Thinking About Performance?
NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) helps communicators to work
well with others and to develop themselves. To use NLP to recognize the small changes that produce significantly better results.
The critical factor for maximizing professional performance is improving how you manage yourself and your working relationships with others.
Recognize that this is something you can learn and that NLP shows you how to develop the necessary skills.
Technical skills and IQ account for about 15 per cent of top-level performance, whereas 85 per cent of professional success is due to
emotional intelligence.
There are two factors of emotional intelligence that determine your performance
as a communicator. The first is your ability to handle situations in an effective manner. Top performers use their emotions as a guide to
improving what they do.
The second is your ability to be sensitive to others and knowing how to make a difference to the performance
of others.
Understand that
intelligence can
transform your
performance and
The field of NLP is a “tool kit” of skills used by communicators to emotional intelligence skills and improve performance.
NLP skills focus on the way you think about what you are doing that already works, what you are doing that does not work, and what you
need to do differently.
Change what you think, feel, and believe, andyou will dramatically alter the results you get. With repeat practice,
these skills become automatic and lead to a continuous improvement in performance.
Many people think that emotional intelligence is a natural skill that you either do or do not have.
It is, in fact, a set of skills that you can learn. Use NLP techniques to help you identify and focus on areas of
your performance that you need to improve. Then, explore what to do differently, so that you can begin to improve the results you achieve.
This is the first step in developing your emotional intelligence.
Through using the NLP skill of mental rehearsal, you could improve your performance considerably.
Questions to ask yourself.
Q. What areas of my performance and I satisfied with?
Q. What aspects of my performance do I
want to improve?
Q. Do I know what I need to do to improve
my skills?
Q. What is the first action step I need to
take to improve my results?
NLP skills are also used for problem solving. NLP looks at the content of issues or communications, while also looking at their
structures or processes.
For instance, it is not what someone says, but how they say it that tells you how to respond. The words spoken
are the “content” of a conversation, whereas the “process” of communication is far broader.
It includes all of the non-verbal messages. For instance, “That’s great!” can mean opposite things
depending on the context and how it is said. Learn to be flexible in your approach and assumptions.
Top-level performance requires high levels of confidence, especially in demanding circumstances.
Take responsibility for how you feel and, when you need to boost your morale, use NLP techniques to develop the
skill of maintaining confidence.
In any specific task, your abilities are related to confidence and competence. Your level of competence is often not a
problem, but people lose confidence when things go wrong and then competence can fall.
Your reaction may be to blame yourself or others. Realize that blaming others lowers their confidence and also
damages your relationship with them.
Instead, think what you could more usefully say.
Then, notice how the| confidence level of yourself and others improves. Realize that you can easily learn to build your self-confidence.
Avoid blaming yourself for problems, since this lowers your self-confidence.
Thinking about potential problems is only useful if you imagine how best to deal with them.
The difference between a confident and a non-confident person is their ability to imagine performing tasks well.
The better you are at imagining your own successes, the better your self-image and the
higher your level of self-confidence.
Keep imagining your own successes until they feel “true”.