June 2020
Coaching gives you a chance to get out there and transform the lives of others but if you’re really serious about turning your coaching skills into a coaching business, you’ll need clients to work with.
One of the key ways many coaches can find coaching clients is via networking. Networking isn’t about going to an event and handing out your business card to every person in sight, it’s about meeting others and building solid relationships, and with studies showing those who network to be three times more influential than those who don’t, investing time into networking is a no brainer.
If you want to build a thriving coaching business, below are 6 ways to get the most out of networking:
1. Connect with the right people
Social media and sites such as Meetup and Event bright have made it easier than ever to instantly get a list of up-coming networking events and online communities that you can join which can put you face to face with the right people. Making a list of local networking events which are filled with your ‘ideal clients’ in your chosen niche and showing up is a great way for you to connect with the right people who need what you offer.
2. Don’t sell
Your primary purpose for attending a networking event shouldn’t be to ‘sell’ it should be to build relationships. Focus on adding value to others and think about how you may be helpful to them – don’t approach networking with a mind-set of what you can get, instead focus on what you can give. The most successful networkers are those who walk in to a room with an intention of paying it forward and seeing who they can assist.
3. Perfect your pitch
We often have a short window of time to make an impact. Making what you do as clear and as easy to understand as possible, is the best way for you to capture someone’s interest. An elevator pitch is a short and punchy 60 second pitch that focuses on the benefit you’re offering and the problem you solve. Avoiding the use of jargon, using language that your ideal prospect will understand and practising your pitch until it feels like it’s being stated in a natural way is the best way to capture someone’s interest, without turning them off.
4. Be Curious
A good coach is no stranger to asking the right questions and the power of listening skills, so choosing to ask questions and listen & engage with people at networking events should feel like second nature. People tend to like people who are like themselves so asking interesting questions and getting to know others is not only a great way to build rapport it also provides you with the opportunity to a) get an idea of the needs of others b) understand how you may be able to help them and c) get an insight into what it may be like to coach them. The more you shift your focus onto others the easier it can become to build positive relationships.
5. Capture data
Handing someone your business card and hoping they will get in touch won’t guarantee they will. Capturing someone’s details, making a note of the conversation you had and recording it on a spread sheet or folder is a great way to ensure that you keep track of their details and allows you to build a relationship with them down the road. It is also worth keeping in mind that meeting someone at an event and automatically adding them to your emailing list without their permission is bad form so don’t fall into that trap, ask them if they would be interested instead of assuming. Investing your time and efforts into networking without keeping hold of the details of others can be a waste of your time and energy, even if you’re unable to help them at this stage or they are unable to help you, you never know when you may need their services or when you may want to connect them to others, so don’t rule them out completely.
6. Stay in touch
There’s nothing worse than meeting someone at a networking event, building rapport and never speaking to them ever again especially if you want to get clients for your business. Most coaching clients want to work with someone they can trust and this means that some may want to build a relationship with you which extends beyond an initial 10-minute encounter. Sending them an email after meeting them and showing interest by occasionally checking in with them or going for a coffee helps them to establish trust and refreshes their memory to either consider using your services or recommending them to others.
Networking is a time tested way of building relationships. When you are building a coaching business, the more people you meet that could benefit from your services, the more likely you are to have potential coaching clients. Coaching is a people business and people buy from people.
4 NLP Techniques to make you feel instantly happier and mentally stronger.
Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) is a powerful approach to communication and personal development that empowers people to have greater control over their emotional state. NLP fundamental skills and tools give you the ability to be at your best more often by effectively managing your thoughts and feelings.
Created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in 1972, NLP is designed to positively affect the connection between neurological processes (neuro), language (linguistic) and behavioural patterns learned through experiences (programming). In doing so, NLP can be used to alter these connect to help you achieve specific goals and enhance your personal development.
NLP techniques allow you to have real power over your mind, language and actions and help you transform your behaviour. These 4 NLP techniques will give you the ability to live a happier and more successful life:
1. Anchoring
Anchoring is the most well-known and widely used NLP technique. The purpose of anchoring is to associate a positive memory with a deliberate gesture. For example, a memory where you felt powerful can be empowering and a valuable resource. As through Anchoring you can use this memory and store it through your senses: either Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic, Olfactory and Gustatory. By making this association, your brain will be able to make the connection between this positive memory and a particular gesture. As such, you will be able to elicit a positive emotional response simply through your actions. In turn, you are able to activate this anchor any time you are feeling low or stressed and in doing so, you can return to a state of happiness.
2. Reframing
Next on the list of NLP techniques that can boost your happiness and overall success is reframing. This technique is all about perspective and it allows you to see the opportunities in hardship, opposed to dwelling on barriers or the negatives. For example, let’s imagine your relationship has recently ended. Initially and on the surface, this will feel awful, however, let’s try reframing it. You can do this by asking: what are the possible benefits of being single? One could be that you are now available to meet new people or are open to other potential relationships. Another is that you now have the freedom to do what you want to do on your own schedule. Furthermore, you can take notice of the valuable lessons you have learned from this relationship which will allow you to have increasingly fulfilling relationships in the future. All of these points are examples of how we can reframe a situation. In doing so we are able to reframe the meaning and experience of the hardship or situation. Reframing empowers you to change the focus from negative to positive.
3. Meta-modeling
Meta-modelling is a great technique that will help you discover the hidden truth of your reality, by identifying limiting language you are using in your daily life. You can use meta-model by paying attention to these 3 main language patterns that can hold you back from happiness:
– Generalisations: “My boss never listens to me.”
– Mind Reading: “Karen didn’t say Hello to me today, she must be angry with me.”
– Deletions or choosing your language to confirm pre-existing beliefs: “People don’t find me attractive.”
Once you identify which category your language patterns belong to, then it is time to challenge them and the limiting beliefs that they contribute to. For example, if you hear yourself saying something like “people don’t find me attractive,” you can challenge this through the meta-model by questioning the statement. For example, you might ask yourself, “who are these people specifically?” and “how do you know that they think this?” The chances are that by questioning the language and limiting beliefs to be more specific you will prompt your brain to think more logically about the situation and, in turn, begin to understand that these are ingrained responses that can be altered. Meta-modelling can prompt you to challenge negative language and unhelpful beliefs, so you can live a happier and more successful life.
4. Rapport Building
The ability to easily build rapport with people around you is an impactful way to make a real difference both personally and professionally. NLP tools, such as mirroring is a simple, yet effective way to connect and communicate. This technique involves subtly mirroring another person’s body language, a tone of voice and language choices. However, the key is to do so with subtly. If, for example, you are talking with someone who is using a casual tone of voice, is sitting down and has an open stance, mirroring this person’s language and behaviour will keep the tone they have set. Whereas if you chose to address them formally, with your arms crossed and refuse to sit, but instead stand, the tone of your conversation will dramatically shift and in turn, this person will feel uncomfortable. While it might seem obvious, mirroring is meaningful and easy to implement the technique that can enhance your communication and enable you to create a positive impression.
The art and psychology of NLP give you greater control over your ability to be at your best more often. It allows you to communicate more effectively and have greater control over your emotional state. In turn, you are able to feel, think and be happier every day. What are some techniques you use to feel happier? Tell us in the comments below.
3 Barriers to Staying Motivated – Anthony Carter
If you are motivated you can complete some monumental tasks. If you are not motivated it is hard to get up off the couch and walk to the mailbox. You can remain motivated on a consistent basis if you avoid certain pitfalls. Here are three barriers which can keep you from staying motivated:
1-Weak Reasons. If your reasons for doing a task are not substantial enough to warrant you taking action then you will not. When this is the case you will always find reasons not to do the work. In your mind you do not see the use wasting energy on a task which is not going to benefit you sufficiently.
Solution: Find reasons for taking action. If they do not appear on the surface to be sufficient then dig until you find solid reasons to act. Outside pressure is not always enough. But when we find our own reasons for doing the work then we get motivated enough to act. Always try to find your own reasons for doing what needs to be done. If those reasons are important enough to you then you will want to act.
2-Procrastination. Putting off what needs to be done lets us avoid responsibility. The problem lies in the fact that we are only able to temporarily avoid doing what needs to be done. And when it comes time to finally take action our motivation is usually still at a low level.
Solution: Do not wait. When you have to do something, do it. Do it whether you want to or not. Treat it like a plaster that you need to pull off. It is best to just do it and get it over with. Trying to wait until you are motivated is a waste of time. Motivate yourself to get it done immediately so that you can rest in the comfort of knowing that your responsibility has been taken care of.
3-Low Confidence. When you do not believe you can do something you stop yourself before you get started. Your motivation to take action is virtually non-existent because you are fearful of taking action. When you allow your low confidence to keep you from taking action you are actually cheating yourself out of an opportunity to experience growth. Your confidence will continue to suffer and if you always avoid doing tasks because you feel like you cannot do them.
Solution: Even though you feel the fear it is important that you do what needs to be done anyway. Each time you act in spite of fear you increase your confidence. You also lessen fear’s hold on you. You gain skills and abilities with each task that you take on. When you take action over and over again you tend to pay little attention to your fears. And because your confidence rises in the process you are easily motivated to take on more tasks.
Nancy is an international speaker, Executive Business Coach, Business Consultant, Psychotherapist and Counsellor, Director and Founder of Skilled Executives. Nancy is high energy and results-driven, with significant management and leadership experience in transforming business outcomes. Nancy brings over 15 years’ experience as Executive General Manager, Sales & Business Development Manager within Australia and International. She is adept in business planning, strategic planning & implementation, marketing and communications, new business development, client services development, commercial and administrative management. Nancy has extensive experience in international, multi-site businesses, with full responsibility of revenue growth and expansion. Nancy is practiced in mentoring, counselling, training and coaching, her latest project seeing an increase of 27% profit within 8 months of project appointment.
s a life and wellness coach. She specialises in goal setting, stress management and personal issues and is deeply passionate about helping others find what they have been searching for. Simona believes that we all need someone who will listen to the words that are both said and unsaid and provide the emotional and mental support needed to make the changes for a better and happier life.
It is never easy summarising who a person is, simply because a person cannot be described with just a few words. Life is not an easy journey nor is it a journey you need to take alone. There have been many times throughout my life where I have made a decision based on what others have told me I should do. There were times when I felt that I didn’t have a person I could vent to who could help me plan out my next move. These missteps are what led to me making the move to becoming a life coach. I believe that we should all have a person who will sit and listen to what we have to say and help us make the move that aligns with our own dreams. I want to be there for people who feel like there is no one there for them in their time of need. I use not only my professional qualifications but also my own experiences with life to lead a non-judgemental session for each client so that they have the opportunity to express their inner thoughts and desires. It is important to provide a safe environment for all and it is my own personal goal to make clients feel safe, heard and respected.