What is an accredited course?
A vocational education and training (VET) accredited course has been assessed by ASQA as compliant with the Standards for VET Accredited Courses 2021 and the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
Accreditation is formal confirmation that the course:
- is nationally recognised and meets quality assurance requirements
- meets an established industry, enterprise, educational, legislative or community need
- provides appropriate competency outcomes and a satisfactory basis for assessment
- is aligned appropriately to the AQF where it leads to a VET qualification.
Each VET accredited course receives a national code and appears on the national register, training.gov.au.
Individuals or organisations retain copyright on a VET accredited course. Training.gov.au publishes the contact details for all course owners under the details of the course.
The unit code, title and course completion mapping for each unit of competency are available online. More substantive course content is not publicly available.