What is Mindset Coaching?
What is Mindset Coaching? I hear this phrase alot?
#1 What Is Mindset Coaching?
Mindset coaching is a talking therapy, which focuses on our existing beliefs and patterns of thinking.
#2 What Does A Mindset Coach Do?
It is not easy to recognise a negative mindset, let alone change it. That’s why so many people want to seek help from a mindset coach.
A mindset coach will communicate with you in a way which reveals the existing beliefs in your mind.
They will work to identify mental blocks and other unhelpful thought patterns, then help you to see the world in a new way.
By optimising the way you see yourself and the world around you, a mindset coach can lead you to optimise your attitude, behaviour and daily habits.
What Is Mindset Training? aka NLP training?
Rewiring your inner beliefs is not always a quick and easy process.
Often, it requires consistent focused work.
Mindset training is a phrase used to describe the exercises prescribed by a mindset coach in order to get your mind where you want it to be.
This training will differ depending on the coach and the client.
#3 Benefits Of Mindset Coaching
Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your actions. Your actions control your success and happiness.
After all, our lives are defined not by what happens to us, but by how we respond to it.
When you understand this to be true, you understand how your mindset is everything.
A positive mindset will help you to make positive decisions in your life.
Perhaps, instead of making decisions based on fear, insecurity and scarcity, you will begin to do so based on love, optimism and abundance.
Instead of assuming the worst of yourself, you may learn to act with confidence.
Instead of assuming the worst of others, you may learn to trust and open up to them.
These are just three examples of how mindset coaching can change your perspective and your actions.
This fresh mindset can lead to new actions that bring more happiness and fulfilment in various areas of life. We’ll explore some more specific examples below.
#4 Examples Of Mindset Struggles
Let’s look at some more specific examples of how a poor mindset can make life more difficult for us.
#1 Fear of growth
Sarah is an extremely risk-averse entrepreneur. Whenever an opportunity presents itself or new people want to work with her, she can’t help but dwell on what could go wrong. As such, she takes few steps to move forward with her business.
She’s intelligent enough to understand this is hurting her and would like to shake the fear of growing her company, but just can’t seem to do it.
A mindset coach would be able to analyse why Sarah feels like this, then help to change the way she views business deals.
#2 Unlucky in love
Richard believes he’s not good enough to meet a great partner.
As such, he doesn’t take the initiative to approach or flirt with women he’s attracted to. When they flirt with him, he assumes they’re just being friendly or maybe even that it’s a joke.
This mindset almost guarantees he won’t experience a fulfilling love life. Even if he does get into a relationship, he’ll approach it with the frame that he’s not good enough, which is only likely to cause problems.
This mindset of not being enough is a self-fulfilling prophecy. It affects your body language, your charisma, your decisions around potential romantic partners.
However, the belief you are attractive is also a self-fulfilling prophecy.
When you carry yourself with confidence and make bold moves around love interests, this can do a lot to attract them to you. Indeed, confidence is one of the most attractive personality traits.
A mindset coach can change your self-image and help you create a new more attractive version of yourself.
#3 Choking on the big stage
Rebecca is an extremely talented tennis player. However, her goals of turning professional are being scuppered because she fails to perform at the big tournaments.
Meanwhile, despite being extremely intelligent, she tends to panic when taking exams or having to make assessed presentations.
This isn’t a problem that can necessarily be tackled by a tutor or a tennis coach. Mindset coaching will help to discover what is causing this performance anxiety and give her the tools to tackle it.
#5 Mindset Coaching Is A Part Of All Coaching
Mindset coaching is similar to other types of talking therapy.
The major difference is that a mindset coach will want to focus almost exclusively on their clients’ inner thought patterns.
If you’re struggling with mental blocks, negative beliefs, destructive thought patterns or a lack of self-belief, you may want to get help from a mindset coach over any other type of therapy.
#6 Life Coach Vs Mindset Coach
The key difference is the process used to improve people’s lives.
A life coach will help you make better decisions, understand your emotions, discover your purpose and reach your goals more effectively.
However, most of their coaching will remain on the surface level. It will also focus on what you can do in the future.
In contrast, a mindset coach will dive deep into your psyche because they want you to understand your mind and know why you make the decisions you do.
They will then take steps to alter these thought patterns and create lasting change in your behaviour and habits.
#7 Mindset Coaching Techniques
A mindset coach may be skilled in various neuroscience-based and therapeutic techniques. Here are some common techniques.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
This is a form of communication designed to reveal how a person truly feels and what they really want. Many of the hints are given from non-verbal cues, as well as verbally.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
A common talking therapy process used to help clients identify and reshape their thought patterns.
#8 Different Types Of Mindset Coaching
There are many mindset coaches who choose to niche themselves and target specific types of clients.
By focusing on a specific demographic rather than generalising, they are able to understand and serve this type of person better.
Here are some popular niches of mindset coaching.
Mindset Business Coach
This type of coach may focus on healthy mindsets around leadership, mentoring, corporate relations or communicating in the business environment.
Entrepreneur Mindset Coaching
If you’re an entrepreneur, you may want to work with a mindset coach who specialises in the struggles that business owners tend to go through.
Performance Mindset Coaching
If you’re someone who struggles to perform on the big stage or deliver their best on a consistent basis, this type of coach could be the one for you.
Success Mindset Coaching
A success mindset coach may specialise in dealing with self-sabotage, limiting beliefs or setting and reaching ambitious goals.
Positive Mindset Coaching
If you’re an internal pessimist who constantly makes fear-based decisions, this is likely to affect you in all areas of life. In such a situation, positive mindset coaching could be just the cure.
#9 Mindset Coaching For Whom It Works
Although a mindset coach may strive to help any client, there are definitely types of people who will see better results from this form of therapy.
The ideal client would be:
- open-minded;
- willing to change and accept other perspectives;
- ready to accept responsibility for their own happiness;
- someone who believes they have the potential to reach their goals.
#10 The Best Mindset Coaches
Although the term ‘mindset coach’ might be new to you, it may well be that you know of some of the world’s most famous and successful coaches.
If you were to study the work of these individuals, you’d have a clearer idea of what mindset coaching is.
- Tony Robbins. Tony is widely regarded as the most popular motivational speaker in the world. He’s perhaps most well-known for transforming his clients’ mindsets and giving them a fresh perspective on life.
- Marisa Peer. Marisa is well known for her Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) approach. She uses hypnosis to create lasting change to her clients’ mindsets.
- Dr Wayne Dyer. The late Wayne Dyer wrote more than 40 books on personal development, including 21 New York Times Best Sellers. In his later years, he focused almost exclusively on helping people see and improve their self-concept.
- Werner Erhard. Werner is perhaps best known for founding Erhard Seminars Training (est). The purpose of these events was to transform the way people see and make sense of life.
11 How To Become A Mindset Coach
Life coaching is a self-regulated industry. If you want to create a website and start charging people for coaching, there’s nothing stopping you.
However, any client who has done the tiniest amount of research will know they need to work with a certified coach.
With a mindset coaching certification, a coach can prove they have the knowledge to give their clients a satisfying experience.
From there, they should able to set up a website and attract a steady flow of clients, provided their marketing is on point.
#12 Best Certificate Programs To Become A Coach
Certification programs accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF) are widely accepted to be the most prestigious. If you’re looking to become a coach, it’s highly recommended you get a certification from an ICF-accredited training course.
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