been saving for just such an occasion.

· Take your expectations down a few notches and be appreciative of the effort your family has put into the Christmas arrangements, even if they were not to your liking. No family is perfect. Instead of trying to change yours, enjoys them as they are.

The Life Coaching Academy is a Registered RTO and delivers Nationally & Internationally Accredited Certificates & Diplomas www.lifecoachingacademy.edu.au

3 Barriers to Staying Motivated – Anthony Carter

17/11/2015 09:00:00

3 Barriers to Staying Motivated – Anthony Carter

The Life Coaching Academy agrees, If you are motivated you can complete some monumental tasks. If you are not motivated it is hard to get up off the couch and walk to the mailbox. You can remain motivated on a consistent basis if you avoid certain pitfalls. Here are three barriers which can keep you from staying motivated:

1-Weak Reasons. If your reasons for doing a task are not substantial enough to warrant you taking action then you will not. When this is the case you will always find reasons not to do the work. In your mind you do not see the use wasting energy on a task which is not going to benefit you sufficiently.

Solution: Find reasons for taking action. If they do not appear on the surface to be sufficient then dig until you find solid reasons to act. Outside pressure is not always enough. But when we find our own reasons for doing the work then we get motivated enough to act. Always try to find your own reasons for doing what needs to be done. If those reasons are important enough to you then you will want to act.

2-Procrastination. Putting off what needs to be done lets us avoid responsibility. The problem lies in the fact that we are only able to temporarily avoid doing what needs to be done. And when it comes time to finally take action our motivation is usually still at a low level.

Solution: Do not wait. When you have to do something, do it. Do it whether you want to or not. Treat it like a plaster that you need to pull off. It is best to just do it and get it over with. Trying to wait until you are motivated is a waste of time. Motivate yourself to get it done immediately so that you can rest in the comfort of knowing that your responsibility has been taken care of.

3-Low Confidence. When you do not believe you can do something you stop yourself before you get started. Your motivation to take action is virtually nonexistent because you are fearful of taking action. When you allow your low confidence to keep you from taking action you are actually cheating yourself out of an opportunity to experience growth. Your confidence will continue to suffer and if you always avoid doing tasks because you feel like you cannot do them.

Solution: Even though you feel the fear it is important that you do what needs to be done anyway. Each time you act in spite of fear you increase your confidence. You also lessen fear’s hold on you. You gain skills and abilities with each task that you take on. When you take action over and over again you tend to pay little attention to your fears. And because your confidence rises in the process you are easily motivated to take on more tasks.

The Life Coaching Academy offers Nationally Recognised Certificates & Diplomas that provide coaches with the most advanceed live interactive training.

Our Coaches are Successful & Motivatd Individuals that are highly respected in the Coaching Industry. Our Coaches are Accreited at ACTP level by the International Coach Federation (ICF)

Mark Twain’s Top 7 Tips for a Simple and Successful Life


“The man who doesn’t read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.”

“Name the greatest of all inventors. Accident.”

“Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.”

One of the my favorite people of all time to find timeless tips from must be the always witty and perceptive Mark Twain.

Twain was an American lecturer, satirist, humorist and the author of classic books like The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

And this week The Life Coaching Academy would like to share Mark Twains favorite tips from him for living both a simpler life but also a more successful one.

I hope you’ll find these tips and strategies as helpful as I’ve found them to be over the years.

1. The secret of getting ahead…

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.”

When you start to look too far into the future any task or project can seem close to impossible. And so you shut down because you become overwhelmed or fearful (of success or failure) and you start surfing the internet aimlessly.

So instead:

Break that task down into small and practical steps.

Then just focus on taking the first step today. That is all you need to focus on, nothing else. By taking the first step you change your mental state from resistant to “hey, I’m doing this, cool”.

You put yourself in state where you become more positive and open, a state where you may not be enthusiastic about taking the next step after this first one but you are at least accepting it.

And so you can take the next step. And the next one after that.

Until you have arrived at your destination and at completion.

2. Less talking, more doing.

“Action speaks louder than words but not nearly as often”

“There are basically two types of people. People who accomplish things, and people who claim to have accomplished things. The first group is less crowded.”

It’s often easy to talk but developing the habit of being a person of action is quite a bit harder.

Being in the habit of breaking down your task into smaller pieces is one of the most effective things you can do to take more consistent action.

Two other habits that work very well for me are to:

    • Start your day with a positive morning routine. A good start often leads to a good day. A bad or indecisive start often leads to a pretty mediocre day. So create your own morning routine that reliably gets you off to a good or great start. Mine includes a good breakfast, positive information as I eat my first meal of the day and getting started with my most important task of the day right away when I start working.
    • Block out the distractions. Before you take one of those small steps forward make sure you have created a zone where you are a lot less likely to be distracted or disturbed. So shut down your internet or use a blocker program for your most visited websites. Put your phone in silent mode and somewhere where you can’t see it for a while. Close the door to your room. Then get to work.

3. Be courageous in the face of fear.

“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear – not absence of fear.”

Being courageous can be difficult but if you want to live the life you want to live then sometimes you have look into the face of fear and get going or keep going anyway.

And although it is rarely easy to be courageous I have found a few ways to make it easier.

        • Ask yourself: what is the worst that could happen? Don’t just think about it for a few seconds. Sit down with a pen and piece of paper or your laptop. Write it all out as you think about what the realistic worst-case scenario would be. Then write down a plan for how you can come back from such a scenario.
          This brings clarity, defuses fuzzy fears and helps you realize that you can most often bounce back pretty quickly even if the worst-case scenario somehow becomes reality.
        • Share your fear with someone. By just keeping it on the inside it’s easy to build a fear up into this massive nightmare and extremely dangerous thing. By sharing and by gettingg some input from a levelheaded friend or family member he or she can help you to alleviate the fear and inner pressure. And you can gain a much healthier perspective on things again.
        • Accept the fear. It is a natural impulse to try to deny the fear when shows up in your life. Perhaps you try to not think about it, you try to push it away. I have found that in many cases it is actually better to just accept that fear is here right now.
          After a few minutes of fully taking in this uncomfortable feeling and accepting it then it starts to lose steam. You have stopped feeding more energy into the fear. And it just seems to float away – or at least becomes smaller – and you feel more open and centered.

4. A good compliment is a wonderful thing.

“I can live for two months on a good compliment.”

Compliments are awesome. But make sure you make it:

        • A genuine one. Make sure you really mean it or it may have the opposite effect as your insincerity shines through.
        • Something a bit unexpected. Like a great taste in old soul music rather than something the other person has heard a hundred times like for example about looks.
        • Something that is important to the other person.

5. Keep positive company.

“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”

I have mentioned this many times. But it bears repeating.

Spend more time with positive people, books, music, movies, podcasts and websites.

Spend your time in an environment that lifts you up.

And spend less time or no time with the negative sources out there.

Make a conscious choice and start to shape your environment instead of just going along and reading, listening to, watching what people in general or people around you may be in the habit of consuming.

6. Focus on what is truly important for YOU.

“Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising.”

Make a conscious choice to focus on what is most important in YOUR life. And not on the things that various companies – or other people – may tell you are the most important things.

Like I mentioned last week, a note with the 4 most important things in your life smartly placed where you will see it every day – in your workspace etc. – helps you to keep your mind consistently on your top priorities.

And if you want a couple of practical tips that will help you to declutter your ad/information intake then:

        • Ask yourself: is this useful? If for instance a TV-show or magazine isn’t bringing me anything useful – fun, fascination, useful tips etc. – then why am I spending my time on it? It’s kinda easy to just fall into a habit of doing stuff or consuming things without really having much of a reason for doing so.
        • Find out what you really like to do. That will probably be more interesting that surfing the internet or TV-channels randomly. And so these less exciting things just tend to fall away from your life as you find – or spend more time with – things that you really like to do, like for instance a new hobby.

7. When emotions are exploding… wait.

“Time cools, time clarifies; no mood can be maintained quite unaltered through the course of hours.”

It’s easy to make bad decisions when you are full of negative emotions. And it is very easy to become riled up, angry or defensive when you, for instance, receive some criticism or when someone is attacking you verbally.

This is not a good position to be in to fire away a reply if you don’t want to wind up making the situation worse.

And to lash back at this person or to not be the better person here can really hurt your self-esteem. It might feel good for a while to do so but it is a dirty high that comes with a hangover of feeling worse about yourself and subtle or not so subtle self-destructiveness. Coaching assists in improving self-esteem in bucket loads. The GROW model provides a clear path of setting and attaining goals.

Neuro-lnguistic programming is a highly sought after tool that helps people to reframe negative thoughts and get rid of limiting beliefs. see what we have on offer: www.lifecoachingacademy.edu.au/courses/

But how do you control the impulse to attack, overreact or make a hasty decision?

      • Remind yourself of the potential consequences. I don’t want to hurt myself, my self-esteem or make bad decisions with negative consequences. By repeatedly reminding myself of these potential consequences then they will also often pop up automatically when I receive criticism or when I am angry.
      • Count to at least 10 and take a few belly breaths. Then respond. This simple way of calming yourself down and regaining some perspective can save you a lot of trouble and help you avoid saying something you can’t take back.
      • Accept how you feel. If you have a little more time than under a minute then take a look at tip #3 again and try to accept how you feel to lessen the big emotions more quickly.
      • If possible, wait until tomorrow or at least later today. By then the most negative feelings will most likely have lost their steam and you can see things with more clarity and cool. And take action in a better and smarter way.

Do you promise yourself that you will get stuff done, important stuff….and you don’t?

Do you feel overwhelmed by everything that’s on your plate and forget you put it there?

Do you feel you don’t get the acknowledgement you’re entitled to, even from yourself?

Are you juggling work, family, friends and recreation?

Do you lose sight of your goals as you speed through life?

Do you feel like life is passing you by?

Is your soul starved for expression because you’ve given up your dreams?

As a life coach I am committed to make you aware that you have the power to choose to live a life that you love.

I pledge to help you gain a clear vision of your goals and dreams, and to move toward them, full of energy, focus and determination. This energy comes from a knowing that you can accomplish anything that you set your mind to.

It is not my intention to cling to you forever, but for you to leave with what you came for…your hopes and dreams.

With a background in business consulting, and a passion for self-development and well-being, I enjoy a challenge, and would be honored to create an alliance with anyone looking to make substantial changes in their personal and/or professional lives.

If you are ready to take the challenge please contact me for a free introductory coaching session.

Teenage girl stopped self harming and anti depressants within 6mths Man stopped smoking marijuana after twenty years Woman able to look herself in eye in a mirror and say that she loves herself after abusive upbringing But if you must have quals, here they are: Master Practitioner of NLP NLP Trainer Performance Coach Certificate IV in Coaching

I’ve lived it or seen it, nothing you can bring to me can shock me.

I’m older than I look and know when to kick butt or hand hold.

I’ll sing, laugh and hold you to account. I am not for everyone but if I am for you, I will do EVERYTHING within my power to support you to achieve your outcomes.


If you want traditional/professional/ suited up corporate style coaching…. I suggest you keep scrolling. That’s not me.

I’ve lived it or seen it, nothing you can bring to me can shock me. Abuse, drugs, relationship breakdowns, business highs and lows.

Be careful not to judge me though. I’m older than I look and know when to kick butt or hand hold.

I’m high energy and very determined. I’ll sing, laugh and hold you to account. I am not for everyone but if I am for you, I will do EVERYTHING within my power to support you to achieve your outcomes.

If you want traditional/professional/ suited up corporate style coaching…. I suggest you keep scrolling. That’s not me.

I can help you create online content to compliment your business growth, outline live events with you if you want to work with groups, this is of course after helping you work through the beliefs around why you can’t or shouldn’t.

I’m rather rad so if you’re rather rad too, we should talk.

Vanessa is passionate about supporting individuals to reach their true potential and to create the life they choose. She believes that people are capable of achieving so much more in their lives and enjoys playing a role in awakening this potential in others.

Vanessa brings to her coaching eight successful and wonderful years as a primary school teacher in varying roles. Whilst on family leave, with her second child, Vanessa developed an interest in life coaching and she is now a graduate of the renowned Life Coaching Academy.

Vanessa’s commitment to personally creating the life she chooses has led to the establishment of her own successful business, Inner Potential Coaching. Through Inner Potential Coaching, Vanessa is 100% committed to providing a quality coaching service to all individuals who are willing to be supported, challenged and held accountable to create the results they desire.

Described as a genuinely caring person, with a positive attitude to life, Vanessa uses her skills and knowledge to provide a safe and supportive coaching space for people to move forward.

If you are content for the next 12 months of your life to be similar to the last 12 months, then you don’t need any Life Coaching. However, if you have ever wondered what your life could be like then Vanessa can’t wait to work with you.

As Walt Disney said “If you can dream it, you can do it.”

Announcement: Tired of feeling stuck? Let go of the past and create a life you love with the Life Coaching Academy Accredited program.

How to Stop Feeling Like You’re Not Good Enough

By Matt Turner

“Shame is the most powerful, master emotion. It’s the fear that we’re not good enough.” ~Brene Brown

I’ve always had a temper for as long as I can remember. It would show up at the most innocuous times—when playing a board game with my family, at the dinner table, or sometimes right in the middle of a shopping mall.

At the time I had no idea why I would get so frustrated, so red-in-the-face with pure rage and an intense feeling of absolute helplessness. Even more puzzling was the triggers to these episodes.

Usually it involved losing at something as trivial as Trivial Pursuit. Sometimes it was because I was struggling to get my point across and felt dismissed. Other times it could be out of pure jealousy of something or somebody.

The victims of my ire would be widespread and varied, from my dear sweet elderly grandmother, to my passive cool dude of an elder brother, and many family members, teachers, and friends in between.

It wasn’t until years later that I began to realize that all these events and triggers had something in common: I didn’t feel good enough.

Let me give you a shining example that I hope you can relate to.

I was fourteen years old and in my art class, fooling around as usual. (I later came to realize that was another modus operandi to get attention and distract people from my perceived flaws and real feelings. In later life I even made a successful career as a professional stand-up comedian out of it!)

We were making the classic piece of art every kid in every school at some time make—sticking macaroni to paper using glue. Yes, it wasn’t exactly Jackson Pollock or Andy Warhol, but I was told it was art all the same.

The teacher was like a lot of teachers I had, complimentary of the kids she liked, dismissive and frustrated with the ones that challenged her. Guess which category I fell into?

I empathized with my teacher, as it was easy to get frustrated with me. I could be belligerent, defensive, grumpy, and sometimes downright offensive. However, I never knew why.

On this particular afternoon, I decided it would be fun to place the macaroni on the paper, but not actually use any glue. When it was my turn to stand up and show my work, the result would be a macaroni tsunami of epic proportions!

Yes, the kids laughed and I was the clown, the jester, the hero—for a while. Then I became the laughing stock as the teacher berated me for not following instructions. Now I felt angry! From the comedian swept away in adulation to the scolded victim seething with bitterness in less than five seconds!

I vowed to fail every art class I attended, to make every class difficult for the teacher, to show her she was wrong to dare challenge me.

The thing is, I was only hurting myself. This is where I learned the idea of projection. I thought I was attacking the teacher, but in reality I was attacking myself.

It took many years of work, struggle, upset, despair, and hope to get to where I am today. Here’s what I learned to be true: to understand why I was behaving this way, I had to look at when I first experienced trauma.

Nobody gets out of childhood unscathed. There is no such thing as a “normal upbringing.” We can suffer large scale events that are memorably traumatic, or smaller, more frequent events that are less memorable but no less damaging. I fell into the latter category.

What I learned is that my mother never really listened to me. She was just not enough time. Too busy working nights as a nurse, too busy trying to pay bills, too busy cooking, clothing, and feeding us.

It really must have been hard for her. At the time I never realized this—of course, which kid does! Now I know that she did her best. She is innocent. I believe every parent is, despite the damage they cause.

In fact, I realized we are all innocent, and no human being ever sets out to hurt anyone. Our circumstances and experiences make us this way.

By not being listened to I was denied love, attention, and care. It was a form of subtle neglect. I also learned that when we experience such feelings (that let’s face it, aren’t very nice!) we find ways to cut them off and stop them happening again.

We do this by deflection. Shutting down, running away, or showing anger are all great deflection techniques that work—for a while. Getting angry was a convenient way of hiding my real feelings. Hiding what pain I was experiencing inside. Hiding the trauma I’d suffered.

I also learned that humor is another defense mechanism that works well for hiding from the truth. However, like anger, it only serves us for so long. Eventually you can’t operate like that anymore. It simply takes too much energy, costs too many relationships, and feels too painful.

Now I follow these simple (but not always easy!) rules to help me overcome my struggles:

We find that coaching is a powerful tool that allows people experiencing difficult personal relationships to implement. Coachng is a structured methodology that allows people to move forward when stuck in stressful situations. People that have benefitted from coaching in their own lives often find themselves drawn to a career in coaching. There are many programs to choose from. Goal Setting, Mindfulness, NLP programs and Nationally recognised Certificates and Diplomas , The Life Coaching Academy wwww.lifecoachingacademy.edu.au/courses/ are also Internationally Accredited by the ICF International Coach Federation, www.coachfederation.org

1. Recognize triggers.

When we are triggered, our limbic brain (emotional brain) gets first bite at the trigger. I now know that if I can get past this part of the process, I’ll be fine.

One technique I’ve learned is to simply excuse myself from any given situation, take stock, and ask myself a few questions.

These are: What’s the trigger, and what is it triggering? What am I feeling here, and can I allow myself to feel it, understand it, and soothe it? Finally, what’s the truth? Often our emotional brain tells us lies!

What kind of things trigger you to feel not good enough? Minor rejections? Being around people who seem to have achieved more than you? Receiving unsolicited advice? Recognizing your triggers is the key to taking back your power.

2. Revisit the situation.

One of the best ways to bypass and overcome our emotional brain is to revisit what’s making us emotional. Your emotional brain will calm down when forced to see things again in a different light.

Here’s where you can revisit the situation and calmly and rationally explain how you really feel. This is where you get to be vulnerable and communicate what’s going on for you. The aim here is to be met with empathy.

The first step is to practice by yourself in the mirror beforehand. So, in a highly charged or triggered situation, immediately take yourself out of harm’s way (for example, make an excuse to visit the bathroom).

Next, take a few slow, deep breaths, calmly and rationally explaining how you really feel about the situation to yourself in front of a mirror. You can do this out loud (privacy and confidence permitting) or in your head.

The great thing about this step is the empowerment you’ll feel. By looking inward at yourself and talking to yourself, you learn so much about what’s going on for you.

If you are still feeling charged, simply repeat the process above again, but a little slower this time and with more feeling.

When you are ready, take yourself back to the person who triggered you and repeat the process above in front of them. Again, the aim here is to be met with empathy. And because you’ve just practiced this speech and now are more confident and calm, your chances of success will increase dramatically!

3. Be thankful to your trigger.

When I’ve gotten the empathy I need, when I’ve been listened to, I’ll thank the person who triggered me. After all, they are never the problem, the trigger is. I’ll acknowledge them and, circumstances permitting, give them an embrace—or at least a smile—with lots of eye contact.

Here’s where you get to spread your love for yourself onto others. By working on your part of the relationship, you can acknowledge another human being for being understanding, patient, and present for you.

It’s difficult for people to be vulnerable and appear empathetic. We’re usually conditioned not to do this through our experiences. So make this step an important one and recognize other people’s bravery. They’ll not forget that in a hurry!

4. Now forgive yourself!

Finally, be able to forgive yourself and congratulate yourself for having flaws, for not being perfect, for being simply human. It’s your way of making shame ashamed of itself for ever showing up.

You see, shame makes us feel not good enough. But the truth is that our greatest fear isn’t being not good enough, it’s actually that we might just be powerful, wonderful, and capable of anything we put our minds to.

Today, believe what is true. You are an amazing, wonderful, and powerful human being who the planet is lucky to have walking on it.

How often have you talked yourself out of your dreams?

Do you know the difference it would make if you had someone believe in you?

How do you uncover your authentic life and stay aligned with your own personal values, so that you know you are living your own life and not someone elses?

Do you know your life purpose and are you motivated each day in it’s fulfillment?

As your personal coach I will empower you to follow your dreams, because the more you follow your dreams, the more you will be at-ease with yourself and consequently the greater your ability to make positive changes in the world. When you are happy and following your heart, everything will change around you. Miracles will happen and you will discover a source of infinite creative potential that fuels your passion and excitement for life.

Taking the time to discover and cultivate your dreams takes determination and patience, and the waters may get choppy. I will be your navigator as you steer your ship, making sure you stay on course, encouraging you not to lose sight of the goal and celebrating your successes. Your joy will be my joy.

If you are ready and have the time to invest in your journey then call me for a complimentary 30 minute coaching session.

As a Professional Life Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Tele-class presenter, Anna is dedicated to models of peace, using the advanced communication and relating skills that are a part of coaching, so that they can be embraced by the individual, the corporate body and organisations, and so lead to more love, harmony and beauty in the world.

Anna does trainings and keynote presentations to that end, so that the local and global community may be strenghthened and aligned with it’s Higher Purpose to serve one another and humanity.

Anna’s background as a Health Professional, with her expertise in Homoeopathy and Naturopathy has given her a keen insight and caring approach as to what is needed to lead a balanced life, in harmony with one self and free of dis-ease. In her coaching sessions, your emotional and physical health will also be looked at as a priority, in order for you to achieve your other goals. Anna’s other passions lie in music, playing various musical instruments,singing and dancing and she is a certified Dance Leader for the Dances of Universal Peace, a global network which conducts a variety of interactive presentations, with a focus on citizen diplomacy, inner and outer peace. Anna also supports other peace initiatives, and is an active member of World Peace 2000, and the UNESCO ideals.

Masters in Intercultural Studies, Bachelor of Sociology & Japanese Stuides

Pauline started her career as the Human Resource Manager of a medium-sized company in Singapore and introduced work-life balance policies to the management and employees, successfully implementing these policies at every level. She also assisted the company in coordinating its public listing process successfully, acting as the liaison between the company and its underwriting bank, lawyers, accountants and public relations firm. Following that, she spent 4 years in Japan as a cross-cultural program manager, organizing events, activities and homestays for Singaporean teams visiting various prefectures in Japan.

She speaks Japanese fluently and has Level 1 certification in the Japanese Language (the highest level a non-native speaker can attain). She also has extensive experience working as a Japanese business, culture and language consultant for numerous companies and organizations such as Estee Lauder, Toshiba, Animax Asia, The Singapore Film Society and Singapore governmental ministries such as Media Development Authority (MDA) and Ministry of Information, Communication and the Arts (MICA).

In 2006, she was invited by MICA to be a mentor in a regional event known as Creative Youth Xchange involving young artists from different parts of Asia. She is passionate about helping others live life with passion and is ecstatic that she can accomplish this in her role as a professional life and communication coach. She is a certified life coach with the Life Coaching Academy, an Australian government-approved training institution accredited with the International Coaching Federation.

Cert IV in Life Coaching, BCom,LLB

Doug O’Hara knows about high quality business, executive and personal coaching. The mission of the organisation he created, APEAK, provides coaching, mentoring, training, facilitating and consulting that supports you to change your life in ways that will allow you to grow and to develop your business and personal life with an appropriate balance you choose between work and home. APEAK specialises in working with people who have a strong desire to live a quality life and who are willing to work to achieve these outcomes.

Doug began his career in mechanical engineering and manufacturing. He was selected, in his mid 20’s, to guide a manufacturing business into the use of manufacturing planning computer systems. His career transition into this computer systems area lead him on to many and increasingly senior management and leadership roles in Australian and Multi-National organisations like Hewlett Packard and General Electric. His problem solving and systems implementation talent was recognised in both of these organisations and rewarded by a number of overseas consulting and study tours. Australian companies like Reckitt & Coleman found his manufacturing consultant advice to be reliable and soundly based. During his management training at Hewlett Packard he was taught, twenty-two years ago, how to be a coach and a manager. He has applied this learning successfully to all the roles and responsibilities since that time.

Doug has been married for thirty-six years and he and his wife have three, now grown, children and one grandson. He has had a very successful corporate career over thirty-five years. He has overcome some health challenges and has many friends and a really supportative family. In 2000 he was an Olympic games volunteer. Currently he is a volunteer worker (one day per week) with the Australian Computer Society Foundation working on Marketing and other duties to explain and promote to corporate and government organisations the value of supporting and providing work integrated learning opportunities for IT students before they graduate.

APEAK works with people in small, medium and large businesses by providing Coaching, Mentoring, Training, Facilitating Services that assists them to achieve and exceed their goals and targets as they develop their lives in more ways that are meaningful. He has forty years of business and life experience I can draw on.

If you would you like to gain from an interested and trustful and an experienced coach and partner of forty years of business and life experience to draw on; someone who has spent considerable time working with and teaching people about systems and process they need to streamline their businesses.

A person interested in people and how to assist them to reach and exceed their goals and targets as they develop their lives in more ways that are meaningful. One who supports your uniqueness, shares with you professional insights and brings accountability to the partnership on a regular basis?

Deck the halls and get in the Christmas spirit!

Christmas traditions light the fire of Christmas spirit. Here are a few of our favourite ideas to start off the holiday season with your friends and family.

Find the PERFECT Christmas tree (sorry Charlie Brown)

Pack up the family and head out on a tree search. Whether you visit a tree lot or tromp through the woods, it’s hard to not catch the Christmas spirit surrounded by Christmas trees.

Countdown to Christmas day

Sit with your children and connect paper strips to form a chain marking each day until Christmas. This is a fun alternative to the regular Christmas advent calendar and a great way to create excitement for the holiday season and your favourite Christmas traditions.

Have a night of hot chocolate and tree decorating

Make decorating the Christmas tree together a special Christmas tradition. Take the time to remember where loved Christmas ornaments came from, and what makes them special. Try a few new Christmas decoration ideas.

Get crafty

Get the kids involved with making handmade gifts to share with friends and neighbors. Gifts in a jar are particularly easy to do with children.

Give back to others

For some, the holidays can be a tough time. There are many individuals and families that miss out on holiday gifts and a hot turkey dinner, among other daily necessities. Talk to your kids about the true holiday spirit of giving and how you can help a family in need. Create a Christmas hamper for a family in your community, start a food or clothing drive or contact your local food bank or shelter for other great ideas on how you and your family can give back this Christmas.

Play Christmas tunes

Tune in to Christmas stations and let the Christmas spirit fill your house and car with carols. Print out the words to a few of your favourite Christmas songs so everyone can sing along. If you’re feeling extra adventurous and would like to spread the Christmas cheer, take your carols to the streets for everyone to hear!

Have a Christmas movie night

Pop some popcorn and snuggle in for a night of Christmas movies. Whether you are a fan of “Elf” or you would rather watch “White Christmas,” there’s a holiday movie out there for everyone.

Make Christmas ornaments

Creating a new ornament each year can be a wonderful Christmas tradition. Kids will get excited when they see their handmade decorations from years past hanging on the tree. Making your own Christmas ornaments is a fun way to show your holiday spirit and an excellent low budget idea for personalized Christmas gifts, perfect for family friends, teachers and co-workers!

Visit Santa Claus

Nothing says Christmas is coming like the arrival of Santa Claus. Take a break from shopping to let the kids sit on Santa’s lap, and tell him what they would like for Christmas this year. Whether full of tears or cheers this holiday photo op makes great memories for years to come.

Drive around to see Christmas lights

Load up the car and drive around lit up neighborhoods. Maybe you will be inspired with a few new Christmas decoration ideas. Be sure to bring candy canes. No matter how you celebrate Christmas, the important thing is that you do it together with your friends and family.
Finally dont forget to set goals for 2016 – Coaching offers you flexible working hours that allows you to work from home.
If you are passionate about work/life balance Welness Coaching www.lifecoachingacademy.edu.au/courses/46 is
very popular.
The Life Coaching Academy www.lifecoachingacademy.edu.au would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas with your loved ones.

Cert IV in Life Coaching, BCom,LLB

My life has all been about…is all about…bringing you back to YOU. When we spend time getting to the heart of what is really going on for you, it will come back to this.

Who you believe yourself to be…and then how you interpret each moment that Life (gifts to you), is a reflection of that belief.

And that’s where I can help you.

I can help you to discover what’s really going on for you…to transform the way you view life…view events…view YOU.

And as you discover the wonder…the grace…the magnificence of you, Life shifts on its axis to meet you in that place.

That magical place that is YOU…sparkling in your light.

For more tips to get you started, visit my blog at www.space2create.com.au or request the free Resource Guide at www.bigbalancingactblueprint.com

Much love,
Kim xxx

BSc, PhD, Grad Dip Nut Diet, LCA Accredited Coach, International Coach Federation Member, Professional Life Coach

I am a government gazetted mediator in Queensland and Victoria who has assisted many people resolve their conflicts, helping them to let go of bitterness and anger often associated with feuds. I have worked with divorcing and seperating couples, neighbours, work collegues, parents & their children. As a skilled trainer and facilitator I have conducted Assertive Parenting groups and Conflict Resolution workshops.

As December days pass and the year steadily marches to its conclusion, we often use this time to reflect on where we’ve come from and where we will go in the coming year. How was your 2015? What was your best day? What will you do for yourself and your business to make 2016 your best year yet? This holiday, take the time to celebrate your successes and honour your growth – you’ve come a long way!

Perhaps you might consider commencing 2016 with study, Coaching is a popular program these days for people wanting to add additional skills to their lives.Coaching is a great skill and offers tremendous personal growth and satisfaction. The Life Coaching Academy offers a wonderful selection of programs, that are all Nationally Recognised and Internationally Accredited by the ICF (International Coach Federation) at ACTP level: check out our programs www.lifecoachingacademy.edu.au/courses/

Wishing you a fabulous Christmas.

We wish you the very best this holiday!

Professional Life Coach

Is there something you have always wanted to do or a change you want to make in your life?
Maybe you want to live healthier?
Improve your relationships?
Change your career?
Increase your energy levels?
Become more confident?
Decrease stress?
Improve your work performance?
Resolve a health issue?

Aspire to your dreams and goals! I can help uncover your potential, motivate & encourage you to keep on track with your life goals. Coaching will help close the gap between your life and dreams by identifying strategies and a game plan to move forward positively.

About me… As an LCA accredited coach, I also hold a degree in Sociology and have worked extensively in the media both in New Zealand and London. I am a regular TV/radio guest on life coaching. I offer personal coaching services covering relationships, health, lifestyle, career, stress, motivation and goal setting.

Certified Hypnotherapist, Certificate IV in Life Coaching Practitioner Diploma in Indirect Hypnosis, Ericksonian Hypnotherapy & NLP – 2008 Masters of Business & Technology (UNSW), ICF ACC

My mission is to facilitate change and improvement by helping people to find and apply resources they already have within them to create and manage change effectively, resolve problems, identify new opportunities and move closer to being the best they can be.

I am the sole-proprietor of “entrance2change” www.entrance2change.com, providing Executive & Career coaching to corporate professionals and providing personalised Life Coaching to anyone needing support with changing their lives for the better.f

Why Stephanie Mohan?
* Intuitive
* Incisive
* Integrity
* Guiding you to practical actions
* Extensive corporate experience in business performance improvement and organisational change management
* Buddhist practitioner

Stephanie has a background covering over 30 years of corporate experience. Stephanie gained extensive experience globally in a variety of executive and senior management, project management; change management and consulting roles in organisations including Estee Lauder, Standard Chartered Bank, AMP, Citigroup, Fujitsu, Westpac, State Rail, NatWest Australia Bank and State Bank of Victoria.

As a Coach, Stephanie prides herself on providing ‘top notch’ quality client centred coaching tailored to each individual.

Stephanie can help you develop practical step by step actions that will move you forward, towards your life and career change and improvement goals.

She can then help to ensure that you stay committed and on track with your action plan and continue to progress towards your goals over time.

If you feel ‘stuck’ or have habitual patterns of behaviour that you have been trying and trying to break, Stephanie will help you to identify and use new ways of thinking and behaving.

Hard to believe only another 6 Fridays until 2016!! Avoid the price increase – redeem your voucher & commence your studies now or in 2016.

Contact us now to secure your Gift Voucher – Valid untill 30/11/2015

Email: info@lifecoachingacademy.edu.au

Ph: 1800 032 151

$400 discount off our Foundational Program:

Professional Coach ICF



$500 discount off our Foundational + Specialty Stream Programs:

Professional Coach ICF Wellness



Professional Coach ICF Business



Professional Coach ICF NLP



$600 discount off our Advanced Programs:

Master Coach ICF Program

(Diploma Program including NLP Coach Practitioner Certificate)



Executive Master Coach ICF

(Diploma Program including NLP Coach Practitioner Certificate and Executive Coaching Certificate and Certificate IV in Business)



Click to Enroll:


Life Coaching Academy Testimonials

NB !! We are the only Registered Training Organization offering ICF Accredited ACTP & Nationally Recognized Programs (Australia):

Please note it is advisable to check that any program of study you undertake is accredited by a reputable industry authority i.e The International Coach Federation.


For independent verification of our Nationally Recognised Qualifications follow the link to Training.gov.au web site below.


Below are some answers to the most frequently asked questions

Q: Which program should I choose?

A: Our Professional Coach ICF and our Master Coach ICF are both popular with our Students

Professional Coach ICF www.lifecoachingacademy.edu.au/courses/.

Master Coach ICF http://www.lifecoachingacademy.edu.au/courses/

Please click on either of the above links and then click on Syllabus for a list of units.

Q: What accreditation should I seek?

A: Both the ACTP Accreditation from the International Coach Federation (ICF) and the National Recognition from the Australian Department of Education are widely sought after.

Q: Can I study Online and how long will it take to qualify?

A: The program is delivered Online & Interactive, using Webinars Skype & Personal Tutors. Webinars can be downloaded and listened to at your convenience . Students generally commit to a 6 – 8 hours per week to complete the program within a 6 – 9 month period.

Q: What support is available?

A: Our individualised student support is second to none and our support staff, coach mentors, tutors and trainers specialise in working in the online classroom.

Q: What specializations are available?

A: You are able to choose one of the specialty streams ie.. NLP, Business or Wellness Coaching.

Q: What is the cost of the program?

A: The cost of the programs is Professional Coach ICF AUD $5,490.00 Master Coach ICF AUD $6,500 . We also have payment plans available. This cost is all inclusive.

Q: Are your programs a pathway to ICF credentialing?

A: Our programs carry the higher level ACTP accreditation from the ICF, which is the most efficient pathway to credentialing as an ACC

Q: How soon can I start?

A: Students have individual start dates and can commence anytime that is convenient.

Our Coach Training Programs are Nationally Recognized Certificates & Diplomas with ICF’s ACTP Accreditation! which offer you so much more!

Click links below to view course information and payment plan options:


Why choose the Life Coaching Academy as Your training Provider?

The LCA is the only RTO to offer ONLINE programs that are both Natinally recognized and Internationally accredited(ICF)

All course materials are included in fees, there are no hidden extras!

Highly qualified and industry experienced trainers, mentors and coaches

Immediate, ongoing and dedicated student and business support services

All students are assigned a personal Coach and Mentor for localised support

Option to attend the Coaching Mastery Weekend Intensive Workshop for Face2Face training (additional cost applies)

  • $695 Weekend Workshop only
  • $995 Weekend Workshop with meals and accommodation

Enroll now with deposit. Flexible payment plans available for balance or pay in full and receive a discount,

See our web site for more details:


Download brochure:


Contact us now on Ph: 1800 032 151

Kind regards,


Certificate IV in Life Coaching

A graduate in professional organising and life coaching, with extensive experience in the corporate sector as an executive assistant and as a small business owner, my experience includes ten years in the UK, where I also did volunteer work as a Samaritan in North London.

My passion for film led to a decision to undertake a course of study in film and television as a mature student, and I subsequently worked in the Programming Department at Television New Zealand. A balance of creativity and business acumen enables me to bring passion and pragmatism to my client relationships.

With personal and spiritual growth being a vital and central part of my life, I have enjoyed attending various workshops, most notably with Shakti Gawain in the UK, and reading widely, from Deepak Chopra to Eckhart Tolle and David Allen to Michael Gerber.

LCA trained Life Coach Trained Hypnotherapist NLP Master Practitioner Diploma in Personality & Beauty Diploma in Natural Health

I have a passion for helping people achieve their dreams and goals. My belief is that success is for all of us, it is a matter of breaking through old patterns and beliefs that may hold us back. With a true desire to help move clients forward I work with values and making sure all goals are inline with their values. With the background in NLP and Hypnotherapy, it adds more dimensions to the type of interventions that can be used. I have also studied many natural therapies and like to work with the mind and body loop. It is important to look at the whole person so that changes are more deeper and complete. I believe that success is a birthright and everyone deserves to enjoy that right.

Helping people is my passion. I believe everyone can be successful in their own right. Some of the areas I work in are Time Management, Stress Management, Balance, Effective communication, Self limiting beliefs, Effective goal setting and holistically working with mind and body. With a background in Life Coaching, NLP, Hypnotherapy and Natural Healing it gives many different ways to help clients break through blocks and achieve their desired outcomes.

Cert IV in Life Coaching NLP Coach Practitioner Advanced Care Paramedic Registered Nurse

From a long career in the medical field helping to ‘save lives’…I discovered my new passion of helping people to ‘create the life they desire!’ Life’s too short to not be enjoying yourself, so I have made it my mission to help people create or reignite their ‘spark’ for life! Whether it’s individual coaching or group sessions/workshops – my clients walk away with having had their ‘spark’ lit!

Cert IV Life Coaching NLP

Along life’s journey there are mountains to climb, deserts to navigate and storms to overcome. Often these experiences can cause us to lose our way and our paths can become dark and lonely – no matter what we do, we cannot find the light either within ourselves, or amongst family, friends or colleagues. Gill, through her own experiences, knows that there is no mountain too high, no desert to wide and no storm to impossible to overcome – there is a spring of life-giving hope and strength inside each one of us… we just need to find it. Gill has a unique ability to help others tap into that strength and enjoy life!

GIll will assist you in attaining your goals in life, on a corporate level and a personal level. She will give you the confidence and the ability to grow and move forward in a positive manner in the areas of your life where you crave change. She will empower you, inspire you, hold you accountable in a positive way and will be the encouragement you need.
Gill will help you to identify what you want in life and suggest strategies and tactics that will take you from ‘where you are now’ to ‘where you want to be’. This process will assist your personal growth. You will no longer be alone but will have someone to work with to establish better goals, sustain momentum, overcome setbacks and steer you towards success.

LCA Accredited Life Coach; Diploma of Hypnotherapy (HNZDH)

Suzanne Masefield provides Executive & Life Coaching & 1:1 Body Language Critiquing. Plus Body Language 4 Success & Conscious Communication courses for entrepreneurs & businesses in Australasia, Europe & USA.

18 years experience in the Personal Development field alongside a business & corporate background has enabled Suzanne to inspire positive change with clients personally & professionally for many years.

A specialist in body language, she facilitates training courses as well as 1:1 Body Language Critiquing for businesses to maximise engagement, increase personal impact and generate core level success.

She works with Security and Surveillance teams at Sky City Casino along with Sales Teams, HR, Recruitment, Customer Service, Hospitality, Retail and Education sectors teaching ‘Body Language 4 Success Courses’ to get the edge in today’s competitive market and maximise results.

She is a Writer, Inspirational Speaker & Empowerment Facilitator – 1:1 coaching, seminars, courses & products – engage people to powerfully take charge of life.

Courses & Seminars on:

– Body Language 4 Success
– Conscious Communication
– Leadership Presence
– Stress to Success

Suzanne believes “Leadership starts with the individual! When we strengthen our inner foundation, align with our true nature & take action from that place, then we claim our lives more fully with true Leadership Presence”

‘Your words create a story, your body tells me the whole story’

Suzanne is co-author of No.1 best selling book ‘Align, Expand, Succeed’ and recently released ‘101 Ways to Enhance Your Career’.

What Clients Experience:

“My world has changed – it is lighter, brighter and so much more connected. My business has more – direction, energy and purpose, it’s all come together.”
B. James – Inspired Learning Systems Limited

‘The clarity & focus I have gained along with the self confidence has been invaluable”.
C. Harris – Producer, BBC Documentaries

See more at www.ThinkSuccess.co.nz

M. Ling., B. Ed (Prim & Sec), Cert IV in Life Coaching

In sailing, there are different types of wind changes; oscillating breezes and persistent shifts. An oscillating breeze is one which moves backwards and forwards, while a persistent shift occurs when the wind moves progressively and constantly towards a new direction.

Persistent Shift coaching is designed to help you evaluate your current direction from a new perspective, identify a future vision aligned to your core values and achieve the persistent behavioural shift required to get there. My experience has included working with individuals, teams and organisations in human resources, financial services and the education sector at a state and national level in Australia as well as overseas. Regardless of the scale, change can only happen when people change. I firmly believe that each and every one of us has a multitude of ‘aha’ moments within, waiting to be discovered. Whether it’s a large-scale corporate culture change or an individual lifestyle transformation, my passion is for empowering you to find your true course.

If you’ve ever dared to dream of an improbable future, I’d love to hear about it. My challenge to you would be to convert your dream; turn your goals for tomorrow into the reality of your new today. Persistent Shift isn’t about having a dream of going sailing (although if you want your coaching experience to include time on the water it can be arranged!)… it’s about having a dream and daring to hold true to it, whatever that may be.

LCA EFT NLP Tapping into Wealth (current)

Many people who work hard and show the outward signs of success often feel totally confused & bewildered when what they consider to be a basic part of their lives – their savings, debt or income level becomes a dirty little secret they hide form the rest of the world. While unconscious paradigms keep them repeating patterns that sabotage their most diligent efforts, they continue to strive forward only to stumble yet again as the cycle repeats itself. Working together over time we uncover the true causes then use Tapping, a proven mind body tool to create an internal shift in confidence & belief that enables the bottom line to change! – See more at: http://www.lifecoachingacademy.edu.au/find-a-coach/coach/131#sthash.blhUSjyx.dpuf


When we find ourselves facing the same scenario only with different players, a variety of responses such as anger, frustration, disillusionment, confusion & resentment can be triggered.
The realization that although we’ve changed partner, job etc, the same unwelcome issues remain can cause us to wonder if there is any way to create our desired reality. My solution is working from the inside out.
Coaching clients to really tune into who they are on the inside invokes many wonderful ahaa moments. My goal is to empower people to tune in to their own inner thoughts & feelings, for I’ve learned that when we operate from the inside out & become truly aware of who we are authentically, we honour ourselves. Living life from that place brings true power which, when securely grounded, provides strength, freedom, sense of self & purpose not usually found in the realms of ego driven living.
Teaching clients to use Meridian Tapping for themselves offers a valuable tool to use between sessions & indeed throughout life.
I work face to face, over the phone and via Skype. It is easy to learn the tapping sequence which ever mode you choose.
You are invited to contact me to determine how you can benefit from unleashing your own inner knowing and from that place become co-creator of the life you choose to live.

Ph.D., Certificate IV in Life Coaching

As a personal success coach, I facilitate and enable people to reach their unlimited potential in any aspect they desire and want to change for the better. My collaborative coaching approach is a learning process that results in sustainable and permanent transformation about how individuals see themselves and how to access their true and unlimited potential.

Professional (LCA) Life Coach, Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Laws Master in Business Administration

Adele has had 20 years of professional work experience in private sector companies across several industries including legal, real estate, education and in the public sector for the Australian government. After working as a lawyer for several years, Adele completed her MBA in Melbourne, pursuing her interests in business and marketing. She then worked in managerial positions for companies in China, US and Australia.

Living and working in the US and China for several years, provided Adele with invaluable life experiences and helped her develop strong interpersonal skills necessary for effective cross cultural communications.

As a working professional, Adele has a very good understanding of the pressures and challenges of working life and the need to establish a healthy work/life balance. She has managed to achieve this balance between work and play through tools she learnt over the years and life coaching principles.

An excellent communicator with a warm, engaging personality, Adele has a penchant for making others feel completely at ease with sharing their thoughts and feelings with her. Adele believes establishing this close rapport with clients is absolutely essential in a coaching relationship.

In 2009, Adele established her life coaching business “Aware2Achieve Solutions Coaching” in Canberra where she resides, offering coaching on a part-time basis in the following areas:

– Goal Setting & Self Development , Career , Stress Management , Motivation & Time Management , Health & Lifestyle , Corporate Coaching


“As your Life Coach I will partner and work with you to come to a place of awareness of your true potential – what your life goals are, what issues may be preventing you from achieving those goals. Life Coaching empowers you to create solutions to your problems, and motivates you to be the best you can be, to spring into action and do those things necessary to create your best life.”

Cert IV Life Coaching, Cert IV Training & Assessment Diploma of Management MBA Chartered Secretary

For full details of my public profile, simply search Hok Lun Li on either Linkedin or Google.

Professional Life Coach

Michael’s objective is to promote and motivate people to find purpose, freedom and fulfilment in their lives using his intuition, compassion and communication skills.

“I believe that each of us already has the knowledge and inner resources to accomplish anything desired that is in harmony with our destiny or purpose in life. My unique contribution is in enabling people to unlock this from within and then have unprecedented results awaiting their discovery.”

Michael’s most obvious skill and passion lies in his being a motivational business and personal coach, trainer and mentor as well as an esteemed seminar facilitator in both Australia and Ireland at both a practical and metaphysical level (which he asserts is the most practical way to understand one’s potential). He connects with a wide variety of people – one-on-one and group – at a heart level and assists them to see previously elusive possibilities.

Michael’s background brings to the client unique understanding, personal experience, and success in a number of seemingly unrelated fields of endeavour, such as business, art, science, computer creativity, publishing, insight, philosophy, motivation, business-savvy in various aspects of negotiation, changes, performance and customer satisfaction. He is also art, (Architecture), science and health trained beyond his credentials. A teacher, who has built houses and marketing organizations, he has had the frustration and joy of short and long-term relationships without and with children.

Whether it be relationship, health, fitness, career or business productivity coaching, his penetrating personal insight has a profound effect on people’s attitudes, results and overall sense of fulfilment. Michael has walked the path and knows how to effectively reach out and connect with his humility and insight.

The Life Coaching Academy. Certificate 1V Life Coaching. LCA-ACTP ( ICF-member ) Certificate 1V Workplace Training & Assessment

Areas of Life Coaching specialty include: Creative Development, Performance Development, Performance Anxiety, Career Development, Career Transition, Personal Development, Motivation and Mentoring.

I will closely work with you helping you to identify key areas of your life where dramatic positive change can occur and in doing so, will work with you in the process of designing an effective action plan to help you reach those goals.

Diploma of Life Coaching. Post Graduate Certificate in Counselling. Bach. Education.

Retirement is not what it used to be. Refocus on Retirement with Estelle as your coach to create a new direction for yourself.

Resolving the issues related to retirement – how will that feel? Is work less than satisfying? Worried if you will have enough money to enjoy retirement? Where will you live in retirement? What will I do with my spare time?

Estelle is an experienced coach having worked in education and welfare for over twenty years.

Estelle is a valued mentor coach with the Life Coaching Academy.

Certificate IV in Business Administration, Certificate IV in Life Coaching, Certificate IV in Small Business Management

Jodi is particularly skilled at assisting her clients to find clarity, direction and purpose around their specific goals. She specialises in showing you fun and simple ways to improve your focus to successfully achieve personal and professional goals in a practical way.

Jodi brings her energy and infectious enthusiasm to her coaching and has been an accredited Life Coach since 2007.

Jodi is a talented and lively business, personal and career coach who works with individuals and teams to successfully achieve outcomes. She knows that passion brings power, fun and purpose to achieving your goals and she will work with you to help you find your passion and make sure you maintain that enthusiasm to achieve your desired result.

Holistic Life Coach, Trainer and Speaker

Heidi is a Professional Life Coach and Speaker. She is a keen networker and delivers keynote presentations, trainings, seminars, workshops and tele-classes.

Considered by many to be one of the most knowledgeable coaches and teachers in the world today, her groundbreaking style is humorous, poignant and transformational. Miracles just happen.

Frequently referred to as the Coaches Coach because of the impact she has made on other coaches and modern-day thinkers, Heidi has exerted a subtle, long-running influence on the worldwide movement toward a holistic awareness and peace by allowing the flow of higher consciousness and embracing personal power. Electric, dynamic and dazzling, her trainings, seminars, workshops and tele-classes are a virtual show in themselves. Heidi is often described as a very intuitive woman with a mysterious, powerful person. Those who are coached by Heidi however quickly realize that at heart, Heidi is an enormously loving, generous and caring teacher, whose primary mission is to help seekers recognize their own truth, light and beauty within them.

With that in mind, Heidi is destined to leave a lasting legacy for all those committed to discovering their higher purpose and living it with creativity, integrity, congruency and to be excited about together having fun creating Heaven on Earth.

Heidi is passionate about the ‘continual improvement of the planet, people’s lifestyle and business and to do this in a way that is simple and fun.’ She wants to help you achieve whatever it is that is your passion or dream.

Having completed a Science Degree with an emphasis on the environment and health, Heidi undertook further studies and gained experience in the areas of environment, safety, occupational hygiene, health, fitness and life coaching. Heidi’s background, as a qualified safety officer, Health, Safety and Environment Manager and TAFE College Trainer, is in health & safety management, environmental management, training and health & lifestyle coaching. She has coached and assisted management in large theme parks and teams of showmen in the Service and Leisure industries, as well as coaching individual private clients. She is passionate about helping the Life Coaching Academy grow and become the Number One coaching organisation not just in Australia but the world!

Heidi’s approach to coaching is holistic and assists clients to integrate physical, intellectual and spiritual parts of their lives.. This overlaps well with taking responsibility for one’s own health, safety and environment in the business world. Her coaching is based on real experience and understanding of the challenges and changes needed in today’s professional environment and the needs of the planet. Her tailored coaching and/or training programs create a unique partnership…she truly is a partner in your success.

Heidi brings a warm balance of wisdom, intimacy, laughter, and vision to coaching and as a speaker around the world. She loves to extract spiritual lessons from the practical experiences of daily living and find beauty in the seemingly mundane.

Many coaching clients and senior management in business have reported that her teachings have given them clear direction, encouragement and empowerment as they moved through a difficult or transitional phase of their life or business and were able to take simple conscious action in creating the life and business they deserve.

You will not only benefit from her knowledge and wisdom, but you will be kept on track and she will make sure you succeed. You see, in the business of ‘BEING THE BEST THAT YOU CAN BE’ it’s not about just knowing what to do, the most successful person is the one who does what they know. And that’s where Heidi as your coach or speaker at your next even comes in…Discover how Heidi has the skills, experience and the commitment to want to help YOU and YOUR TEAM have more FUN, Balance, Health, Energy and Prosperity in all areas of life…

As Walt Disney Said:- “If you dream it, you can do it!”

Professional pep talk

Life coaching is a rapidly growing industry and life coaches are springing up everywhere, with plenty of training courses also capitalising on the boom. And while in some circles they’re all the rage, the rest of us may be wondering what the fuss is about. So just what is life coaching, what do coaches do and how do you find a good one?

What is life coaching?

In a nutshell, “the role of life coaching is to identify personally meaningful goals, as well as strategies to achieve them – whether it’s re-energising yourself and your career, setting up a business, or meeting some health goal,” says Dr Anthony Grant, director of the Coaching Psychology Unit at the University of Sydney.

Jenny Devine is president elect of the International Coach Federation (ICF) Australasia, a professional association for coaches, including life coaches. She sees the role of the coaching process as helping an individual to create a vision of where they want to go in their life, supporting them, and helping them to find the strategies they need to get where they want or need to go.

Devine emphasises the collaborative process of hiring a life coach, pointing to the ICF’s definition of coaching, which is “Partnering with clients in a thought provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential.”

“It’s absolutely what we’re about,” she explains. “It’s a partnership, where we work together. It’s not a hierarchical relationship, where we [the coach] tell you what to do.”

What it’s not

Coaching is not therapy, and life coaches aren’t necessarily trained to deal with mental health issues. If there are major psychological issues holding you back – such as anxiety, depression or distressing events from your past – speaking to a psychologist would be more appropriate. Similarly, if there are dysfunctional patterns in your work or personal life that keep occurring, a psychologist may be better able to help you resolve these.

However, given the high prevalence of mental health issues in the community, it’s inevitable life coaches will come across people with other issues.

According to Dr Grant, “A high proportion of people will have some anxiety or depression – maybe as high as 40%. Coaches don’t deal with treating anxiety and depression. On the other hand, when people have some goals and are able to achieve them, the anxiety or depression may also improve.”

While some life coaches may have a background in psychology, specialist coaching psychologists offer the best of both worlds, being highly trained in both areas to better enable them to offer the right advice and guidance for people in need of additional help. An ethically minded life coach will identify when they’re out of their depth and refer the client to a psychologist or other mental health professional.

The other major misconception about life coaches is that they give advice and tell you what you should do. If this is what you need, a business consultant, a personal trainer or a mentor might suit you better. Life coaches are trained to get you to identify what it is you want and how you might achieve that.

What aspects of life do they coach you in?

Many life coaches choose to specialise in a particular area, depending on their own particular interests and expertise. As they are often coaching as a second or third career, or as a sideline to their main career, they may have extensive experience in their specialty area.

  • Executive coaching can help with time-management skills, motivation, managing stress, encouraging innovative thinking, leadership skills and achieving work–life balance.
  • Business coaching is for business owners looking for strategies to establish, grow and/or adapt their business and helps with goal setting, motivation and stress management.
  • Workplace coaching tends to be implemented organisationally, and focuses on individual and team performance, motivation, team building, change management and specific workplace problems.
  • Career coaching can help people with career changes and with transition – whether voluntary or forced via redundancy or sacking – or re-entering the workforce. It can also help identify personal strengths, interests and motivations relevant to job satisfaction.
  • Health and wellness coaching can help people identify and change lifestyle patterns that have a negative effect on health, looking at nutrition, exercise, stress and work-life balance.
  • Life cycle or life stages coaching addresses changes or transitions associated with particular stages of life, for example changes in family structure, career changes, and changes in an individual’s sense of purpose.
  • Relationship coaching addresses issues that affect the ability to have successful relationships.

The main areas of coaching in Australia are executive, leadership and business coaching.

What are their credentials?

One of the biggest bugbears among industry professionals is the lack of regulation of life coach credentials and qualifications. As it stands, anyone can call themselves a life coach, with little or no specific training in coaching. For consumers wanting to employ a life coach, qualifications and membership of a professional organisation are important indicators of the person’s coaching credentials.


At one end of the qualification scale (assuming they’ve had any training at all) is a “Certified Life Coach”. We found an online course for only US$69.99 “which could take you from 1 week to a month” to complete and at the end you get an official-looking logo and can “display the credentials ‘Certified Life Coach’ on all your business correspondence”. Credentials, maybe. But credibility? Not so much.

At the other end is Masters level postgraduate training through university-level psychology schools, which takes two years full time, following the minimum three years for a relevant undergraduate degree. In between are Certificate IV, Diploma and Bachelor’s degree qualifications.

Many life coaches will have additional qualifications – psychology, counselling, health sciences, business and marketing are typical – which increase their expertise in these areas.

Professional membership

The main professional association for life coaches in Australia is ICF Australasia, this is an arm of International Coach Federation www.coachfederation.org . In Australia there are training organizations that offer ICF ACTP accredited programs, such as The Lfe Coaching Academy. www.lifecoachingacademy.edu.au , many of their programs are Nationally Recognised by the Australian Department of Education as well as the ICF.

Members of these organisations have to meet certain skills, training and experience requirements, and must have a recognised qualification in life coaching. They also have to abide by a code of ethics, which gives clients some recourse if the coach has acted unethically. ICF operates internationally with cross-border jurisdiction, which is useful in the digital age where clients can be coached by someone overseas.

Level of training and experience

ICF offers different levels of credentials, depending on the amount of training and experience the coach has. Associate coach is the starting point, followed by professional coach, then master coach. These certification levels should be considered in the context of other qualifications and experience. For example, a psychologist or business consultant who’s an associate coach might have only the minimum of coaching experience, but a wealth of professional experience and expertise to draw on.

It is definitely a good idea to look for some level of accreditation with one of the main professional associations though, when considering a life coach, even if only so you will have an avenue of recourse should something go wrong.

What happens in coaching?

Starting with an initial meeting, where the issues confronting the client are discussed and the scope of coaching is established, some early priorities and desired outcomes are established. This may include setting some short-term goals as well as longer-term ones.

The theoretical underpinnings of the approach used vary according to the training and background of the coach, but all are based on a solution-focused, goal-directed process that leads towards achieving insight and actionable plans. According to Jenny Devine, coaching tends to work pretty quickly, and after a couple of sessions you should be feeling a sense of progress.

Meetings may take place regularly or on an as-needed basis, and while it very much depends on the particular situation, Devine suggests that six to 12 sessions is about the average number required, though some coaching may go on for years.

How much does it cost?

A survey conducted on behalf of ICF found that the average hourly rate for life coaching was around $300. Coaching costs which are related to an individual earning income – for example, executive coaching or leadership skills – may be tax deductible.

Finding a life coach

If you’ve decided a life coach could be helpful to you, your next step is to find one. Apart from word of mouth or searching online for ‘life coach’, the ICF Australasia website has a member directory.

What to look for

  • First and foremost, it’s important that you feel comfortable with the coach, and that you can trust them. When you meet the coach for the first time, how well do you click? Do you understand each other?
  • What are the coach’s life coaching credentials? Do they have other qualifications, and what relevant experience do they have? Also, what’s their specialty area?
  • Are they a member of either the ICF or another professional association?
  • What sort of interaction do they use? Some coaches do only face-to-face coaching (or may do so initially), some do Skype, VoIP, telephone or email coaching, and some do a mixture of methods.
  • Is the coach readily available and do they encourage you to contact them? How quickly can they get back to you via telephone or email? 24/7 access isn’t realistic, but you don’t want to be waiting days for a response.
  • Consider overseas coaches. With easy access via Skype and other communication options, it could be worth considering, especially in highly specialised areas. It could even be preferable for some, when taking time differences into account.

Complaints resolution

Despite consumer concerns about the lack of industry regulation and the qualifications of people calling themselves ‘life coaches’, there are surprisingly few complaints made about life coaches.

Dr Grant puts this down partly to the clients, pointing out that most people are pretty resilient even in the face of things going wrong. However, life coaches do generally act ethically, and don’t go beyond their professional boundaries – that is, they’re helping people find their own solutions rather than advising them.

Fiona Toy, spokesperson for ICF, agrees. She adds that most of the complaints they have received have been about life coaches who aren’t members of ICF, which means the ICF can’t take action. If clients do have a complaint about a life coach, they should contact the professional organisation to which the coach belongs – which is in itself a good reason to look for a coach with ICF or professional membership.

Cert IV in Life Coaching, NLP & Business Mentor for Coaching Students

Removing limiting beliefs, creating genuine self worth and understanding the power of positive goals are some of the ingredients Siona develops with her clients. These ingredients help to ensure a recipe for success!
Siona is a passionate healer, a brilliant motivator and a nurturing coach who brings out the very best in her clients. She believes that everyone has the right, the power and the responsibility to be happy and successful.
Removing limiting beliefs, creating genuine self worth and understanding the power of positive goals are some of the ingredients Siona develops with her clients. These ingredients help to ensure a recipe for success!

How can Siona help you?

Siona works with individuals, groups and businesses. She specialises in Health and Well Being, Relationships, Career, Prosperity, Life Balance, Organisation, Self Confidence, Self Acceptance, Self Worth and Self Love.

Siona is based on The Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia.

Appointments can be made in person, via telephone or via Skype.

For more information about Siona Howard please visit her website – www.inspirationalsanctuary.com.au

Accredited Life CoachBCom (Melb) DipEd Dip BST (PSH)

My favorite quote is:
“The future depends on what we do in the present” – Mahatma Gandhi

A results-orientated professional,I seek to assist proactive, smart people or organizations that value growth,innovation and leadership, realize their vision and achieve greater success in their lives.

What I am interested in people doing is taking control on purpose and by design of their lives and using tools like vision, motivation,the skill of istening, the idea of belief to dramatically change how their business works and how they work in their business.

It is my intention to give my clients the mastery of the inner game where people’s hearts and minds are aligned and oriented.

Accredited Life CoachBCom (Melb) DipEd Dip BST (PSH)

Jill has worked in a variety of businesses and modalities – education, retail, marketing, service and mind/body health – has been in business herself and has worked in both small business and large organisations. She understands the isolation and frustration that people can feel despite living seemingly full and busy lives and running seemingly successful businesses. Jill knows now that PERSONAL and BUSINESS Coaching can offer a powerful yet impartial and objective support to enable clarification and a rapid moving forward from a place often described as “stuck or “spinning the wheels. Due to her vast range of experiences in life Jill can relate very well to people of all ages and from all walks of life and works with them to move on from emotional attachments and belief systems which limit thinking and create behavioural responses which often result in seemingly unchangeable, repetitive life patterns. She works in an holistic way and whilst being willing to challenge clients beliefs, she is a fantastic sounding board and incorporates humour and sensitivity to her coaching. Jill particularly relishes celebrating clients’ achievements and movement forward to a place where they are strong and can trust and rely on their own innate wisdom and are able to fly solo!!

“My interest is enabling you to live your life ‘on purpose’ – find out who you really are, what is important to you, what your real passion is, what your values are, how you can live a life congruent with who you really are – because when one does this – everything lines up and it’s fun, the energy is there, support systems appear, procrastination is reduced (if not eliminated) and there is a touchstone in place that simplifies decision making. Also, self responsibility and a knowing that you are always doing the best you can is assumed which brings freedom, fulfillment and inner peace.

“I see my role as holding the torch for clients (pass them some tools if needed); shining it into areas and pathways they have not yet noticed, or wanted to explore alone; allowing them to be free to do the work and decide where they really want to go. The joy is when clients get to see there are unlimited possibilities and then, when ready, they take hold of the torch (or in fact, don’t need it any more as their own light is shining clearly) and the way forward is clear and beckoning and they step out confidently.

“My Mission Statement for my business incorporates the following poem from Marianne Williamson’s “Return to Love” and used by Nelson Mandela in his inauguration speech:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are all powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves
– who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.
It is not just in some of us:
it is in everyone.
And as we let our light shine we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear
– our presence automatically liberates others.

“Life Coaching invites people to spread their wings, discover their innate strength, live their life in line with their true purpose, actively create their future – and experience real freedom and a “no limits” life.

“I invite you to allow me to assist you to discover your light and to shine!!!

People often mistakenly think that we work in the space of transformational change says The Life Coaching Academy. They believe that to create an improved sense of well being, surely major life changing events must occur? Yet it is far from the reality. Health and Wellness coaches are the in the business of helping people create new habits, step by (often mundane) step and this is where rituals become important and incredibly helpful. The Professional Coach ICF Wellnes Program is very popular: www.lifecoachingacademy.edu.au/courses/

What is a ritual? What does it do?? Now, we’re not talking about having turkey on Christmas Day here. We’re thinking more of the small “ceremonies” like clinking your glasses before having a celebratory drink with friends. Somehow it adds to the pleasure. If we translate this into other areas, we are looking for anything that creates a significance around what might be a simple daily habit, that adds to the pleasure and the likelihood of it eventuating Rituals are very powerful motivational tools!

So what do rituals do?
They increase the pleasure of the moment or activity. The can steel your resolve, focus your attention and help you savour the moment.
We know that “savouring” is a good thing. It is one of the components of this shift towards mindfulness that is so very current (and so very helpful in increasing well being).

So how can we use the concept of Rituals in creating new habits?
First we identify what new behaviours we wish to adopt, or do more of, and whether they are pleasurable or not so pleasurable, think of ways of increasing the pleasure of beginning. So instead of rewarding ourselves for finishing the “task” we start by doing something we look forward to. For example, it may be sharing a juice or coffee with friends before a yoga class. It may be having a c up of tea in the morning before heading out for that early morning ride. It doesn’t all have to be about caffeine.. It could be any activity you really enjoy but you need to set a time on it and be ready to move into the “real” task after a set time.

The technique can really help combat procrastination. It is often referred to it as a “personal starting ritual”. Don’t get rid of pleasurable activities upon finishing – rewards are great! But don’t underestimate the power of rituals that get you going.

What else can rituals do?
Rituals are useful in so many ways. To name a few:

  • Improving your relationship
  • Improving your sports performance
  • Making you better at work
  • Overcoming grief
  • Increasing happiness!

What are your personal rituals? Do you have enough of them in your life? If not, create a few!
Personal Rituals can become Happiness Mantras.
Coaching is acknowledged to be an increasingly popular tool in promoting and achieving happiness, the GROW model is a step by step methodology in accessing positive moves forward.
The Life Coaching Academy offers programs that are Nationally Recognised and also carry International Recognition from the International Coach Federation at the higher ACTP level.

Accredited Life Coach (Life Coaching Academy)

Jamila believes that experiencing a passion for life is the key to achieving our goals and dreams and fulfilling our true potential as human beings in all spheres of life.

Having spent 20 + years in the wellness industry, Life Coaching has been a natural progression to which Jamila brings a diverse and holistic approach to her work, with respect for the uniquely individual needs of each of us.

Her warm, compassionate, but challenging approach to coaching will help to inspire you on to discover and achieve your personal journey toward fulfilment

Professional Life Coach

JSam completed a Bachelor of Business (Marketing) degree and then worked in sponsorship and customer service roles before beginning a marketing position with Coca-Cola Amatil (Qld). She became the Marketing Manager for Queensland and stayed with Coke for 4 years before starting her own company, The Firefly Group Pty Ltd. She now helps people “learn to lighten up” and her company specialises in corporate training and personal development. Firefly Group’s workshops cover areas like stress management, improving self-esteem, lifestyle balancing, etc. Life Coaching became a natural progression and a passion for Sam and she’s now an accredited Life Coach through the Life Coaching Academy.

“I find helping people reach their goals and discover their passions incredibly rewarding and I enjoy every minute I coach! I will provide you with a positive, supportive, confidential environment and focus on helping you move forward, have fun and enjoy life. Areas I specialise in (among others) are; helping people uncover their life’s passion, lifestyle balancing, improving self-esteem, health, managing stress and finding the ideal career.

Start living your ideal life by calling me now and taking advantage of a complimentary session.”

1. Write Down Your Goals

Youre probably like so many people who like to keep everything in their mind instead of on paper. Let me tell you a little secret about these folks they are the same people who rarely follow through on their goals.

When you write down your goals, you start to see where you want to go and its easier to make decisions because you have a destination. Consider taking 15 minutes to write down your goals in each part of your life (i.e. Career, Relationships, Healthy Living, Fun & Creativity, Finances, and Personal Growth).

2. Craft Clear-Cut Goals That Add Meaning to Your Life

Many of us think vague goals are our friends but actually they just derail us in our mission. If youre planning to get better at golf, be a better leader, or stretch more in the new year, you will need to be much more specific.

Say your goal out loud and honestly ask yourself if its clear what you are trying to do. Its also helpful to share your goal(s) with a trusted friend. Once you have a clear goal, you need to double check that its something you really care about.

Many goals are clear. The question is will you feel a sense of accomplishment and meaning when you achieve the goal? If not, its not the right goal. For example, you may have a very clear goal to be the market leader in your business. But if you really want to be connected to your daughter and coach her soccer team then achieving your business goal may or may not leave you feeling fulfilled.

Examples of vague to specific goals:

1. Get in shape = does this mean lower your blood pressure, have consistent energy throughout the day, lose 15 pounds by your college reunion, or run your first 5k race?

2. Build my business = do you mean open a second store, increase revenue by 20%, or hire five new employees?

3. Spend more time with friends = do you mean have dinner once a week or schedule a four-day ski trip?

3. Pursue a Goal that is a Tier One Priority

Your tier one goals are the ones that will make the biggest impact in your life. They are the most important goals. They are not necessarily the goals that help you make the most money or get you promoted but rather the goals that add a deeper sense of fulfillment to your life.

You probably have many things that are important in your life. Write down all of your goals above and then check the ones that are most important to you. Perhaps you want to finish your degree, get out of debt, or change jobs. Whatever is meaningful to you is what you need to pursue.

4. Take Small Steps

Once you have a great goal, break it down into small steps. Too many people think the goal setting process is over once you declare your goalthats when the fun starts.

Train your mind to take one small step a day and you will make amazing progress. Its a process, not magic. We dont have control over many things in life but you do have control over setting a great goal. Why give up this option for no reason? Theres no excuse to leave your potential on the table because you did not even try. Please dont let this year pass you by, step up to the plate and see what you can do. Small steps = big results.

5. Set a Target Date

This is a tough one but it needs to be done. Just saying that you are going to write a book or lose weight is not really saying anything. Does that mean you are going to write a book in the next five years or lose weight sometime in your lifetime?

If you just started working at a new company, its probably not realistic to say that you will be promoted tomorrow but it might be reasonable to set a goal to be promoted within six months or a year. You will have to decide whats doable given everything else going on in your life. Either way, its helpful to have a date that you are working toward.

TOP 1% SUMMARY: One of the best ways to take yourself to the next level is to embrace the practice of goal setting. If youre going to put yourself on the line, you might as well use your time and efforts wisely. Having clear-cut goals that excite you and add meaning to your life is one of the best ways to excel in your passion of choice. Now is the time to move into your top 1%.

Coaches that have studies at The Life Coaching Academy are well equipped with the GROW model to set goals and achieve them, they are able to assist others in achieving the same.

Cert IV in Life coaching

As a coach I work with clients to break through barriers and achieve success beyond their original intent. My clients are predominantly seeking health and wellbeing balance. Success in this area often leads to conquering goals in other area’s of life and ultimately setting out on a new and improved journey.

Being able to share someone’s success and witness the incredibly things which people can achieve is the most rewarding thing on earth. I can’t wait to hear from you and see where you can go!

Certificate IV in Life Coaching. Certificates IV in Business (Small Business Management) Dip FP CFP

Welcome. I am a specialist Business & Life Coach who works with people who choose to take the next step in their business and/or their personal lives. With a solid background in the corporate world as a leading financial adviser both in private practice as well as with some of Australia’s largest companies, I have a clear understanding of how work/life balance can present challenges.

My role as your coach is to empower you to excellence in all facets of your existence. It’s a powerful yet impartial relationship that provides you with objective support to guide you to clarity and a rapid acceleration forward. You already have the answers – I’m here to help you to get to them faster than you would alone.

Coaching invites you to explore possibilities, make positive decisions and create a pathway to live your life ‘on purpose.’

Magic happens when you take control of your life. Support systems appear, people who can assist you ‘arrive’ and your focus creates a positive impetus towards your goals and dreams.

Take the next step and call (07) 4819 9366 Most coaching is conducted by telephone or Skype giving you access to my service wherever you are in Australia.

Diploma of Coaching, Bachelor of Psychology, Bachelor of Business Human Resource Development. NLP Accredited Practitioner

As a Professional Life Coach, Deborah Hann is committed to empowering excellence in individuals and in business, in order to inspire the development of their extra-ordinary potential.

It is my belief that each and everyone of us were born with a intended life purpose, and each of us are here to serve one another for the greater good of all.

Some time ago someone shared with me their version of hell. We are all familiar with the notion of our lives flashing before our eyes; their vision of hell was that they got to see their ‘intended’ life play out before them leaving them with the comparison of the life they were presently living.

Through out the course of our life time, I have no doubt that we start out with the best of intentions, with the most spectacular dreams about how we are going to live our lives, and the impact we are going to have on our world.

Then one day we wake up and find ourselves asking questions like:

What if this as good as it gets?
This isn’t how I planned my life, what happened?
Why does life have to be so frustrating?
Am I living the life I was born to live?

Regardless of your life stage or position, it is never too late to decide to discover your life purpose, and it is never too late to decide to live your ‘intended’ life.

I genuinely believe that life is definitely for living, and that each and everyday of your life should be lived with fun and passion. By engaging my life coaching services, it is my promise to you that I will work with you to discover your life purpose and will empower you to live out your extra-ordinary potential.

Can you imagine living in a world where every man, woman and child is living their ‘intended’ life?If you share the belief that ‘everything happens for a reason’; it is no coincidence that you have discovered this web page today. I challenge you to take the first step to realising your intended life, your extra-ordinary potential by accepting my offer of a complimentary 30minute life coaching session.

Diploma of Coaching, Bachelor of Psychology, Bachelor of Business Human Resource Development. NLP Accredited Practitioner

Preferred coach for the Department of Defence. Experienced Corporate Coach for the past seventy seven years working nationally and globally.
Accredited Public Speaker and Trainer.
Life time accreditation of Leadership Styles Inventory and Organisational Culture Inventory with Human Synergistics. “Our thinking comes out in our behaviour”
“I like to contribute and change the world one person at a time”

Accredited Life Coach using NLP (Cert IV), B.Com, Chartered Accountant, Accredited EFT (tapping) and Reiki practitioner, Currently completing Coaching Diploma & RMT Strategic Intervention.

Holly is an accredited Life Coach, with a corporate background expanding more that 15 years. Holly practices both Corporate Coaching and personal coaching. The key focus in both aspects of her business is creating a successful mindset and eliminating stress such that mindfulness can be invoked for optimal clarity, focus and performance at work and in life!

In the Corporate Coaching space, Holly specialises in core aspects of communication, team coaching & facilitating, developing a coaching culture in the work place and one-on-one coaching for Corporate executives and their employees.

In her personal coaching practice, the focus is on the wellness of the client. Integrating the power of the mind, body and soul to assist her clients in unblocking key obstacles such that they can be empowered to achieve the life of their dreams. Holly integrates EFT (Tapping) and Reiki into the session with excellent results.

Contact me to discuss how we can effect positive change in your life and/or workplace!

Life Coach

Tim is a successful marketer, businessman and family man, who turned to life coaching to help individuals and businesses realise their full potential.
His skills and insights have been developed over a lifetime of business, personal and family experiences; many forks in the road, many successes and of course failures, but his personal development never ceases.

If “life is like a box of chocolates”, then Tim has had all sorts, including the bitter ones. Five years in Veterinary Science at Sydney University, driving Sydney taxis, running travel agencies, working as a financial planner and as a senior marketing manager for large private and government organisations, as well as running his own marketing firm.

Tim is competitive and creative..a real ideas man, but with his feet on the ground. He is equipped to help anyone seeking to find themselves, better themselves or their business and particularly to balance a busy life.

His own life reflects his philosopies. “My motto is “Live for now, keeping a firm eye on the future.”

Working from a home studio in a wonderful setting overlooking Gulf St Vincent in Adelaide, Tim says “I’m well experienced in life’s ups and downs, but after every tumble, some of them worse than others, my life has rebounded to greater heights and my inner self has strengthened.

“I like people to be aware of some of my losses and setbacks, just to demonstrate my life has not been a fairy story. My early family life culminated in the divorce of my parents, I recall losing at least three jobs, having to sell our hard earned marital home, I have experienced the enormous challenge of depression and hardest of all my wife, Jane, and I know the personal pain of losing an infant.”

Tim’s pride and joy are his two surviving sons, Antony and Toby, now young men going places, and reflecting a broad and caring upbringing. And then there’s his beloved horse racing, a lifetime hobby; one of my greatest “yes forces”, along with travel, music, nature, sport, reading, cars, and yes, chocolates.

“Let’s make life good from day to day, and when we reach a goal, even better. That’s what my practice, “Yes Forces”, is all about.” Yes forces are described by Tim as “the things and feelings in life that create the most enjoyment and that support and stimulate you, as you set course to achieve your dreams”.

His wealth of experience is amazing, but Tim’s care for others, sensitivity, spirituality and intuition in communicating with people from so many walks of life, are the attributes that make him a model coach.

Tim’s message to you: “Pick up the phone or hit that keyboard and you’ll have taken the largest step in a stairway to the goal or future you truly seek.”

Certificate IV in Life Coaching (Life Coaching Academy) Graduate Certificate in Communications (Harvard University) Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Boston University)

As an MBA career coach and passionate advocate of ‘finding what you love to do leads you to your true purpose,’ Judy’s coaching journey began at Manchester Business School, where she was encouraged to pursue a professional coaching certification. She acquired in-depth knowledge and understanding of coaching principles and models for achieving satisfaction and meaning within the business world.

Her own international exposure and professional experience spanning global corporates such as Dow Jones and Deutsche Bank; combined with a flair for marketing and communications, inspired her to challenge and search for ways of creating lasting satisfaction in an individual’s professional and personal lives.

Accredited LCA Coach – “Ulysses Life Coaching”

Whose strength is helping you to release your strengths.

My logo is the beautiful Ulysses butterfly. I chose it because it symbolises my beliefs about my experiences in life, life coaching and life in general.

The Ulysses, like all butterflies, experiences clearly defined stages of its life. But its final beauty does not show the struggles it has had in order to get to its most beautiful stage. To many of us, life is like that.

In my role as your life coach I hope that I can help you to reach that stage in your life that equates to the beauty of the Ulysses butterfly.

As well as the butterfly, there is the symbolism of the Greek hero, Odysseus, whose Latin name was Ulysses. It was he, who masterminded the Wooden Horse at Troy.

I see both as stories of unlocking, broadening, based on creativity and using internal strengths. And this is what I offer to you as a life coach.

Prior to attaining accreditation as a life coach my life has had many Ulysses type experiences.

Included in my formal, and informal, experiences and qualifications are… wife for 25 years, mother of two adult children, trained junior primary teacher, qualified teacher librarian, reading recovery teacher, financial investment advisor, software consultant, tour guide, clothing shop manager, management consultant, STEP (Systematic Training for Effective Parenting) trainer, swimming coach and lousy golfer.

I believe that these experiences have been invaluable in contributing to my growth as a person and is a wonderful basis upon which to build my life coaching skills.

Now more than ever before I find my life growing and becoming richer. I would love the opportunity of working with you to help you develop and enrich your life, whether it be in goal setting, career matters, relationship enhancement, managing stress or just getting personally, emotionally or physically fitter.

By working with someone else, such as a qualified life coach, it is easier to achieve your goals than by struggling alone.

Career Coach

“It was amazing how fast I came to trust Michelle and feel inspired and motivated by the sessions with her. It is a testament to her manner and experience. Since starting to work with Michelle some 6 weeks ago, we have come a long way towards what I had hoped for – a feeling of achievement and renewed energy to grow my business. Thanks Michelle.”
Carmen Lee Spiers – Encapture Photography

Michelle Feros has been involved in roles developing personal and achievement related skills for nearly a decade, well before the emergence of the personal development revolution.

During that time she has been in the forefront of coaching and training roles with employers such as – The Benevolent Society, Constellation Hotel Group and Intercontinental Hotel Group.

Michelle specialises in career coaching, drawing on her extensive first hand experience as both employer and job seeker.

Through her boutique Coaching and Training business – VISION DECISIONS – she therefore offers her clients a balanced perspective, enabling them to create the career of their choice. Michelle inspires her clients to transform their personal vision into a successful reality.

Michelle’s qualifications include Certificate IV in Life Coaching, Certificate IV in Training and Workplace Assessment, Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Arts. When not practicing her passion for Life Coaching, Michelle enjoys gourmet cooking and traveling.

B (Ed), Dip (Steiner Ed),Cert IV Life Coaching, Master NLP, Time-line, EFT, Transpersonal Coaching

Daniela has over 20 year experience in all forms of education having also lectured at Syd University, worked in Outdoor Education, Corporate team management, leadership & alternate therapy fields. It is with her passion and enthusiasm for life that she shares with you her journey of self mastery and leaves you with tools to live your life on purpose, with purpose.

Life Balance Coach – Grad Dip Psych, B.Bus Bus Mgt/Psych, LCA Accredited Life Coach. Currently completing Diploma of Life Coaching and NLP Practitioner’s Certificate.

How many times have you sat staring off into the distance knowing that there is more to life, and that you deserve to have it! The “more” can be anything … perhaps you want to change your career, improve relationships, increase abundance and prosperity, improve current work performance, increase your confidence, decrease stress, or resolve a health issue. Of course you can have it!

Life is meant to be fun – it is meant to be lived! Have you heard that before? Yes? That’s because it’s true.

I challenge you to take control of the direction and purpose of your life. Partner with me and I will be your “champion”, believing in you as you work towards creating the life you desire. It is never too late to start.

My role as your coach is to work alongside you, uncovering your potential and empowering you to achieve excellence in your personal life and business. I will listen to you, motivating and challenging you so that you learn more about yourself and change the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from achieving your goals.

Am I qualified? Of course – my qualifications are listed below, but more importantly, I care! About you, and what’s important in your life.

Is it easy? Sometimes. Other times it requires more action. It requires open and honest discussion, and looking at previously unexplored areas. Most importantly it requires commitment, absolute commitment to taking the necessary action to move you forward. But do you really want to stay in the place you currently are? No, I didn’t think so, otherwise you wouldn’t have found yourself looking at my page.

A bit about me … I run a coaching and consulting practice for individuals, groups and businesses from Blaxland in the Blue Mountains, NSW. My work experience (my “previous life” as I call it) covers many years working in middle management in the corporate sector working for companies including Ernst & Young, HBOS, Avant Mutual and Capital Finance. These roles included change management and communication processes following mergers, writing of policy and procedure manuals, job analysis, and large and small physical scale churn, fitouts and renovations. I am also a mum with a young child, and have found the balance in my own life. I want that for you too!

I am available to coach in a number of modes – face to face, over the telephone, Skype or email, so whether you are local, across Australia, or internationally based, we can work together.

Contact me now and start taking charge of your own life. I would consider it a privilege to be invited to be part of your journey creating the “new you”.

Cert IV In LIfe Coaching.

I think of my life in three chapters. Each chapter has been full of love and happiness while at the same time fraught with disaster and sadness.
Chapter three has benefitted from my life coaching experience.After my first session with my life coach I knew I had to learn more and study this amazing process.
Life Coaching empowers a person, family, organisation or team to achieve their desired outcome.
As a coach I guide my client via a professional process combining sophisticated training, expanding awareness and a supportive environment that inspires growth.
As your Life Coach I will help you to alter the things in your life that are preventing you from moving forward. We will change the things that do not make you happy.
Together we will look at the present and set goals for a totally sucessful future.
If you are feeling that your life has drifted off course and that there must be something better than this, you need me.
I would be happy to spend forty minutes with you, with my compliments, so you can experience life coaching first hand

Life Coaching: LCA, AU (ICF) Breakthough Dynamics, Australia NLP Master: Breakthrough Dymanics, Australia Time Dynamics: Breakthrough Dymanics, Australia Hypnosis: Breakthrough Dymanics, Australia

Hi, I’m Celeste, a life coach practising in South Africa.
I use neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), powerful questioning techniques and integrated tools to help you move forward, develop your full potential, gain confidence and reclaim your self-worth and joy.
My tailored program addresses the 5 key challenges we face in living a fulfilled life.
Sessions can be done in person or via Skype.
I also have an online self-paced coaching facility

Professional Coach ICF Wellness MScPT, BScKin

You Live Your Dream Coaching Programs combined with Pranic Healing sessions help finding a healthy balance in your life and dramatically improve your health.
From the point of view of a health coach, becoming a healthy and happy person begins with understanding what prevents you from setting and achieving your goals, how to remove this obstacle and, then, taking serious action on it. Here’s what Health Coaching sessions help you with:
– Make Your Health & Happiness a priority and work on it every day
– Identify a problem or obstacle
– Clear the clutter
– Brainstorm
– Be open minded, strong and persistent
– Experiment and use every experience to your advantage
– Change or eliminate your beliefs if they do not serve you anymore
– Acknowledge that you create everything that happens to you
Pranic Healing or Vital Energy Healing is a powerful tool which helps dramatically improve your health and living. Pranic Healing utilizes prana or life energy to heal the whole physical body. This in turn brings an accelerated rate of healing.
Pranic Healing can assist you to:
– Increase your energy levels
– Become stronger/healthier
– Remove aches and pains
– Enhance your life
– Eliminate diseases, stress, depression, anxiety and many more

Professional Coach ICF Wellness MScPT, BScKin

I work with individuals who want to make a lasting lifestyle change. I empower my clients to realize their full potential, and take committed actions to enhance their wellbeing. I help my clients look deeper into themselves, understand why things have not worked in the past, and help them develop a new approach to reach their goals.

My goal is to help my clients reach their goals. I help my clients decide where to start, help them organize their vision, and ensure that they follow through with their actions. I help my clients permanently close the gap between where they are now, and where they want to be. I am someone who is different than a friend or relative, someone who won’t be jealous of your ambition, and someone who is dedicated to helping you improve every aspect of your wellbeing. The combination of weekly or biweekly coaching sessions, homework reflection exercises, and unlimited email support between sessions provides a unique combination of the motivation you need to reach your goals, and the accountability you need to stay on track. Our partnership will be entirely confidential, and together we will work through all your personal challenges related to wellbeing. Our relationship can ultimately last for as long as you need – it’s entirely up to you.

I want my clients to feel proud of who they are, and excited about the life they are living. I want them to have more time, more energy, and to have more fun. I want them to feel in control. I want them to commit to making healthy food choices, moving their bodies, staying positive, feeling happy, and following their passions. I want them to have real meaning in their life, and feel that they are connected to the world around them. Overall, I wish for my clients to be living the healthy and balanced life that they have envisioned for themselves.

Please feel free to check out my website for more details on the specific programs I offer: www.feel-empowered.com

Certificate IV Small Business Management Certificate IV Life Coaching Certificate IV Training & Assessment

Small Business Management Trainer
Life Coach
Corporate Trainer
Business Owner
Instructional Designer
Training Resource Developer
Life Experience

Executive Professional Coach, Certificate IV, NLP

I grew up with a burning for knowledge and taste for life. My diverse career spans industries such as military, diving instructor, management, Information Technology, sales, entertainment, hospitality and business owner. My versatile life experience enables me to empathise with many situations that you may experience.

I hold a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) qualification gained from the Life Coaching Academy in Australia approved by the International Coach Federation (ICF). This means I meet the ICF’s strict, professional-level credentialing requirements.

I am incredibly passionate about my work and strive to provide outstanding client support, frequent follow-up and affordable pricing so that everyone can benefit from my experience helping people just like yourself.

I am passionate about tennis and its mental aspects, cooking, jazz, boating, travel and our planet’s sustainability.

While I am based in New Zealand, I work with clients all over the world via phone or Skype.

Professional Coach ICF accredited – Certificate IV Life Coaching Leadership New Zealand 2013 Graduate Diploma Communication Management

Having spent 20 years in Corporate New Zealand in Senior Sales & Marketing roles I have a wealth of experience which is beneficial to individual clients, business clients and the corporate sector. My background gives me an exceptional platform to provide coaching on any number of issues and my personal journey of my corporate career and moving into motherhood and running two small businesses gives me a very real sense of life and those associated challenges. Be it Career, time management, business or life, my experience and qualifications gives me a world class platform to work from.

Certificate IV in Life Coaching, PD in Psychotherapy, AD in Counselling/Psychology, D in Learning Disorder Management

Michela’s mission is to guide parents “beyond those milestones” that society imposes to us as parents of children with special needs.

Michela’s background as sister of a child with special needs provides uplifting and positive boost to a topic that is usually demotivating and erase parents from their being individuals.

Whether during group work or individual coaching sessions, parents find a safe and comfortable environment, where to discuss their challenges, wishes, hopes and expectations

Life Coach Cert IV LCA,

Sometimes life, both business and personal, lands us at a crossroad… and deciding which turn to take can be quite a quandary.

Often it’s easiest to keep on walking straight ahead; we can see what’s laid out in front. It’s almost a case of ‘Better the devil I know…’

Making the decision to turn off, take another direction, is fraught with the unknown. Sometimes difficulties arise, not the least of which it’s harder to see what’s around the bend.

If you are at a crossroads, and your instinct, intuition, something in your bones is telling you that you need to do something, I am here to help you:

> make sense of it all
> affirm your values
> make decisions
> take positive action

My background is in sales and the corporate recruitment sector. I’ve owned and operated private businesses, often being involved in the marketing and strategic direction of them.

In addition to my coaching practice, I assist my wife Carole with her psychotherapy business as well as run my own theatrical production company. Sometimes I even tread the boards myself, and have occasionally appeared on television and film.

If you want a life coach (or business coach) who is mature, has a wide range of experience and understanding, and has an uncanny knack for finding what it is that motivates you… then talk2me; I look forward to hearing from you.

Here are some snippets from my website:

What is life coaching?
Coaching consultations are much like any professional meeting, such as with your accountant, solicitor, therapist or doctor… you visit these professionals because they have expertise in certain areas that you do not, and are able to provide objective advice or guidance. | Read more… http://lifecoach.bryan.com.au/what-is-life-coaching/

Thought for the week
To start your week on a positive footing, I’ll send you a ‘Thought for the Week’ each Monday. | Read more… http://lifecoach.bryan.com.au/thought-for-the-week/

The first step to accelerating and achieving your aspirations, is making that initial contact. | Read more… http://lifecoach.bryan.com.au/contact/

Coaching consultations generally last for one hour although longer sessions can be booked if required. These sessions can be either face-to-face, via Skype® / online conferencing or by phone. | Read more… http://lifecoach.bryan.com.au/fees/

Life Coach Cert IV LCA, BA, Grad Dip. Welfare Management

Please contact Helen to change your life and move you forward.

Please ring 0413 383781

B.Psychology (Honours), Cert IV Life Coaching

SACHA CROUCH is a fully accredited Business, Executive and Life Coach with an honours degree in psychology. As the founder of Activ8 Change, she helps business owners and professionals who are overworked, overwhelmed, stressed, and procrastinating over priorities to create greater time, energy and freedom in their lives. She also mentors other coaches through the Life Coaching Academy of Australia, was formerly Communication and Events director for the International Coach Federation NSW, and is a blogger for Yahoo!7 Lifestyle.

Clients love Sacha’s ability to take them out of their current ‘problem’, shift the way they view the world and inspire them to take action. They appreciate her warm but challenging style and her playful sense of humour.

As well as working one-to-one with individuals, Sacha provides coaching, workshops and seminars to teams. She frequently appears as a guest speaker at conferences and networking events, and plays an active role in the media.

Sacha has been working and training in behaviour management for over 13 years. Sacha’s love for people and helping them improve their quality of life is evident in the various work roles she fulfilled prior to creating her business. Responsibilities included working with children with anxiety problems and their parents; leading a team of community welfare professionals and voluntary work as a telephone counsellor.

She has previously been co-director of a specialised art tour company, Artravel Pty Ltd, and is now sole director of Activ8 Change. She is committed to growing her business while working a 30-hour work week and is devoted to living with abundance, gratitude, and contribution. She also mentors other coaches through the Life Coaching Academy of Australia, was formerly Communication and Events director for the International Coach Federation NSW, and is a blogger for Yahoo!7 Lifestyle.
For more information about Sacha and to receive free tools and articles visit www.activ8change.com.au and www.de-stressyoursuccess.com


Professional Life Coach

Graham brings over thirty years of training, management, personal development and leadership experience to his coaching practice.

With a strong desire to get out and expand his horizons Graham joined the Royal Australian Air Force at a young age. He moved quickly through to the commissioned ranks with a strong career emphasis in technical training, training development and management, training systems definition and procurement, project management personnel management, and leadership. This led to a career opportunity move to Toronto, Canada for 12 years as a senior manager in a ‘hi – tech’ engineering development environment. In helping to build and strengthen the corporation he expanded his natural skills in personal development and motivation, conflict resolution, negotiation, communications and leadership.

Always active, Graham has pursued many activities and interests including, golf, scuba-diving, skiing, cycling, hiking, fishing, carpentry, Karate and Tai Chi.

With a passion for human potential development and individual freedom, Graham moved from the corporate environment to pursue a more ‘on-purpose’ career in the growing field of personal development and empowerment. This led naturally to life coaching where Graham utilizes his natural talents in working with motivated people to achieve better results and greater passion, peace and fulfilment in their lives. In particular, Graham’s intention is to help people get on track with their true purpose in life and to achieve their full potential.

As your personal life coach, Graham works with you in an empowering, one-on-one, relationship that is focussed solely on the achievement your desires in any and all areas of your personal and professional life. With a strong caring, empathetic and understanding manner, Graham helps you achieve success with a strong focus on your motivation, commitment, self-worth, and responsibility for your results.

Take advantage of a complimentary coaching session by giving Graham a call.

LCA Accredited Life Coach (Cert. 4). Currently completing Diploma in Life Coaching & NLP with LCA.

I provide individual life coaching as well as corporate, workplace & team coaching.

In my coaching I value my intuition & senses as well as my experience & knowledge.

I study & practice art as well as life coaching. I have a long experience from the corporate sector and am currently working part-time in a insurance broking firm.

My Danish back ground and many travels around the world gives me an international approach and understanding. Combined with my creative, personal & corporate insight & skills it helps me help you reach your goals in life.

I currently coach employees, managers & teams in a large Brisbane Insurance firm.

Professional Life Coach

Mic is an accredited performance and life coach and an active trainer of coaches. He also delivers keynote presentations and workshops.

Mic likes to compare life to being in a game; “Life is like a big global game and we are the players. As with any game, there must be goals. Without goals to aim at, the players lose direction, become bored and the game goes around in circles.” Sound familiar?

Mic’s confidence and awareness translate to a subtle yet powerful style, and his energy becomes apparent when he trains and presents. He has the ability to draw the best from people, both in one on one meetings or in groups. “I believe that greatness is within everyone and it is my goal to bring that greatness to the surface”, he explains.

His peers refer him to as a “natural coach”. He has a very grounded approach to his coaching and draws on the skills he has gained from the sporting and business arenas to accelerate his clients towards their goals or objectives.

Mic believes that his service to his clients is the direct result of him knowing his craft. Because of this belief he continues to seek out both new and existing literature concerning all models of coaching. He undertakes new courses and workshops on a regular basis. He believes that there is always more than one way of doing something and as a result he continually works on his personal growth and the development of his coaching skills.

“I love to see others succeed and to know that I played some part in the process”, Mic enthuses.

Actively involved in the development of the Life Coaching Academy in the Australasian region, Mic is also a mentor or coaches, and a member of the LCA’s Education Advisory Committee and the International Coaching Federation.

He notes that his greatest achievement to date is finding a balance between career, family, health and finances.

“Life not going to plan? What was the plan?”

BSc(Hons) Psychology; LCA Accredited Coach; Results Coach

As a certified Coach, Jennifer is committed to supporting her clients create momentum and blast through limiting decisions and beliefs, so that they can achieve their personal and professional goals.

Jennifer passionately believes that we should maximise the opportunities presented to us and enjoy life to the full. She established Incite Coaching in 2008 after realising that the strategies and tools she had learnt really made a difference in her own life and could enhance the lives of everyone. Jennifer is now committed to transforming the lives of as many people as she can through, coaching, training and support.

Graduating with a First Class Honours degree in Psychology from The University of Liverpool (UK), she have written research papers on organisational psychology to address inefficiencies in the workplace, stress at work and work life balance. Having spent a nearly 5 years working for Hays, Australasia’s largest specialist recruitment organisation, including managing key nationwide clients and running her own office, Jennifer uses her experiences to offer individual and corporate perspectives on business and people management.

Specialising in Career Coaching and Executive Coaching, Jennifer helps her clients explore the underlying issues affecting their performance or their businesses performance. This helps create an individual action plan to enable clients to blast through their personal and professional goals.

Diploma Life Coaching. NLP. Masters in Applied Social Science. Emotional Intelligence Assessor

In a Global Coaching role over the past four years I have had the privilege of coaching and supervising coaches in many countries around the world. I can certainly say I have experienced the best and worst of coaching and the true highs and lows that people experience the world around. Through the difference of culture, religion, language, politics and economies I have been blessed to work with some of the most amazing human beings on the planet. We all share the same passion deep down to be the very best version of ourselves and to contribute to our communities and families. As Executive, Life and Business Coach, Mentor, Supervisor, Facilitator and Trainer I have experience with finding and empowering the individual to reach the performance levels and success that they expect of themselves. Happiness is not just a state of mind, for most people it also has real tangible milestones that they would like to achieve and celebrate.

I am happy to talk about your milestones and how you could make them happen. ( It may not be with me as your coach, but I will be happy to help you choose your next best step to becoming the person you want to be in life. ) Start small with an email … the rest is up to you.

Professional Life Coach

Do you need a life coach to motivate & encourage you to keep on track with your life goals? Jayne helps personal and corporate clients realise their true potential and live their ideal life! Jayne helps individuals and teams develop ambition, goals and objectives to achieve success. By focusing individuals to achieve, Jayne will help personal and corporate clients realise their true potential and live their best life.

“Peak performance is simply essential in the corporate world today. Whether you are a new, small or global business, corporate coaching puts your company at its best possible level by focusing on increasing efficiency and productivity in both individuals and teams,” she explains.

After graduating from Massey University with a Business Management degree, Jayne began her career in the hospitality and service industry.

Most recently she has held positions with the Sheraton and Rydges hotel groups focusing on training and development. During her time in the industry, Jayne has also been involved at a senior level in event management, recruitment and regional account management.

“In my career to date, I’ve found a real need for coaching in the work place. Coaching provides real solutions to balancing home and work life, managing work place change and fine tuning communication skills,” says corporate coach, Jayne Chater.

Develop your ambition, dreams and goals and live your ideal life!

Professional Life Coach

As an accredited coach in Australia I work with clients who are serious about getting on to the road of success. Success is about choice, it relates directly to life’s journey. It is not the destination but the path one chooses to go down. Success involves pushing the boundaries, a continual process of self discovery. Success is a holistic approach to life, it challenges, it is rewarding and is an outlet for positive energy.

Success is being fulfilled at the deepest levels and that comes from living a life that honors the individuals value system. I have created my business around my core values, success and happiness. A common denominator with my clients is they are people who want to achieve success on their own terms. With a background in hospitality, teaching, business ownership and corporate management, I coach clients to get more out of life, no matter where their starting point.

The future of my clients, their success and happiness, is the entire focus of my coaching work. Imagine having that support in your own life!

I practice what I preach! I have 2 coaches who work with me, an Executive Business Coach and a Life Coach, together they push me to my limit and continue my own personal and business evolution.

My coaching philosophy can best be described by ‘Marcel Proust’ in “The real act of discovery is not in finding new lands, but in seeing with new eyes.”

Jenny Cato – Success Coaching

Associate Certified Coach – ICF, Accredited Life Coach, Certified NLP Practitioner, Certified NLP Business Communications Practitioner, Certified Master Practitioner in Neuro Semantics – NLP

After 30 years of working in a variety of business environments which included banking, nursing, advertising, and hospital administration the time came when it was time for me to experience my own change. I returned to formal study and in the process discovered many of my own self limiting beliefs. I over came them and also realised how important “Walking my talk” is to me.

As your coach I am supportive, non judgmental, and encouraging. Expect me to challenge and suggest.I will listen and question. And I will invite you to examine your current truth to see if it’s time for you to upgrade your own personal rule book. Together we examine your goals, your values, your beliefs and your vision.

My questions seek to assist you to identify, clarity, and focus completely on what you want from your life. And we have fun during this journey of self discovery.We work as a “success team” in a professional parternship of mutual respect and trust.

You discover and embrace your greatness.

ACC Associate Certified Coach – ICF (International Coach Federation) Mayo 2014 The Life Coaching Academy – Certificate IV in Life Coaching

Después de 15 años llenos de retos y éxito profesional, decidí aventurarme en el desarrollo del concepto ebena, Soporte Empresarial, una organización dirigida a ejecutivos, empresarios, emprendedores y dueños de negocios que ofrece programas de desarrollo personal y profesional a través de sistemas como coaching, mentoring y counseling. Tenemos el privilegio de entrenar, educar y apoyar a distintas organizaciones en fundamentos de negocios bajo el sistema de ActionCOACH, o en materia de calidad, seguridad e inocuidad para el cumplimiento de la NOM-251-SSA1-200 en plantas, almacenes, restaurantes e instalaciones al servicio de alimentos.

Karina Butera Consulting offers a range of services – assessment, training and development, coaching and team building. We assist companies to reach their goals through improving their relationships with their clients, staff and stakeholders. We work Australia wide in both the public and private sector. If you are looking to address workplace conflict, create cultural change or explore opportunities to make more of your individual/corporate strengths, go to www.karinabutera.com for further info or call us on 1300KARINA

Professional Life Coach Cert IV

I work with individuals who are wanting to take themselves to the next level of their development. I have just under 10 years experience mentoring which has developed into coaching students studying at tertiary level to working along side people wanting set personal or professional goals.

After leaving school with no formal qualifications and returning to study as an adult, I believe it’s never too late to make changes in your life that will give you inner peace.tt

Leadership Coach [Cert IV Life Coaching & NLP Practitioner Certificate]; Marketing Strategist Business Consultant Writer & Blogger; Presenter; Presentation Guru

Along with her qualifications and experience as a Coach; Stevie is a highly successful Advertising & Marketing Communications Strategist with over 15 years’ experience having begun her career at some of the world’s most well known advertising agencies; such as Saatchi & Saatchi, and McCann Erickson; and on some of the world’s most famous brands; including Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, L’Oréal, Samsung, and Visa. She has been integral to a magnitude of brand and product launches in the UK, Europe, Australia and South Pacific. Stevie has also served on Management Teams, and been integral to business planning, development, and operational requirements. She is a Registered Advisor with the Business Advisors Network.

After 15 years in the corporate arena, Stevie is well versed on the pressures that come with managing, growing, and marketing a business. Ongoing, unmanaged pressures can result in negative emotions that cause stress, anxiety, and even depression, leading you to feel unhappy, become less productive, and ultimately reduce your creativity.

Research by American Psychologist Barbara L. Fredrickson of the University of Michigan posits that the experience of positive emotions broadens a person’s ‘thought – action’ repertoire, which goes on to build their long-term physical, intellectual, social, and psychological resources. So, it makes sense that the happier you are; the more productive you can be! Creativity also requires a wide and varied thought-action repertoire. So, the more positive the emotions your brain experiences; the broader the capacity of your mind to be creative too! And we all know that both productivity and creativity are essential qualities for a business leader.

The way we see it at The Change Starter is…
Happy =
Productive = Creative = Results!
– Team Performing
– Talent Retained
– Clients Ecstatic
– Business Booming
– Reputation Rising

Stevie brings her unique set of expertise and experiences together to deliver a mix of exhaustive determination; a 360 degree perspective on thinking; a dynamic approach to information collation and organisation; and an intuitive acuity for change design.

Stevie is a keen socialiser and networker with a passion for connecting people for mutual benefit. Currently residing in Sydney, she is motivated to empower business leaders to design change that grows their business and achieves their personal objectives.

The Change Starter works with business leaders of small and medium sized businesses who love what they do, and are ready to take themselves and their business to the next level. Stevie’s approach to coaching is built on the belief that whether you’ve just started, or you’re well-established, your business has a much higher chance of success with a happy, motivated leader at the helm!

As such, Stevie’s coaching style is focussed on you as an individual; and seeks to leverage your personal goals and values in pursuit of business success. Stevie combines her passion for coaching individuals with her 15yrs of knowledge and experience in designing advertising and marketing strategies for big businesses and global brands. She now uses this expertise to help small businesses succeed.


– ‘I’ve been there’ – Stevie knows and understands the pressure involved in succeeding in a leadership position

– Big picture, strategic thinker, able to structure and distil information into key themes or insights
– Passionate about wanting her Client’s to succeed and feel happy in their role
– Insatiable determination to find the ultimate solution
– Energised by any opportunity to solve a problem!
– Experienced in building brands – yours and your business’
– Seasoned presenter with the ability to engage and inspire
– Confident Presentation Writer & Designer
– If you are a member of the GLBTIQ community and are looking for a coach with an understanding of your specific needs, you’ve found them 🙂

GLBTIQ Ally [SGLMG Volunteer]


Cert 4 in Life Coaching and Small Business

I am based on the Gold Coast in Australia. I coach over the phone or on Skype and also face to face. My Certificate 4 in Life Coaching and Small Business was obtained through the Life Coaching Academy and I also mentor students who now study with the Life Coaching Academy.

Certificate IV life Coaching

“Being an educator, a teacher, and an artist has allowed me awesome opportunities to coach, mentor and build relationships. And I have more to offer! I can encourage you to see the world in different ways. Build connections that inspire. And I can help you experience new perspectives that will allow your true potential to come forward. I want to show you how to live in the present and explore what “now” has to offer.”

Bsc Hons Human Biology

Nicky is an experienced and dynamic coach and facilitator. She specialises in supporting leaders to reach their potential, drive change and performance and in developing flexibility and resilience in their own leadership style.

Nicky has assisted many organisations in aligning individuals and teams towards building resilient and sustainable ways of working. She is also an experienced facilitator and delivers workshops in areas such as resilience, authentic leadership, communication and coaching skills, and building high performing teams.

Nicky has her own coaching and facilitation company based in Auckland. Prior to this she was PT Learning Director for NZCSI School for Social Entrepreneurs, worked as L&D manager for a natural health Company, a Director at PwC in the area of Performance Improvement, specifically in the area of Resilience and Leadership and as a consultant with Rogen, a global communications company.

She has gained over 20 years senior management experience primarily in the retail sector. She was head of training for The Body Shop International Plc in London in the mid eighties, and ran her own successful franchise of The Body Shop in the UK for 12 years. In both the UK and New Zealand Nicky had her own coaching companies and with over fourteen years coaching experience has coached individuals, business owners and leaders in organisations to reach both their personal and professional goals.

Nicky has a long term interest in resilience and neuroscience and authentic leadership. She is a licensed HeartMath practitioner working in the area of heart intelligence, energy management and stress reduction. She is an accredited Professional Coach and an NLP Practitioner.

Nicky’s personal interests include spending time with her partner and two teenagers, yoga, painting ,walking, good wine and coffee!

Health / life coach

I have been a passionate, vastly experienced Health Coach and Fitness Instructor for over 10 years. I am an army – trained, meaning, I teach women one thing: how to get the results they desire AND deserve, all in a focused, creative and FUN way.

I help professional, busy, stressed women discover their inner strengths, to believe and trust in themselves, love and nurture their own body and mind.

I teach women to develop the right Mind- Set so they achieve their personal / professional goals, easily, safely, while having fun doing it all !

Women are empowered and supported every step of the way, with me as their accountability agent.

Able, willing and ready to help you.

As a Nationally Accredited Life Coach, Nationally Accredited Work Place Trainer & Assessor, Business Consultant, and passionate Speaker, Sibylle delights in empowering people who want to take the next step in their lives so that they can be the best that they can be. She is 100% committed to support those who are ready to reach their full potential, and is honoured to play a part in their journey as they create the life of their dreams.

Having pursued a passionate interest in getting the best out of people, Sibylle is recognised as a leader in the field of turning obstacles into stepping stones to success. She loves to develop outstanding people skills which are focused on personal performance and extraordinary customer care and service; which collectively result in a growth in business. Consequently, much of Sibylle’s working life has been spent developing the skills of personal performance, exceptional service, and customer care in others.

Sibylle seemingly effortlessly empowers people to take action towards improving themselves, their lives, and their world; which she addresses through her unique, client focused approach to her coaching, consulting, speaking, and training activities. Having learnt to identify and employ her own natural gifts, she now shows others how to identify and use their own unique gifts and talents to create a life they only dreamed was possible.

Sibylle has presented to a variety of groups including International Women’s Groups, Family Day Care Centres, International Coach Federation’s Australasian Conference, Queensland Rural Women’s Network State Conference, and numerous DPI Drought Information Days. Sibylle delivers high energy presentations and interactive workshops and seminars, using her own examples to inspire and encourage others who relate to her considerable life experiences. Sibylle has had two very popular weekly radio segments – on 3AK in Melbourne and Radio ABC Western Queensland. And yes, these were both done from the small rural town of Chinchilla.

What Is Sibylle’s Point of Difference?
– Her ability to draw from a vast bank of experience from a variety of industries;
– Her knack of opening a flow of innovative “out of the box” ideas;
– Her connection to an excellent network of people – more like 4 degrees of separation than 6;
– Her ability to turn obstacles into stepping stones to success;
– Partnering her human expertise with the best technological expertise to create the perfect web solutions for you;
– Her natural talent and drive to jump straight into projects, achieve seemingly impossible outcomes and expectations, especially when the pressure is on to produce tangible results quickly and creatively;
– Her ability to take complex issues or processes and creating simplicity so that others can understand;
– Her ‘gift of the gab’ allowing her to build rapport effortlessly;
– Her high level of emotional and spiritual intelligence;
– Her extraordinary powers of insight and wisdom; and
– Her expertise in putting the whole solution together, making her a one-stop-shop to take your business to the top.

cert IV life coaching LCA,NZR occupational therapist

My approach is to help people understand what they want, why they want it, and then assist them in creating action plans to close the gap from where they are to where they want to be.

There is much research that shows that the strongest drive in human beings is the drive for fulfillment, and that all human beings share this need to experience a life of meaning and purpose. I will help you identify what you need for fulfilment, what is missing in your life or what is in the way from what you are trully wanting, then help resource you with what you need to obtain fulfilment.

It is very exciting coaching alongside people as they make major changes in their life to help them achieve their highest potential and fulfilment, whether it be an area about personal goals career or direction, financial, relationship issues or health issues I would love to help you

Masters Business Management Germany/ 2003; Life Coaching Certificate (IV)/2013

Our goal is to assist you and your business through change processes. We analyse existing processes and offer personal, career and business coaching to help you achieving your goals. Our consulting services will support you and your business to implement an appropriate Marketing & Communications strategy.

The founder and business owner, Nelly Appelhanz, has more than 13 years international work experience in Europe, Asia and Australia. In 2003 she finalised a Masters degree in Business Management in Germany, specialising in Marketing & Communications. Her empirical thesis on the „Cultural Impact on Environmental Awareness and Consequences for Marketing“ analysed cultural differences, attitude and behaviour in Indonesia.

Nelly has gained extensive experience in Marketing and Communications Strategy by working for international companies in the petrochemical and water industry. Moreover, she has successfully designed and development of Corporate Social Responsibility programs and intercultural education workshops.

p>Additionally, Nelly developed high level research and analytical skills by delivering consults and research studies to a number of different clients from major private and public sectors. Other key strengths are developing creative ideas and content, exploring meaningful insights relevant to a project, target group or a client as well as providing strategic and practical recommendations.

Advanced Diploma of Life Coaching and Small Bus Mgt

Hanny Allston is a World Champion who has found her niche giving back to Australia’s active community. Her business, Find Your Feet, began operation in 2009 assisting Tasmanian’s to improve their running. As she worked with her client’s and running groups, Hanny realised that there were often outside limitations to people’s athletic performances – an unbalanced lifestyle. In 2010 Hanny completed her Advanced Diploma of Life Coaching and with a relocation to Canberra, she has tailored her business to assist individuals with their: work and play balance through Life Coaching; health maximisation through Health Coaching; and physical performance and running efficiency through Performance Coaching. Hanny can work with clients locally or around Australia through online communications. For more information on Find Your Feet and Hanny Allston please visit http://www.findyourfeet.com.au

Advanced Diploma of Life Coaching and Small Business Management, Life Coaching Academy of Australia Health Coach, Health Change Australia Bachelor of Medical Research, University of Tasmania Graduate Diploma of Primary School Teaching, University of Auckland Accredited Sports Coach, Australian Sports Commission