June 2021
Steve Rossé is a life and confidence coach for anyone, as well as a performance coach for musicians and others in the media/ fine arts industry.
He uses NLP as part of his coaching toolkit and specializes in anxiety/ phobia reduction, confidence-building strategies, belief changing, time-management and goal setting strategies, as well as team-building and relationship coaching on a 1:1 basis.
Now aged 56, I have been coaching my whole adult life in one way or the other.
I have lived and worked in the USA, Europe, and speak a half-dozen languages to at least half-fluency. I have also been a global professional musician and music mentor/ teacher for over 33 years, am a father of five. I have built small businesses around my music career and coaching, including a current online course.
I coach people on how to identify their true hidden core values, beliefs, & wants. I get my clients to prioritize, manage, and get through the overwhelming onslaught of life, as a student or professional, with all its expectations, challenges, and setbacks.
I coach a range of clientele, from students overwhelmed with finishing a course, to small business owners struggling to balance work/ career with family, and I also coach musicians and others in the fine arts.
As a musician myself, I have lived under the pressurized spotlights of international auditions and performing in the great concert halls of the world including Carnegie Hall with some of the world’s leading orchestras. I now help musicians, performers, and public speakers of all sorts build confidence, strategize career paths, and balance lives.
My own life journey has been marked by personal and professional challenges and setbacks, including a health & wellness crisis when I hit age 50. Now fit and over fifty, to add to my qualifications I am enrolled in the Australian Institute of Personal Trainers in a Certificate 4 Fitness course with a diploma in nutrition. I do incorporate health and wellness into my coaching as well for those who want this added bonus.
Qualifications | |
Life Coaching Certificate 4 – LCA NLP Coach Practitioner -LCA |
Coaching areas that I service: | |
Website | |
https://www.steverosse.com.au/ |
tubacoach@gmail.com |
Phone | |
(041) 613-5854 |
Location | |
NSW Australia |
Coaching in an Executive/Business/Corporate World
This could be you!
Video link
understanding of a situation or event only after it has happened or developed
Ahhh Hindsight! Reflecting back on a choice, event or decision after the fact.
Its amazing how many of us have big plans or dreams and we are certain they are the way forward, Thinking logically about our futures and the things we know deep down we should do.
I reflect back to last year when we were in lock down and all the things I decided I was going to finally do. I am not talking about cleaning out my wardrobe or tupperware draw (mind you they really could do with attention).
No, am talking about all the internal conversations I had with myself about not ever being in that situation again.
The situation of not being secure in my job, not have financial security, not being able to perform my daily function virtually without many expensive adjustments. I vowed then and there that I was going to look forward. Look into my skills and passions and find something I wanted to do. Something that not only financially fulfilled me but spiritually and emotionally so I could contribute positively to my world and those around me. I was so pumped and ready.
I felt like the lockdown had presented me with new opportunities and a clean slate almost.
Fast track to June 2021 and just entering a snap lockdown for 3 days (Not such a big deal right?). Will it only be 3 days, will it be the only lockdown still to come?
Well, needless to say I have just recalled all those conversations I had. All those certain ideas I had. The way forward. My fail safe for uncertain terms.
I never did follow through with any of them. Why? Thats the million dollar question really!
Did I let limiting beliefs stop me? Did I let fear stop me? Did I get consumed with returning to the new norm and forget about me? Did I make excuses about timing and money? I did think I was too old to take a leap if faith?
Truth be told….It was all of the above. Sadly today I look back and regret no taking those steps to set myself up for times like these. I could have been a qualified coach!! I could have a business running! I could coach remotely using Zoom/Skype/Microsoft teams or any other amazing digital platform available. Sadly I am back to the same conversations I had with myself 12 months ago.
In hindsight…I should have gone with my intuition and done it. I dont think lockdowns will end anytime soon firstly, and secondly we live in a world that allows us to communicate through so many platforms. Nobody needs to feel alone.
So I have decided regardless of global pandemics and such, I am going to embark on the journey of being a Life Coach.
I am going to create a side hussle for myself and I am going to tap into those empathetic skills I have and put them to good use. I am going to help empower people to overcome their own limiting beliefs and fears.
I am going to set myself up to be able to work from anywhere at anytime.
I am going to be a Life Coach!
This is a true story and needs to be read if you are interested in becoming a Life Coach.
I have been told I am a good listener and have the ability to ask questions that make people have “light bulb” moments, and offer a sense of non-judgmental support. So that been said, I starting thinking about how to use these compliments and what could I do with them?
Life Coaching kept coming up over and over again.
I liked the idea of it being a facilitative role and not finding myself in a position where I would need to give advice to someone.
I liked that I could empower people to see their own strengths and value plus watch them grow and achieve their goals however big or small they were.
I started looking online at how to start this journey and oh boy oh boy was it confusing!!! There were courses ranging from 6 weeks to 2 years and more importantly ranging from $300 to $20 000!!!! I could not make head or tail of why or what I was looking at.
So, I started calling around. This made matters worse as not only was I talking to a salesperson but they were also telling me completely different things from the last call to the next call. Lets say, I was close to giving up on the idea as it all seemed very confusing, complicated and daunting. Not to mention I was going to either study a course for 6 weeks and pay $300 or a course for 2 years and pay $20 000!!!
One of the people I had spoken to mentioned things like Nationally Recognised courses and others mentioned Internationally Accredited courses. When speaking to different training organisations I was been told things like: dont worry about National Recognition – its not important – the industry is unregulated anyway so you can be a coach without any of those things. YIKES!!!! Really???
Some training organisations were saying things like: Yes we are Internationally Accredited. Only to find out they had made up their own International Recognition and it was not connected to the governing body ICF. It went on and on, with conflicting information and complete confusion set in. I was done!!!
Thats when I got a follow up call from a lady to check that I had received an email she sent and I automatically had my guard up and said, thanks but no thanks!
I dont need another call to bamboozle me any further and convince me that nationally recognised training is not needed and that if an organisation has chosen not to obtain it then the savings are passed on to the student. Yes thats what I was told! I did not need another call to tell me there is no difference between the levels of accreditation from the ICF and throw around a dozen acronyms like CCE, ACTP, ACSTH, PCC, MCC and every other 3 letter version of something like that.
So back to the lady that call who unfortunately was on the receiving end of my frustration and very gently she responded with: I completely understand what you are saying, the waters are very murky and everyone is trying to sell you a program and tell you theirs is the best. How can you make a decision? I took a breathe and thought yes thats true so I let her continue on and this is what I learnt.
The Industry is unregulated so legally anyone can be a coach technically. However, without a Nationally Recognised Cert IV I would not be able to obtain Professional Indemnity Insurance which would protect me from a potential legal issue if it were to ever arise and further more it is governed by ASQA who are the Australian Skills and Quality Authority so it have approval.
So a Nationally Recognised course was a non-negotiable. Tick
She then went into detail around the ICF and what all those acronyms meant and provided me with the website addresses to look into it all myself.
I established I need to do a ICF ACTP accredited course as it was All Inclusive Training and gave me the hours I would need to get a globally recognised credential which I would be able to use to set myself apart from non-accredited practicing coaches out there.
So a ICF ACTP course was a non-negotiable. Tick Tick
Finally, I was understanding what I needed and why. Finally I was understanding that despite it being an unregulated industry, formal training was a non-negotiable to actually have the tools and skills to be effective as a coach which is how this all started.
Why am I sharing this with you? Good Reason I can assure you!
Do your due diligence and investigate your options thoroughly as nobody wants to spent time and money on a course that is not going to serve you long term. Nobody wants to be told once the industry is regulated that their qualifications are not valid and may need to go back and spend more time and more money to remain in the job they have or worse be told they need to seek other career opportunities.
The other important thing I have learnt is that a billion dollar ever growing industry like Life Coaching cannot and will not remain unregulated. It is unfathomable to think it will be left as is indefinitely.
The last thing that sealed the deal for me was when it was explained to me that all the different options out there like wellness coaching, relationship coaching, executive coaching, personal coaching, performance coaching, nlp coaching, business coaching etc are all niche areas that are added to a foundation of coaching and within a coaching context. By studying a Cert IV in Life Coaching I can coach in all those areas due to coaching being facilitative and not needing to be an expert in those fields, however, if I had an interest in one of the niche areas and added one to the foundation program I would be add supplemental tools and skills to my skillset which would enhance my ability as a coach and be able to redirect my questioning to suit the topic of the session.
YES!!!! I ended that call knowing what I needed and wanted and what sort of niche area I wanted to add to my coaching course. I knew it was going to be recognised by all governing bodies involved within and outside of Australia and I also know that I was going to embark on a program that was going to set me apart from the others and allow my to market and brand myself as an elite coach.
If you are investigating this Life Coaching mystical creature speak to these guys at The Life Coaching Academy. They dont need to sell their program to you, it sells itself. Their Professional Coach ICF course is a Cert IV in Life Coaching that is Nationally Recognised and Internationally Accredited with the ICF at the ACTP level. There are no extra hidden costs as it is All Inclusive Training,
These guys are transparent and give you all the websites you need to get the facts.
I can highly recommend them you can even ask them for their Checklist so you can go out there and compare apples with apples.
Written by me with gratitude to the LCA – Tara Jones ICF PCC credentialed Life Coach living the dream
Have you ever responded to someone’s inquiry of how you are or perhaps turned down a social engagement citing “I am busy” – me too until I learned to approach things differently.
“The greatest enemy of good thinking is busyness.” John Maxwell
Yes, the phrase ‘busyness’ or as researchers call the ‘busy mindset’ is commonly used today and it is interesting to understand what drives it. Social researchers have found that it has a significant correlation to self-importance. And no we are not all egomaniacs for saying or feeling we are busy, more that it has become ingrained in our lifestyle.
I challenge you to be self-observant today and take note of your day-to-day interactions and almost innate replies, just how many times your default is “I am busy”?

Professional Coach ICF Plus NLP
This will ensure the following:
- You gain the necessary knowledge and skills in the shortest possible time i.e. if you are able to commit 8 hours per week consistently you will be able to complete the program in 6-9 months comfortably
- You are able to start coaching clients once you have completed the initial practical components which is generally within 4 months
- You are able to obtain Professional Indemnity Insurance for your Coaching Practice which the Insurance industry in Australia will only give you if you have a Nationally Recognised Certificate IV in Life Coaching
- You are able to credential as an ICF Coach once you have logged 100 hours of coaching (75 paid hours and 25 pro bono hours) .
If you want to start a coaching practice, you can use your certificate to show that you have attended an NLP Practitioner/Coach Certification, as well as an NLP Master Practitioner/Coach Certification.
The practice of being a coach is an independent venture.
- Why Choose NLP as a Specialty Stream ?
I would like to add a Specialty Niche that gives me powerful communication skills to better assist my clients when overcoming limiting beliefs . https://www.lifecoachingacademy.edu.au/courses/nlp-coach-practitioner-certificate-lca/
Certificate IV in Life Coaching Plus the added NLP Coach Practitioner Certificate – Great course that offers students a formal qualification with practical coaching skills, including professional industry accreditation. This course has a strong emphasis on coaching and NLP for Coaches Please note: It is only the 10864NAT Certificate IV in Life Coaching that carries ICF Accreditation at the ACTP level.
A vocational education and training (VET) accredited course has been assessed by ASQA as compliant with the Standards for VET Accredited Courses 2021 and the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
Accreditation is formal confirmation that the course:
- is nationally recognised and meets quality assurance requirements
- meets an established industry, enterprise, educational, legislative or community need
- provides appropriate competency outcomes and a satisfactory basis for assessment
- is aligned appropriately to the AQF where it leads to a VET qualification.
Each VET accredited course receives a national code and appears on the national register, training.gov.au.
Individuals or organisations retain copyright on a VET accredited course. Training.gov.au publishes the contact details for all course owners under the details of the course.
The unit code, title and course completion mapping for each unit of competency are available online. More substantive course content is not publicly available.
It is an offence to imply that non-accredited training is accredited training. Training providers’ promotional material should clearly define which courses are accredited and which are not.
- Why become A Coach ?
I feel passionate about helping clients pursue their own solutions?
Many people research how to become a Life Coach or Business Coach because they’ve been told that they “give great advice.” However, coaches aren’t in the business of giving advice. Coaching is driven by the client.
As a coach, you will be responsible for: • Discovering, clarifying and aligning with what the client wants to achieve. • Encouraging client self-discovery. • Eliciting client-generated solutions and strategies. • Holding the client responsible and accountable.
- What does a Career in Coaching have to offer?
The financial rewards are excellent at around $100 per 60 mins coaching session. Coaches generally work around just 4 hours a day (at a time that suits them). Based on just 5 days a week, Coaches earn $8000 per month.
- Why is the International Coach Federation (ICF) so important ?
The International Coach Federation accredits programs that deliver coach training. Coach training that is approved by ICF has gone through a rigorous review process and demonstrated that its curriculum aligns with the ICF definition of coaching, Core Competencies and Code of Ethics. By choosing ICF-ACTP accredited coach training, you can be confident that you are getting the highest-quality training. Our Professional Coach ICF-ACTP Program provides you with direct entry in the PCC Credentialing Pathway.
ICF-ACTP Accredited Coaches are sought after highly paid professionals.
NB ! The industry is being regulated in Australia : Ensure your Training Provider is an RTO and the
- program is Nationally Recognized as well as ICF-ACTP Accredited
LCA Introduction and ICF Accreditation, credentialing and outcomes
An Introduction to The Life Coaching Academy LCA.
Plus we talk about ICF Accreditation,
ICF Credentialing processes and,
ICF Outcomes.
June 2021
Habits for Wellbeing is a boutique company that is committed to support professionals and athletes to reclaim their power and embody their worthiness through coaching and education so they can live in alignment with their true selves and make their contribution to the world – “(Un)Learning, so You Can Reconnect and Engage With Your Wisdom and BE Whole-Heartedly YOU… One Habit at a Time.”
What does this mean?
– We believe it is important to develop self-knowledge, just like Aristotle said – “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”
– We believe it is important to take care of yourself first, so then you can help others (i.e. you cannot give from an empty well),
– We believe we are here to live in love not fear and the way we get there is to follow our own hearts and release what is blocking us by taking one step at a time (one habit at a time) – moment by moment…
– We believe if we all found the courage to be our true selves, follow our dreams, shine our light and share our unique talents and gifts, the world would be different.
Habits for Wellbeing offers:
* Mind-Body Connection Coaching, Mentoring Sessions and Retreats;
* Wellness Days and Retreats;
* Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Courses;
* High quality and specifically tailored programs for groups and organisations; and
* Speaking and facilitation of groups.
Spotlight on Jane Taylor founder of Habits for Wellbeing
Which one is your favourite?
“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”
“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.”
“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.”
“The path to success is to take massive, determined action.”
“We can change our lives. We can do, have, and be exactly what we wish.”
“Whatever happens, take responsibility.”
“There’s always a way — if you’re committed.”
“For changes to be of any true value, they’ve got to be lasting and consistent.”
“Passion is the genesis of genius.”
“You always succeed in producing a result.”
Do you know who wrote these quotes?
Video will reveal who!
Amanda Rosewarne, CEO & Co-Founder of the Professional Development Consortium – home to the CPD Standards Certified Coach, and Coach of Excellence certifications – gives her 5 top tips on how to stand out as a coach and get your coaching message out there.
1. Find Your Sweet Spot
The most overused word in business when it comes to marketing is ‘niche’. You will always hear in conversation ‘identify your niche’ or ‘niche this’… Blah blah blah.
In today’s world, with a global pandemic raging, you simply need to find your sweet spot and work with clients you find interesting and enjoy working with. Sometimes you might be clear on your preferred area e.g. coaching in education, or coaching within addiction.
However, sometimes it’s easier to just take some time out and decide WHO you like working with…. Maybe it’s SME’s, maybe it’s individuals based in France, maybe it’s executives in large global corporations, or even entrepreneurs in big tech. The bottom line is that it doesn’t matter who, you just need to ‘nail’ who you want to serve as a coach.
Once you know who you like to work with, you can capture business in that field.
2. Be a Phenomenal Professional
This tip is straightforward: Do your own CPD and follows our four pillars of CPD for Coaches in the diagram below.
To get the best from your CPD, develop an ‘Investment’ Mindset.
3. Become Relentlessly Reliable
Many people ask me… ‘why should I become accredited?’, and it’s a great question.
Where coaching is concerned, my answer is simple – ‘because it is an unregulated industry’.
In a pandemic world, with everyone buying, selling and doing business online – accreditation & third-party verification has never been more important.
Unfortunately, the coaching industry is awash with individuals offering ‘coaching programmes’ that promise wildly ambitious and alleged results, some even without recognition or accreditation.
Many unscrupulous people attempt to self-promote their expensive, nonsense ‘coaching programmes’ via social media channels to unsuspecting individuals. It is SO important to publicly demonstrate that you are authentic and deliver true value as a coach.
An accreditation proudly earnt….
ICF ACTP is what you need to be looking at. It is also a ‘digital trustmark’, which once earned can be highly visible across all your online channels.
In the age of ‘fake news’, the notion of trust has become a cornerstone of business services.
Hence, in 2021 TRUST has never been a more important word. Throughout all of your marketing, business positioning and communications, it is critical that you display digital proof that you, and your coaching practice, have been formally recognised and provide the governing body websites.
4. Engage Support Stakeholders
Every professional coach regardless of their field or specialism should have a focused supervisor, coaching peer group. The rule is simple, you cannot coach others, without receiving a form of coaching from another person.
Why? Well, coaching touches the most ‘human parts’ of any coaching relationship, and you need to ensure you remain centred, engaged and ethical. It is impossible to do this without a third party (be that an individual or a group) who can hold a mirror up to your practices and keep you accountable.
5. Be Curious*
In a changing Covid world, many things are moving and developing every day.
Whether you like him or not, Warren Buffett Spends 80% of his day reading.
Spend the time that would have been commuting, or working, pre pandemic to explore new areas that relate to your work or hobbies.
Dedicating some time for ‘coach curiousness’ great for not only you, but your coaching business also.
This could range from buying a different newspaper or signing up to a different online newsfeed, binge-watching documentaries on Netflix, or something bigger, such as developing yourself personally or professionally, and finding your inner creativity or learning a new skill.
Source information on what is most important to you and invest your time and money into making yourself the best version of yourself. These could focus on your health, wealth, career or family.
Of course, this links back to your CPD, however being curious is about the bigger picture and understanding the conversations that are happening locally and globally.
You may, or may not, agree with these tips, and that’s ok. However, over the past decade, the CPD Research Project has consistently found scientific evidence that third party verification of professional coaches, and the result awarding of accreditation, create dedicated trust in the business realm.
Undertaking any, or all, of these tips sends a powerful message to yourself and the world around you. So take that leap of faith, and reap the rewards from being Reliable, Phenomenal and Curious. Engage with your Sweet Spot and Stakeholders…. It’s amazing what you can achieve if you put your mind to it.
* ‘Curiouser and curiouser!’ cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English);` now I’m opening out like the largest telescope that ever was! Good-bye, feet!’ (for when she looked down at her feet, they seemed to be almost out of sight, they were getting so far off). Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll, 1865.
Something about Gayle!
Back when I first started my own business, there was a lot to do and I was constantly in a state of busyness trying to power through my daily to do lists and address the seemingly never-ending demands of work and life.
A dear friend once said to me they didn’t want to take up my time. Now I had to understand why as that is not the outcome you want from friends. It is totally the opposite, is it not? It was at that moment a realization of how often the word busy was used – Ouch!
I had to change my approach and I decided it was time to change my language when I responded to my day-to-day interactions with clients, friends and loved ones as a starting point.
Notice the feeling it generates when you change your wording – as words have a charge.
Do these words shifts your focus as it moves away from a scarcity mindset around your time?